Unknown by Anne adefesobi - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


After the new year eve, everything was normal. Always gum chewing So hyun sat at the front of the class, rubbing her palm on her cheek absently and so was Kim and his bullying mate sitting comfortably at the back of the class as if they were the one who gathered all of us into the classroom. Chun jo had changed her sit with a girl who tinted her hair blonde which I found annoying because I always go home with my bag full of her hair.

Even though I hardly speak to Chun jo I still pray she will come back to me. On the other hand,Jeremy had always tried to be My friend but it was me who ignored him. So one afternoon in the month of February I got determined and waited for Chun jo outside the school gate.

"Good afternoon" I said as she and Jeremy passed.

"Good afternoon Tao seo" she said not even taken a glance at me.

"Chun jo"


"I will like to speak to you"

"I'm all ears"

"ALONE" and that was how we found ourselves at the end of the school fence with Jeremy's eyes not leaving me for once. "Chun jo, I miss you. I miss those days with you and I'm sorry about what I said concerning jeremy. I was just jealous"

"It okay, I'm not fighting you. You're the one fighting me"

"I'm sorry"

"It okay, if you wouldn't mind I will be on my way. Jeremy is waiting for me"

"CAN we go together?"

"It's Jeremy I'm talking about" she said looking me straight in the eye.

"It's okay by me" and that was how our friendship began again although it wasn't like before but it was okay by me.

At the end of the month of March. I had another dream. I saw myself on a corridor at the middle of a very tall building. It was as if I was looking at the whole world and when I looked at my left side, I saw Cynthia looking straight ahead at an unseen object.

"The world is beautiful" she said not taking her eyes off what she was looking at.


"I wish to be at this part of the world" she said taking her eye off what she was looking at and looking me straight in the eye.

"Which part of the world are you from?" I asked even though I've worked that out myself - at least the continent.

"We have all the time to ourselves, don't worry. I will tell you some other time"

"Listen Cynthia, I will like to ask you a question"

"Go ahead"

"Are you real as in on earth or just in my dreams?"

"I'm as real as you"

"So, why meeting me in dreams? Why can't you make it real?"

"It's the only way I can help"

"Help! Help for what? I asked.

"It's a must for me, you said one question" and then I woke up.

Help! It was the only way she could help. This had been what I had been thinking about for months after the dream but i still couldn't connect the dots.