True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds by liran G - HTML preview

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Chapter 41: to the black king:

Now, with our new plan in motion, it was clear that only Derek and I would confront the black king, without Rythmeus by our side. However, we still needed a means of reaching the palace.

Me: Rythmeus, is there perchance a method by which we can gain access to the black king’s palace?

Rythmeus: Well… I cannot directly transport thee and Derek to the palace itself, but I can transport you both to the lands of chaos. However, I must caution thee…

“The lands of chaos” are exceedingly treacherous, capable of dismantling the very essence of your beings. Art thou truly resolved?

Me: I am resolute… Fear not, we shall exercise utmost caution. Transport us to the lands of chaos, Rythmeus.

Rythmeus: Very well… As thou dost wish. Yet, prepare yourselves first, Derek… Step away from the bed.

Derek: Alright.

Derek complied, rising from the bed and approaching my side, now standing beside me.

Rythmeus: There is another method of transporting thee to the lands of chaos… I can extract your concepts while thou dost slumber, guiding them to ascend until ye both reach the lands…

However, there seemed to be no need for such a method. Given Liran’s exceptional powers, it appeared that both of you could navigate the lands of chaos without resorting to what I suggested. Thus, there was no need to extract you and derek’s concepts.

Are you two ready?

Derek and I: Indeed, we are ready.

Rythmeus: Very well…

Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers, conjuring a colossal and resplendent portal before us. Its vibrant colors and majestic appearance captured our attention.

Rythmeus: There you go… Exercise utmost caution.

Derek and I slowly approached the portal, our anticipation building. After a few moments of deliberate steps, we finally crossed the threshold.

Upon entering the portal, we were instantly transported to a peculiar realm—a realm that defied the laws of the universes. It was an unchanging domain where concepts could shatter and vanish. Yet, to our astonishment, as we ventured into this realm, we remained unaffected.

We were unscathed.


As I stepped into the portal alongside Liran, an indescribable sensation washed over me. The experience of entering this realm, known as “the lands of chaos,” was beyond my comprehension. It felt as if I were on the brink of being consumed and reduced to mere insignificance, swallowed by the unfathomable nature of this strange domain.

Yet, contrary to my expectations, nothing untoward occurred. I felt an inexplicable sense of protection enveloping me, emanating not from Rythmeus or the environment itself, but from Liran. His presence seemed to shield me from the inherent chaos that surrounded us, providing a reassuring presence amidst the bewildering realm.


As we found ourselves standing in that extraordinary realm, our feet planted upon a grassy field, we witnessed a perplexing sight. The very nature of the field seemed to defy conventional understanding, as it continuously morphed and transformed into various forms, while paradoxically remaining unchanged. The concepts of space and time appeared irrelevant in this realm, defying our understanding of what is deemed “normal.”

Reflecting upon this experience, I contemplated the notion of normalcy for human beings. What truly defines normal? Is it the adherence to societal expectations and conventions, or is it a subjective construct based on individual perspectives? Perhaps, in the face of such surreal encounters, the concept of normalcy becomes blurred, and we are compelled to question our preconceived notions of what is considered “normal” in the vast expanse of existence.

It evoked In me a semblance of the uncanny valley, wherein individuals perceive something that lacks a quintessentially ‘human’ quality, thereby instilling fear and prompting assertions of abnormality.

The location at which Derek and I were positioned summoned recollections of said ‘uncanny valley’ phenomenon. However, I pondered the possibility of our acclimation to that which deviates from our customary notion of ‘normal.’

Consequently, such was the case with this particular locale.

Despite its inclination to surpass the boundaries of our human comprehension, I managed to apprehend and comprehend this place. As I stood upon the verdant expanse, I experienced a prevailing sense of tranquility, devoid of any discernible emotions, to be candid.

Me: Ah, I find this place remarkably fascinating. What are your thoughts, Derek?

Derek: Indeed, I concur with your assessment. It appears as though I am enveloped by your extraordinary abilities, akin to a shield of sorts. Nevertheless, I find it perplexing to articulate my true sentiments towards this place.

It exudes a peculiar amalgamation of tranquility and trepidation, leaving me at a loss for words.

