True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 37: the morning after:

I regained consciousness after being unconscious for several hours, awakening to the sight of the morning sun.

Me: What…?

I still felt overwhelmingly fatigued and weak from the ordeal, finding it incredibly challenging to even move my body.

However, what mattered was the fact that I was still alive. I had managed to survive; I had not succumbed to death’s clutches.

Me (thoughts): Damn it… I must find a way to escape from here. I need to return to Rythmeus’s palace.

With tremendous effort, I attempted to rise, though every movement was a struggle. My body felt heavy and unresponsive, but my determination to live outweighed any physical hindrance.

I summoned every ounce of strength remaining within me to stand, refusing to accept my fate of perishing in this desolate place.

My willpower was far greater than the circumstances I faced.

Summoning every ounce of determination, I managed to muster the strength to rise to my feet.

Despite my exhaustion and the physical strain, I embarked on the arduous journey toward Rythmeus’s palace, aware that it lay a considerable distance away.

Each step was an exertion of willpower, pushing through the weariness that threatened to overwhelm me. I trudged forward, driven by the fervent desire to reach the safety and solace of the palace.

The path ahead was challenging, with obstacles and uncertainties along the way. Yet, fueled by a relentless resolve, I pressed on, determined to overcome any hindrances that crossed my path.

Though the road was long and my body weary, the thought of returning to the sanctuary of Rythmeus’s palace propelled me forward. With unwavering determination, I journeyed onward, steadfast in my will to survive and find refuge in familiar surroundings.


As I walked through the bustling streets, observing the sights of people, shops, and various establishments, my mind was preoccupied by an unsettling occurrence from the previous night.

A sense of unease, something inexplicable yet deeply disturbing, had enveloped me. I couldn’t quite put it into words, but it had left me with an ominous feeling.

Before I departed, I had informed Derek that I would be going somewhere, though I had not disclosed the specific location. I had simply mentioned my intention to find a moment of relaxation. But now, I couldn’t shake the nagging worry that something might have transpired in my absence. I needed to find out if Derek was safe.

With a determined resolve, I made my way toward Rythmeus’s palace. Minutes passed, and soon enough, I stood before the grand entrance of the palace. Opening the doors, I stepped inside, ensuring to close them securely behind me.

Me (thoughts): Hm… I wonder if Derek is here…

Continuing my stride through the palace, making my way toward the door leading to Derek’s room, I unexpectedly heard Rythmeus’s voice emanating from within: Rythmeus: Stay here, Derek! You need to rest!

The sound of Rythmeus’s voice only deepened my confusion and concern. What had happened to Derek in my absence?

My hand reached out to the door, and as I opened it, my shock was profound.

There lay Derek on the bed, struggling to catch his breath. His face bore an expression of extreme fatigue, and he was visibly drenched in blood. Beside him sat Rythmeus, positioned on the floor, seemingly providing solace and support.

Derek noticed my presence, and a glimmer of relief mingled with the fear and horror in his eyes.

Derek: Thank goodness… you’re here!

Rythmeus gazed at me with equal intensity.

Rythmeus: I am pleased that you have graced us with your presence… your presence was much-needed.

I hastened towards Derek’s bedside, drawing closer to him.

Me: What in the world transpired? Derek! Are you alright?

Derek: No! I am far from well! I was viciously struck unconscious in the barren desert by an unknown entity!

Me: What? Pray tell, what do you speak of?

Derek: The assailant responsible for my affliction was none other than “Death” himself!

My astonishment knew no bounds upon hearing those words. “Death”? A being referred to as

“Death” had mercilessly attacked Derek without provocation? I yearned for further elucidation.

Me: “Death”? What on earth do you mean? Please, elaborate!

Derek: I found myself in close proximity to that establishment we once frequented… and it was there that I encountered a figure from my past. Suddenly, this enigmatic being materialized out of thin air!


Derek: I speak the truth! This enigma manifested out of the ether! “He” descended from the heavens and landed upon the sandy terrain, standing defiantly before us…

“He” was colossal, towering over 5 meters in height, possessing an immensely robust physique.

Additionally, “he” donned a somber, hooded cloak.

Not only that… The sheer presence of “Death” alone instilled a profound sense of fear and anguish in both me and my companion, even though we stood several meters away from “him.”

Me: What occurred thereafter?

Derek: “He” mercilessly slaughtered my friend… with effortless ease. I witnessed the horrific sight of my friend’s head violently exploding, and I found myself drenched in his blood. It was an utterly horrifying experience.

Me: What actions did you take in response?

Derek: I desperately tried to flee… but it was futile. “He” obliterated everything in his path to reach me. When “he” approached me closely,

“He” proceeded to interrogate me with a series of questions.

Me: What inquiries did “he” pose?

Derek: “He” inquired about you! “He” wanted to know if I possessed any knowledge about your whereabouts. Furthermore, “he” questioned whether I was aware of any details concerning you.

Me: What? Why would “he” inquire about that? Was “he” sent by someone?

Derek: I have no bloody clue! After posing those inquiries, “he” spared my life but still rendered me unconscious. Upon awakening several hours later, I mustered every ounce of strength to return here.

After hearing that, I was pissed off, some being sent “death” “himself” to perhaps catch me or something like that…

Maybe it was someone from the foundation, but what pissed me off even more is that the being who was trying to hunt me down,

Hurt my friend, I didn’t want to lose another friend, I didn’t want to lose derek…

And that’s made me upset, I was so pissed off… I wanted to find that fucker, and beat “him”

Me: you two… stay here.

Derek: liran?... what are you going to do?

Me: im going to do couple things, ill see yall later.

I then exit the room, closing the door after… and couple moments later, I then started walking towards the exit of the palace.

