Unknown by Anne adefesobi - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Present day

"Yes. I still have to fill some gaps for you" Chun jo said with a proud smile. I knew the reason why Bae kae became our friend - your friend - was because she wanted to date you. You are this guy all the girls dreamed of having, and during lunch I listened to nothing but their stupid talks about how much they had fallen for you. Bae kae wanted you alone and that was why she invited you to that stupid cinema"

"But I invited you. Didn't I?"

"Yes my love Tao seo invited me but if you had seen the look on her face, you would have known that I wasn't welcomed. I was that girl that was destroying are golden plans"

"But what you did to her was terrible, Chun jo. You almost destroyed her life" I said raising my voice a little bit.

"What I did to her was just a tips of an iceberg compared to what I've done to other people who stood on my path" I could feel my hands shaking and I'd started sweating. Who is this girl that I thought I knew.

"What did you so to Sogye"

"Sogye. Sogye" she said in her musical beautiful tone "I just threatened her. I did nothing that is brutal to her because I like the girl but I must still protect what is mine" I'm not your and I will never be yours "A week before it happened, I was in the restroom but they thought they were alone - she and Yena. She was speaking to Yena about how good her plan was. The beginning of her wonderful plan was to invite you to her football match which she eventually did. She was threatened not to play football or fall in love with any student in our school again and Sogye accepted her fate because she knows the consequence of not keeping her end of the bargain. I'm sure you're thinking about how I carry out my operations? Yeah. I don't work alone. I have pillars.

They are my brothers in criminal"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to know how much of your youth life was destroyed by me. It's either you are mine or no one else" fool if she really thought she destroyed my youth life then she is delusional because I lived my own youth life according to how I wanted it to be. But wait, I dated Seo woo and the relationship was not destroyed by her.

"Chun jo. Can I ask you a question?"

"I'm all ears love"

"Why did you leave Seo woo alone?"

"Because I knew you guys were going no where. Your relationship with her was going no where. I can see that you are thinking pretty hard inside that useless head of yours and if what you are thinking about is related to you reporting me to the police then I think you have a death wish" she said before staggering out of my apartment. Bitch. That is exactly what I'm planning.

Chun jo packed out of the building few days later which I was grateful for. Although there was still the fair of me being killed at anytime from now and that fear alone made it more difficult for me to sleep peacefully for thirty minutes.

I changed my phone few days later after her departure for the fear of being tracked and never received an important call in my apartment in case it was being bugged. I wanted to call Micheal and discuss the matter with him but i don't want to put his life in danger or give away my plans, but one thing I realized was that I will never live a peaceful life if Chun jo and her brothers in criminal still have their freedoms.

Two days ago, I was on my way to my car when I noticed a tinted red car which was packed neatly beside my car. The car looked familiar but I couldn't placed where I had seen it. An hour later, on my way to get something across the street I saw the same the same red car parked few meters away from my building and that made the hair at back of my neck stood at alert. I scanned the people going to and fro, trying to calculate their looks so as to pick out who was watching me but all of them were looking at me normally. My heart was beating painfully faster as if it was about to escape from my chest. I knew someone was watching me, I could feel it but I don't know who or where the person was. I slowed down my pace, trying to calm myself down by breathing in air hungrily.

When I got back to my building, I parked few clothes and prepared myself for the journey ahead.

The first thing that came to my mind was to go home and talked to my parents, especially my dad. My dad was the owner of the company where I worked but don't get me wrong, because he being the owner doesn't mean I was given any special treatment. I started from the scratch like all other employees and was promoted when I deserved it.

I arrived as early as possible at my parents house on Saturday morning - my childhood home. I arrived early not because I was that eager to see my parents but because I wanted to loss the motherfucker tailer.

I knocked at the door twice and waited for few seconds before it was widely opened by my mom. My mom stood for few seconds, looking at me as if she wasn't sure of what she was seeing in front of her.

"Nap out of it mom . It's me"

"Taoseo". She said before putting me into one of her hugs. "Taoseo. It's really you. This is a surprise visit. You about have informed me"

"Why should I inform you before coming? Aren't you happy to see me like this?" I teased.

"Of course, I'm happy but I would have prepared one of your favorite, if you have called" she replied before releasing me from the huge.

"I'm okay with anything, mom" I said on my way to the living room.

"You look tired. There are bags under your eyes" mom said worriedly.

"It nothing mom. I got home late last night because I was trying to tidy up some of my works"

"I'm still going to talk to your father about this. Things can't go on this way.

You're our son - our only son - and he is treating you like this"

"Mom, don't worry. I love my job" I said trying to act as the contented son but I was also praying for my dad to see reason with my mom.

"Shut up. You don't have a say in this matter. I've had enough. I won't let this continue under my roof"

Yes mom, we've had enough

"Ok mom. Do it your way" I said composing my face to look as neutral as possible. "Where is dad?"

"He is in his office. I will go and inform him about your arrival"

I checked my wristwatch which says 6:55am and I wondered what in God's name my father was doing in his office.

It was doing lunch when I informed them about the main reason why I came home. I got into details, explaining it lines by lines, excluding the Cynthia part, and I could see my mom turning more pale with every word I spoke, but the one that got them on high alert was about her threats and the red car.

"We have to inform the police this instant" dad says almost shouting.

"I know dad and that is exactly what I'm planning to do but I want to do it my way"

"Don't you get it son? Your life is in danger. Don't you know what that means? I won't allow you or your stupidity to destroy my life" he said pushing back his chair furiously before standing up.

"I have a plan. I want to do it my way"

"Whether you want to do it your way or not, I don't care. I don't want to listen to any of your plans because I know they are nonsense. Do you have any idea what those people can do? No! No! No! I won't take that risk. I will never take that risk. I don't think I will be able to live if anything bad happens to you"

Wow! This can't be happening. Is my father trying to confess is love to me?. This can't be real. I looked at him to see whether he was joking but the eyes that looked back at me was serious and determined.

"Dad listen to my plan"

"The only plan we get right here is me informing the police. Don't do something stupid son" he said with his final tone.

I was angry - angry at him. I was no longer that little boy. I wanted to argue with him but before I could open my mouth, my mom had already beaten me to it.

"Maybe we should listen to his plan" my mom said ignoring the tension in the air. Upon hearing my mom's voice, my dad relaxed but still managed to pronounced his 'No' firmly.

My mom was angry at dad but said nothing. She always played the mature one when my dad was like this, which I was grateful for.

"Tao seo. Listen. To. Your. Father" mom said "Your father's decision is for the best. He's your father. He knows what is good for you"

I replied her by nodding my head.

My dad made some calls and informed us about his plans.