I reckon that I simply need to acquaint myself with this environment, albeit in some mysterious manner. Yes, that seems to be the logical course of action.

Me: I understand your perspective. Let us venture further into this realm, exploring its depths in search of any inhabitants that may dwell here.

Derek: Agreed.

We embarked upon a leisurely stroll across the expansive grass field, which proved to be an enthralling endeavor, speaking honestly.

Derek: Hmm, this grass field stretches out boundlessly, seemingly without end.

Me: Yes, Rythmeus shared some insights about this place. “He” divulged that the Lands of Chaos serve as a gateway for the denizens of chaos to descend into the physical universe, with the intention of ensnaring mortal beings within its clutches.

This would explain the enigmatic occurrences we encounter such as dreams, nightmares, and even lucid dreams, among other phenomena.

Derek: Indeed?... That is fascinating! Do you partake in the realm of dreams?

Me: I shall be candid… As of late, I have not been privy to the experience of dreams. However, in the past, when the desire struck me, I could simply slumber, transcend into this ethereal plane, and engage in various activities before awakening and returning to my corporeal vessel.

It is an intriguing and captivating phenomenon, if I may speak honestly.

Derek: I comprehend… Well, let us persist in our journey, for there is a possibility of uncovering something of significance in this pursuit.

After a few minutes of traversing, Derek halted his stride momentarily.

Me: Derek?... What seems to be troubling you?

Derek: This monotony is rather tedious… This expansive meadow seems to stretch indefinitely.

Is there not a conceivable manner in which we could gain entry into the palace of the enigmatic Black King?

Me: Hm, there might exist a pathway… Let us explore our options.

Subsequent to uttering those words, a deity materialized in proximity to Derek.

Derek: ?!

The deity in question possessed immense stature and alluring curves, standing approximately 15 feet tall.

Derek: Good heavens…

The goddess then humbly inclined herself before Derek.

Derek: ?

The goddess: Greetings, I have arrived to escort both of you to the esteemed palace of the Black King. Are you prepared for this undertaking?

Derek: Liran? What is unfolding before us?

Me: It appears that, if I so desired, I might be able to ascend in some manner and eventually reach the palace of the enigmatic Black King.

Derek: Remarkable…

You know what? I have conceived a superior notion…

Me: Pray tell, what is it?

Derek: Could we perchance linger in this locale for a while before venturing to “his” abode?

We find ourselves accompanied by a charming goddess; we might as well relish the splendor of this place for a brief interlude… What are your thoughts?

Me: Heh, well… Since we are already here, we can savor the ambiance for a while. You insatiable rogue, haha.

Derek then approached the goddess.

Derek: So… Might you bestow upon me pleasures that transcend my comprehension? What say you?

The goddess: Very well, as you wish.

The goddess then pounced upon Derek, bringing him down to the ground.

Me: This promises to be an extraordinary encounter…




Chapter 42: good times in a special place:

I observed as the goddess forcefully brought Derek to the ground, overpowering him effortlessly. She proceeded to bestow fervent kisses and gentle caresses upon his physique.

Derek: ?!?!


I found myself at a loss for an immediate response when the goddess displayed such directness towards me. Her actions left me in a state of shock, yet there was an undeniable sensation of pleasure that accompanied the astonishment.

Experiencing the attentions of a voluptuous deity in such a manner… it undeniably elicited a sense of gratification within me.


I gazed at the pair for a brief moment before speaking up: Me: Very well… Enjoy yourselves. I shall take this opportunity to explore our surroundings.

Derek took a moment to glance in my direction.

Derek: Alright… Have a splendid time!

He then redirected his attention to the goddess, reciprocating her affectionate gestures.

As I continued to traverse through the seemingly interminable grass field, a thought occurred to me. Perhaps I could engage in some exploration of this realm before reaching the palace of the enigmatic Black King.

Me: Hm, there must be something of interest in this vicinity…

After uttering those words, the scenery underwent a profound transformation. The grassy field morphed into an expansive metropolis, with towering edifices surrounding me. Other ethereal beings traversed the streets alongside me, giving the impression of a bustling civilization.