Im going to find that “death” and deal with “him” myself.

Couple minutes have passed, im now outside of the castle.

Me(mind): hm… perhaps I could find “him” at the desert… ill deal with “him” myself.

I then started walking towards the desert.




Chapter 38: facing “death”:

As I made my way towards the desert, it became clear that it could be the only place where I might encounter “him.” Perhaps, if I could somehow call out to “him,” I could potentially summon “him” in some way.

I decided to determine my course of action upon reaching the desert.

After a few minutes, I found myself in the heart of the desert, surrounded by emptiness and solitude.

Me (in my mind): Hm… I have stumbled upon an isolated spot. Now, I can attempt to call upon


The challenge was how to summon “him.” Perhaps “he” was aware that “he” couldn’t sense my presence. However, if I were to utter my name and grant “him” temporary access to “his”

powers, “he” might be able to locate me.

A few moments later, I shouted out:

Me: Death!... Come forth! I am “Liran”! I am the individual you have been pursuing!

Upon uttering those words, I suddenly sensed an inexplicable presence emerging from the depths of nowhere. Was it the presence of Death?

Curiously, I found myself devoid of fear. Instead, an overwhelming sense of tranquility enveloped me. I managed to comprehend and embrace this presence.

Soon after, a being materialized before me, matching the exact description provided by Derek. It was a colossal humanoid figure, towering over 6 meters tall, exuding an immensely muscular physique. The being wore the same dark, hooded cloak as previously described.

And there “he” stood, a mere few meters away from me. I found myself face-to-face with Death.


As I searched for Liran, I heard a voice calling out to me:

“Death!... Come forth! I am ‘Liran’! I am the being you have been searching for!”

Upon hearing those words, I felt an immediate connection, as if I could instantly locate him. I teleported myself in front of him, prepared to bring him to my “master.”

And so, I found myself standing in the middle of the desert, where I finally saw him.

Liran appeared human, but I couldn’t discern his face, nor sense his presence. It was as if he allowed me to perceive him and utilize my powers for a fleeting moment, only to nullify them immediately after.

Encountering such a being was profoundly intriguing to me. His entire existence captivated my attention and sparked my curiosity.


There stood Death himself, yet I felt no fear or intimidation in his presence. I remained unshaken.

Fixing my gaze upon him, I spoke:

Me: You must be Death… Am I correct?

Death: Indeed, and you are the Liran of whom my “master” has spoken.

Me: You’re right… I am Liran. Now, tell me, what is it that you desire?

Death: My “master” wishes to bring you to “his” palace. “He” finds you intriguing and captivating.

Me: So, that’s what “he” wants? To take me to “his” domain? Is this some kind of twisted joke?

Death: Do not question the reasons of my “master.” “His” intentions surpass your understanding.

Despite Death’s cryptic response, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of curiosity and suspicion regarding the motives of his enigmatic “master.”

Me: I couldn’t care less about “his” reasons. Besides that, I have something to say or perhaps inquire.

Death: ?

In that moment, an idea sparked in my mind. Perhaps Death could provide some information about the entity responsible for Brock’s death. It seemed like a worthwhile pursuit.

Me: Have you ever come across a young individual named “Brock”? He was slain by a god.

Death: Brock? While I am aware that certain humans have met their demise at the hands of gods, I have no knowledge of this particular individual.

Confusion washed over me upon hearing Death’s response. How could Death himself be unaware of beings who had perished and those who were murdered? It simply made no sense!

Me: What? You’ve never heard of Brock? He was a human child, killed by a god. How is it possible that you don’t know about this?

Death: Hm… Curious. I possess knowledge of every being’s death, both past and future. Yet, I have no recollection of the “Brock” you speak of.

I found myself in a state of deep bewilderment and shock. How could Death, the very embodiment of mortality, have no information about Brock? It defied all logic and understanding.

But then, a realization struck me. I recalled what Rythmeus had mentioned before – that the being responsible for Brock’s death was beyond his powers. If this entity was also beyond Death’s powers, it would explain Death’s lack of knowledge. I was surprised and shocked by this revelation, but it wasn’t my immediate concern.

What mattered now was confronting Death about his actions towards Derek.

Me: How intriguing… Nevertheless, I still have matters to discuss.

Death: ?

Me: Have you come across a human named Derek? It’s possible that you already know of him.

Death: Indeed, I encountered Derek last night and inquired about you.

Me: Yes, you questioned him about me and then proceeded to knock him out, nearly causing his demise. That wasn’t a kind act.

Death: Be grateful that I spared his life. I could have easily obliterated him, ending his existence and separating him from you. But I chose not to.

I allowed your Derek to live. You should show gratitude for that.

Me: Yes, I am thankful for sparing his life. However, I also have a request for you.

Death: What is it?

Me: I want you to give me $10,000 as a gesture of apology.

Upon hearing my request, Death burst into laughter.

Death: You seek money as an apology for the harm inflicted upon your precious Derek? What a jest…

You know what, let us strike a deal. I will provide you with the money and take you to my

“master.” What are your thoughts on that?

Me: No, I cannot trust you or your “master.” You should have approached me directly instead of targeting my friend and causing him harm.

I owe you nothing.

Death: Heh… In that case, you can wait forever for your money because I have no intention of giving it to you. But it matters not, for you will still come with me.

The commands of my “master” are to be obeyed.

Me: I refuse. If you wish to bring me to your “master,” you will have to do so by force.

Death: Are you certain?

You will not survive.

With those words, Death conjured a massive scythe. After a moment, he firmly grasped it, preparing for a confrontation.

Me: Bring it on.

And so, the stage was set for a potentially deadly encounter.