Me (thoughts): Fascinating… It appears that I possess some level of control over this realm, allowing me to manipulate its surroundings.

With a sense of curiosity, I commenced my exploration of this metropolis, observing the diverse entities that populated its streets. As I cast my gaze upwards, I beheld a sight of extraordinary wonder—the vast expanse of stars. Each celestial body appeared to be situated at an increasingly greater distance from its predecessor, creating an impression of infinite depth.

Me (thoughts): Hm, these stars seem to reside in immense remoteness…

What if I could traverse the expanse and reach them?

Yet, that is a matter for another time. For now, I shall dedicate my efforts to exploring this captivating realm before embarking upon such a celestial endeavor.

Me (thoughts): Perhaps I may encounter someone of intrigue within this realm…

Upon voicing that thought, a denizen of this ethereal realm materialized before me. Taking the form of a cosmic being, standing tall at 15 feet, her captivating curves emanated a cosmic allure.

The divine goddess approached me momentarily, adorned in her enchanting garment, while still exuding her majestic allure. Even in my gaze, her voluptuous form remained apparent, accentuating her enticing curves and bosom. Surprisingly, upon closer inspection, her curves appeared more pronounced, as she possessed tentacles in place of lower limbs.

She possesses an ample figure, indeed.

The deity inquired, “What say you? Shall we indulge in pleasure before continuing our noble quest?”

I responded, “Certainly.”

Subsequently, we found ourselves transported to a grandiose chamber, where I reclined upon a bed while the deity positioned herself above me.

Inwardly, I mused, “I should dream more often, as these encounters with divine beings prove to be quite enjoyable…”

The deity’s robe vanished into the abyss, revealing her nakedness and the enormity of her bosom, which was both prodigious and velvety. Such stimulation ignited a strong arousal within me.

Without hesitation, I pulled the goddess closer, nestling my head amidst her ample bosom, engaging in a rhythmic caress and gentle massage.

Eliciting a pleasurable response, the deity emitted a seductive moan as I explored her contours, providing an exquisite sensation.

Perhaps, I pondered, I could extract milk from her majestic bosom…

With firm grasp, I seized her breasts, gently applying pressure to procure the elusive elixir. Soon thereafter, a stream of milk emerged from her magnificent bosom…

My phallus was exceedingly rigid when that event occurred, despite the fact that I still had my garments adorning me. I yearned for the liberation from these encumbering clothes.

And then, to my astonishment, my attire vanished, leaving me unclothed.

I commanded my enchanting partner: ‘Ascend atop my being and ride me with the fiery tenacity befitting the audacious vixen that you are.’

The divine goddess acquiesced, uttering obediently: ‘Yes, my master.’

For a fleeting instant, the deity repositioned themselves, ensuring optimal alignment as their femininity, a magnificent chasm both immense and in close proximity to my virility, poised to embrace my manhood effortlessly, leaving no impression whatsoever.

And lo, their sacred depths became saturated with an intense effusion, a deluge of fluids cascading upon my throbbing shaft, adorning the bed in a delightful mess.

I implored with rapturous desire: ‘Pray, grant me the visual feast of witnessing your bosoms undulating in fervent harmony.’

Thus, the goddess embarked on a fervent journey, and as I penetrated their sacred haven, waves of unparalleled pleasure washed over me, a truly extraordinary encounter in every sense.

Despite the profound magnitude of their feminine aperture, a tantalizing tightness embraced my every thrust, forging a connection that can only be deemed truly extraordinary.

I maintained my gaze upon the entity before me, while she persistently engaged in her rhythmic movements atop me. The curvature of her bosom exhibited an enchanting motion, ascending and descending with every motion. Furthermore, her appendages, reminiscent of tentacles, writhed in a state of euphoria, extending and traversing throughout the confines of this chamber.

Subsequently, she commenced emitting vocal expressions of pleasure…


After Liran departed, the divine being and I engaged in passionate embraces, relishing the delightful sensations of such encounters. However, the divine being opted to undertake a certain course of action.

Subsequently, the divine being deftly removed my garments, not in a mere matter of seconds or with instantaneous effect, but rather as if they had never existed at all.

Temporarily parting from our intimate connection, the divine being fixed their gaze upon me.

Divine being: “Is there any additional desire you wish to express?”

Considering for a moment, I contemplated Rhythmus, whose physique consistently aroused my desires. I yearned to indulge in pleasurable activities with them. What if I could indulge in such desires in this very place?

As a newcomer to this realm, would it not be reasonable to relish its offerings momentarily before proceeding with the mission alongside Liran?

As I turned my gaze back towards the divine being, a revelation struck me—the form before me was no longer that of the goddess.

The goddess had transformed into Rhythmus, now appearing as a “god.”

Me: ?!

The God: I have assumed this form to provide you with pleasure… it appears that this particular embodiment was your desire.

Me: I suppose… you are correct.

The god: Excellent.

The deity proceeded to engage in passionate French kissing, skillfully caressing my physique with its appendages. Simultaneously, my own member was subject to its tender touch.

I uttered an exclamation of pleasure as I succumbed to the overwhelming sensations. One of the deity’s tentacles ventured into my posterior, penetrating me with intensity, while its slippery tongue continued the fervent embrace. I was utterly enraptured by the experience.

With greater vigor than before, the deity increased the thrusting motion of its tentacles, as my arousal was further heightened by their enveloping and stimulating actions. The pace was so rapid that I felt on the verge of climax.

And soon enough, the culmination arrived, and I experienced an exquisite release.

Following this intense encounter, the deity withdrew its tentacles from my person and tenderly embraced me. In that moment, I felt as though I had been both ravished and cherished by rythmeus “himself”. It was an indescribably pleasurable experience.


I kept engaging in passionate intimacy with that goddess, as she expressed her pleasure with wild, animalistic moans. Her ethereal form embraced a state of uncontainable ecstasy, her captivating presence transforming into a symphony of moans. With each motion, her bosom

danced gracefully, while her ethereal appendages writhed and quivered, consumed by pure euphoria and delight

The sensation was absolutely extraordinary.

I continued the passionate encounter, never before having exerted such force in all my existence. I considered that deity as my possession, claiming ownership over her.

I reached the pinnacle of climax… so close, on the verge of releasing, craving to hear her moans resonate further, longing to witness her bosoms rising and descending, and her expansive and constricted feminine core…

I could sense it, feel the intense heat…

And then, it happened… I climaxed, releasing my essence inside her…

She let out a resounding moan, surrendering… and it brought a gratifying sensation…

Subsequently, I withdrew my member from her sacred sanctuary, and she reclined upon me, my head fully enveloped amidst her bosoms.

I experienced contentment… yet, I remained devoid of fatigue, for I still had the mission that required completion… and that was what I needed to fulfill.

After sharing a lingering embrace with the goddess, I spoke up: Me: That was satisfying, but now it is time for me to depart… I must fulfill my mission.

The goddess: Yes, master.

Following our exchange, we found ourselves once again positioned in the heart of the ceaseless city. The goddess stood beside me, elegantly draped in “her” resplendent robe.

I, too, stood fully clothed, as if the previous events had never occurred. With gratitude in my voice, I expressed:

Me: I appreciate your assistance. You are now free to leave.

As I uttered those words, the goddess vanished from sight.


After experiencing the pleasurable acts bestowed upon me by the god, I found myself enveloped in their embrace. I wasn’t fatigued but rather filled with a profound sense of happiness.

Yet, there remained further tasks at hand. The confrontation with the enigmatic Black King awaited, alongside Liran. However, in an ephemeral instant, the god who had been holding me disappeared.

Now, I stood beside Liran, surveying our surroundings—a sprawling, seemingly endless city that stretched indefinitely.

Liran turned their gaze towards me, their eyes meeting mine for a brief moment, before shifting their attention to the stars above.

Liran: “So… how was it?”

Me: “It was exceptionally gratifying. Now, let us press forward.”

Liran: “Indeed.”

And so, our journey continued.




Chapter 43: the palace of the black king:


Derek stood alongside me, and together we cast our gaze skyward, beholding the distant celestial bodies that adorned the expanse above us. They appeared immeasurably distant, suspended in ethereal majesty…

Derek: Pray tell, what are these enigmatic entities? Might they be stars?

Me: Indeed, they are akin to stars, my dear friend. Rythmeus enlightened me regarding their nature. These stars are boundless in number, each one surpassing the previous in its unfathomable remoteness.

Derek: And what course of action shall we pursue in light of this revelation?...

Me: Let us ascend, Derek, into the heavens themselves…

Following that decision, we took flight, soaring through the heavens.

Derek: Astonishing! This realm is truly awe-inspiring… We possess the capacity to engage in a multitude of endeavors here. For our ultimate objective lies within the hallowed domain of the Black King, situated high above and transcendent to the chaotic lands below.

In order to attain communion with “him,” we must transcend this realm.

Derek: Well, that certainly sounds intriguing… I suppose it will be an interesting experience.

As we continued our ascent, soaring higher and higher, we eventually arrived at the first star.

Surprisingly, nothing adverse occurred; we remained unscathed, enveloped in a soothing warmth.

The ambiance here is rather serene.

Derek: This is truly fascinating!

Me: Indeed, Derek. In this realm, the concept of infinity takes on a heightened complexity and renders our previous notions irrelevant. Each succeeding star surpasses the previous one in magnitude and grandeur.

It’s as if every star encompasses an infinitely greater expanse than the one before it… We are traversing realms of ever-increasing infinities, growing in complexity and wonder.

Derek: Hold on a moment… Higher infinities? What on earth does that even mean?

Me: Well, Derek, given that we find ourselves in a realm that transcends the confines of the

“physical universe,” our understanding of what constitutes “infinity” becomes convoluted and inconsequential in this extraordinary place.

This realm lies beyond the boundaries of our traditional notions of “logic” and “illogic.” It may seem perplexing, but it aligns with the nature of dreams, which often appear strange and illogical to our waking selves.

So the concepts of infinitude become intricate and utterly inconsequential in this context… and all of mathematics are irrelevant here…

Derek: Indeed… I am not particularly fond of your ‘intellectual mathematics’ nonsense. Let us proceed, shall we…

Liran: Hehe, very well.

Subsequently, we resumed our celestial journey, approaching the second star, which boasts greater magnificence and presents greater challenges… and then, We found ourselves already there.

Derek: ?!... How on earth did this happen?...

Liran, do you possess extraordinary abilities or similar faculties?

Me: Hm… as I don’t perceive any tangible sensations in this realm, it seems as though I have acclimated to it effortlessly. It’s almost as if I possess a certain mastery over this domain, allowing me to manipulate it. We may, perhaps, transcend this realm…

And judging by appearances, my powers have ensured your safety in my company, granting you the capacity to accompany me to these celestial bodies.

Derek: I comprehend… let us press on.

Subsequently, we continued our ascent, reaching the third star… and then the fourth star. We persisted in this manner for a while, as an inexhaustible multitude of these stars stretched before us. Each stellar entity surpassed its predecessor in grandeur and posed increasingly formidable challenges.

I recollect the teachings of Rythmeus regarding this realm—a realm known as the “Lands of Chaos.” Within this vast expanse, there exist infinite strata, with each successive layer that is completely innaccessible to the previous and dwarfs its preceding counterpart in sheer magnitude… the lands of chaos is a realm that contains all of what is possible and impossible, conceivable and inconceivable…

The sheer vastness of the Lands of Chaos Is a source of profound fascination. Derek and I, thus far, have only traversed a solitary layer within this boundless domain. Every layer is adorned with these countless celestial bodies, and each star outshines the previous one in both magnitude and difficulty of access.

We continued our ascension, soaring ever higher…

Derek: Goodness… where in the world are we? The profusion of stars is truly overwhelming!

Me: … all of this merely constitutes a solitary stratum amidst an infinite array of layers.

Derek: What?!... Oh dear, let us hasten towards that accursed black king without further ado!

We continued our ascent relentlessly, and with each successive star I encountered, I remained impervious to any sensations. I harbored an unshakable belief that we possessed the capacity to transcend these bounds—I was resolute.

And then, we transcended the confines of this particular stratum; we ascended to the second layer.

Derek: ?!

We now found ourselves in a superior stratum, one that resided entirely above its predecessor…

As Derek and I gazed back at the previous layer, it appeared insignificant in comparison. We effortlessly wielded the power to manipulate and govern that antecedent realm as if it were a mere narrative or a volume within a library.

We possessed complete dominion over it… an astonishing revelation indeed.

Derek: Remarkable… This is an awe-inspiring spectacle. I have never witnessed or experienced anything of this magnitude before. With each passing layer and realm, I feel a growing sense of liberation.

Liran, how do you perceive this unfolding reality?

Me: To be honest, I find myself in a state of tranquility. I don’t experience any overwhelming emotions in this journey.

Derek: I understand… Let us persist in our ascent, climbing ever higher.

Me: Agreed.

We continued our arduous ascent, venturing toward the intricate and lofty stars that posed even greater challenges to reach.

Undeterred, we persevered, reaching more and more stars until…

We arrived at the third layer.

Undaunted, we pressed on, transcending and traversing additional layers, even encountering ones that defied all logic… until, at one juncture, I became certain that we would eventually reach the abode of the black king.

And then…

We arrived at our destination.

We found ourselves within the confines of the black king’s palace, but what lay before us was truly peculiar.

We stood on a desolate street, an exact replica of the very street where my mother resided. It was an uncanny sight, to say the least.

Me: ?...


We stood upon that familiar street, realizing that it was the very place where Liran’s mother had resided. It was an eerie coincidence, and an unsettling feeling began to settle upon us.

Me: Liran, why have we been brought to this location?

Liran: I cannot fathom the reason. It is indeed peculiar.

Me: Well, let us continue exploring. Perhaps we will encounter someone or something that can shed light on this enigma.

Liran: Agreed.

With each step, we traversed the desolate street, encountering only vacant houses and an overwhelming sense of solitude.

As we proceeded, our journey led us to the house where Liran’s mother once dwelled. However, an inexplicable unease gripped me at the sight. I sensed an ominous presence lurking behind those doors, a malevolence that threatened to consume our sanity.

In a desperate plea, I cried out:

Me: Liran! Please, do not open that door! Opening it will lead to dire consequences! I implore you, exercise caution!


I heard Derek’s desperate pleas and witnessed his overwhelming concern regarding what lay beyond the doors of my mother’s house. However, for reasons unknown to me, I remained unaffected by his distress.

Derek: Please!... Don’t do it! It will drive you to madness!

Me: …

Despite Derek’s words, I approached the door and mustered the courage to open it. What I encountered inside was a profoundly shocking sight.

There, before me, lay the lifeless body of a person. It was none other than my father.

Me: …

My father… He had passed away when I was just a child, and now, in this surreal moment, I beheld him lying motionless on the floor.

The Black King had succumbed to the psychological battle.

Even though I saw my father’s lifeless body, it failed to evoke any fear, terror, or even a sense of unease within me.

Derek: ?! That’s your father… How can you remain so unaffected?

Me: I had a sense that something like this could occur. But even if I hadn’t foreseen it, it wouldn’t have troubled me in the least. I have grown accustomed to such sights.

Derek: What do you mean?

Me: You see… I have pondered many things, witnessed my loved ones and those dear to me perish repeatedly. I have witnessed their deaths time and again.

Eventually, it ceased to affect me. I grew accustomed to it. So, seeing my father here, lifeless, doesn’t disturb me in the slightest. I feel remarkably calm, to be honest. However, there is more to be done now.

Derek: ?!

Suddenly, a radiant burst of light engulfed us, causing the very streets we stood upon to dissolve into nothingness.

And just like that, our surroundings transformed into an ethereal, colorless realm. We seemed to be suspended, no longer bound by the constraints of gravity.

Derek: ?!...

I surveyed this enigmatic realm, recognizing it as the palace of the black king. Even though his presence permeated every corner, I could sense that he was directly before us.

And then, he materialized.

The black king materialized before us, taking the form of a dark, humanoid figure.

Me: There you are.

I advanced toward him, driven by an unyielding determination. Soon, I stood face to face with him.

Without hesitation, I delivered a powerful punch, the impact creating a blinding burst of light that enveloped everything.

And in an instant, we returned to the physical universe.

We found ourselves in the desert, with Derek thrown back several feet, landing on the sandy ground.

Derek: Damn…

As for me, I too experienced the force of the impact, sliding across the sand for a brief moment before coming to a stop.

I was completely unaffected…


I gazed upon Liran, who stood a mere couple of feet distant, his countenance undisturbed by the resplendent luminescence that transported us back to this realm…

Such astonishment and bewilderment overcame me, yet I pondered: had we truly achieved it?

Had victory been attained?




Chapter 44: liran, what do we do now?:

I was uncertain of our triumph in that fateful battle, questioning whether Liran had indeed emerged victorious against the Black King… my mind was filled with doubt.

Me: Liran, did we achieve triumph?

Liran: Hm… I did not deliver a fatal blow to “him” or anything of the sort. Rather, we managed to extricate ourselves from “his” clutches, causing “his” elaborate scheme or snare to falter…

thus, in a sense, “he” suffered defeat.

I merely struck “him” with such force that we returned to the realm of the “physical universe.”

“He” is not deceased.

Me: Hm… dear me, what shall we do now? Might “he” return to pursue and menace us?

Liran: It is highly unlikely. We have already emerged triumphant from that particular battle, but our journey is far from over…

Me: What do you mean?

Liran: Recall the organization Rythmeus and I spoke to you about?

Me: Yes, what about it?

Liran: We still have unfinished business concerning that foundation. I am fairly certain they have dispatched individuals to pursue Rythmeus and me since we infiltrated their stronghold.

Me: I understand… What should be our next course of action?

Liran: Well, given the recent surge in disappearances, one of the researchers has alleged that they resort to sacrificial practices to address their other concerns. However, we can likely find a way to alter that situation…

But first, you need a means to defend yourself.

Me: Hm… What kind of weapon? A highly potent firearm, perhaps? Or a formidable blade?

Liran: Hm… How about gloves?

Me: Gloves? Why would I use gloves for combat?

Liran: Just take a moment to consider it. With gloves, you can simply deliver powerful punches to those who seek to harm you. Isn’t that intriguing?

Me: I suppose… But they would have to possess some sort of mystical properties or enchantments, wouldn’t they?

Liran: Alright, let’s see… Shall we return to Rythmeus’s palace?

Me: Very well.

I then rose from the sandy ground, dusting off my attire, and glanced at my soiled garments.

Me: You know… Perhaps we should freshen up with a shower first.

Liran: Heh, I concur. Let’s take a moment to rest.

We proceeded to make our way toward Rythmeus’s palace.

A few minutes elapsed, and now we stood before the grand doors of “his” abode.

I then rapped on the palace doors, and after a brief interval, Rythmeus swung them open, revealing “his” presence before us.

Rythmeus: Ah, my dear friends, it has been a few hours. It is now afternoon… How fared your endeavor?

Me: It was… unquestionably an experience surpassing our comprehension. Let us simply enter your magnificent palace.

Rythmeus: Hehe, very well.

Rythmeus stepped aside, allowing Liran and me to pass through. We traversed the threshold and entered the opulent halls of the palace, while Rythmeus promptly closed the doors behind us.

Approaching us, Rythmeus positioned “himself” alongside Liran.

Rythmeus: So, it appears that you two are in need of a refreshing shower. Shall I prepare it for you?

Me: Yes… You can go ahead and do that.

Rythmeus: Certainly… I will prepare the shower for both you and Liran. The bathtub is quite spacious, so I’m sure you can both enjoy it together~

I was taken aback by these words.

Me: Oh, come on…

Rythmeus chuckled for a moment before speaking again.

Rythmeus: Don’t worry. If you prefer not to shower with Liran, you can always shower with me…

I’ll treat you like the gentleman you are~

I blushed upon hearing that.

Me: Stop it!

Rythmeus: Haha! It’s amusing to see you blush like that!

Me: Whatever…

I averted my gaze from Rythmeus for a moment, looking down the hallway. Then, Rythmeus spoke again.

Rythmeus: I was just joking. I’ll simply guide you both to the bathroom.

Rythmeus then led us to the door that led to the bath, and after a few minutes of walking, we arrived at that door.

Rythmeus opened the door that revealed the bathroom.

Rythmeus: Alright, would you like to bathe together or separately?

Me: Hm… I prefer to go first.

Rythmeus: Very well, Liran… Come with me. There’s another entrance that leads to a separate bathroom. Follow me.

Liran: Alright.

Before Rythmeus and Liran departed, Rythmeus snapped “his” fingers, causing some clothes to materialize next to the bathtub.

Rythmeus: Derek… You may enter the bathtub now.

Rythmeus and Liran then walked away, leaving me alone.

Me: …

I stepped into the bathtub, closing the door behind me.

Looking around, I marveled at the sheer size of the bathtub. It was truly remarkable, resembling more of a small pool. I noticed a set of stairs adjacent to it, providing easy access for smaller individuals to reach the tub. It was an impressive design.

Me (in my mind): Wow…

I proceeded to remove my clothes, placing them on the ground.

Approaching the stairs, I ascended them, reaching the top where the tub awaited. As I peered down, I noticed that the tub was already brimming with warm water. Tentatively dipping my foot into it, I was met with a delightful sensation of relaxation.

Me: Hehe… That’s much better.

With that, I immersed myself in the tub, surrendering to the comforting warmth. It had been quite some time since I had indulged in a proper bath, making this experience all the more rewarding. It was remarkable how the simplest things could bring such immense pleasure. It truly was a moment of pure bliss.

After a few minutes of luxuriating in the tub, I heard the sound of the door behind me opening. I turned around and saw Rythmeus standing there.

Rythmeus: Hey… I brought you a glass of water. May I enter?

Me: Sure, place the glass of water somewhere here.

Rythmeus entered the bathtub, closing the door behind “him.” “He” then approached me and placed the glass of water on the sink next to the tub.

Rythmeus: Can I… join you?

Me: Sure, you can join.

Rythmeus approached the tub and immersed “himself” in the bath. “He” was immense, with tentacles spreading throughout the tub and even extending beyond it, reaching across the floor and walls.

Me (in my mind): Goodness…

Rythmeus: Don’t be frightened. I am here to help you relax. Would you like a massage?

Me: Okay…

Four of Rythmeus’s tentacles gently wrapped around my hands and legs, providing a soothing embrace that completely enveloped them. It felt incredibly relaxing, and I was grateful for the moment of tranquility.

Rythmeus: Does it bring you a sense of comfort?

Me: Yes, it does.

Rythmeus: I’m pleased to hear that. Also, could you perhaps tell me what transpired with Liran?

Me: Certainly. Liran and I found ourselves in the Lands of Chaos. We engaged in various activities there before ascending and transcending to this realm, ultimately arriving at the palace of the Black King.

Rythmeus: And what occurred at the palace?

Me: We materialized in a street where Liran’s mother once resided. The Black King attempted to set a trap or deceive us, but “he” ultimately failed. Liran managed to outsmart and outmaneuver “him.”

Rythmeus: Ah, I must say, Liran is truly remarkable. He possesses an extraordinary essence.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Me: Absolutely. I have been friends with him since high school, and he has always been a loyal and supportive friend. He is truly exceptional.

Rythmeus: I concur. Liran is undeniably someone special. He is a genuinely good person.

But what transpired after the Black King’s trap failed?

Me: Well, the street we were standing on vanished, and we found ourselves in a colorless realm.

The Black King appeared before us, and Liran unleashed a barrage of punches upon “him” until a blinding flash of light engulfed us, returning us to the desert.

Rythmeus: And what did you do next?

Me: Liran mentioned that we still needed to address the matter concerning the foundation, and that I should acquire a special weapon to protect myself.

Rythmeus: I understand. Don’t worry, I can procure a suitable weapon for you to fend off any potential threats. What kind of weapon are you looking for exactly?

Me: I’ve always been fascinated by magical gloves. They seem quite intriguing.

Rythmeus: I see. I will find something suitable for you. But for now, you need to take some time to rest and rejuvenate.

Me: Thank you, Rythmeus. I truly appreciate it.

Rythmeus: You’re most welcome. Rest well.


