Unknown by Anne adefesobi - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


I looked toward the podium or let me say the alter for the time being because their was a pastor on it, who was preaching to the couples. I got up slowly trying not to attract people's attention but did the opposite because I felt every pairs of eyes on me immediately my foots gripped the ground. I scanned the hall, trying to confirmed that she wasn't in the hall before walking out of it.

"Tao seo. Calm down. Are you sure you didn't get people mixed up" Micheal said. Micheal was alongside me toward the back entrance of the hall and I didn't even realized it until he spoke.

"I know what I saw. My eyes haven't started betraying me" I snapped.

Micheal said not a word after that and I felt sorry for blaming him for it.

We searched every corner and everywhere we could but found none of them. I was still angry but no longer at Micheal because he'd been helping me since we came out of the hall in order to find the girls.

"Micheal I'm sorry about earlier" I said. We were on our way back to the hall and I wanted everything to be back to normal before entering.

"Do you think you snapping at me can make me angry at you" he laughed "Anyway, apology accepted" he added before reaching for his phone to receive a call. I walked back into the hall without waiting for him because I was still embarrassed at how I had behaved earlier.

Reception followed immediately after the church service and it was the main interesting part - the part I I loved most.

The guys that were acting like the gentlemen in the morning were now dancing as if there lifes depended on it and the girls also weren't taking it easy on them. It was as if they were competing and I wanted to join them but felt shy.

I still continued my search for Lilly which yields no fruit. It was as if she had poofed into thin air. If I can just get to Lilly maybe I will be able to get to Cynthia. Micheal came up to me and coaxed me to joined him on the dance floor, which I faked losing interest in. We danced for few minutes before Micheal stylishly bailed on me and left me with a too short, too fat, big breast charcoal girl. I'm going to skin Micheal alive. The girl was doing everything to get my attention, which was turning my mode more off.

After enduring with her for few more minutes, I took out my phone, pretended to pick up a call and walked out of the dancing floor.

I pocketed my phone when I was almost at my table, closed my eyes and breathed in fresh air because the one at the dancing floor was stuffy and sweat mixed. I opened my eyes just in time to see the girl I'd been looking for since morning, walking toward my direction. She was smiling, a thin beautiful smile and I wondered what it was going to look like if I brought out my phone and took her picture.

"Lilly" that jerked me back to reality. Did I call her or did someone else did "Lilly" I didn't missed this one. It was a woman from the left side of the hall where most of the bride's family sat.

My Lilly, the Lilly that the woman called turned her head to the left side where the woman sat and walked happily to her. The woman had a thin lips, just like Lilly had, just like Cynthia had it wasn't me that added that one to it but my brain. I wish Cynthia is here that is my brain working again because even though I wanted to see Cynthia, some parts of me were telling me that it wasn't possible, that we lost that chance years ago.

I got back to my chair and sat down on it, keeping an eye on Lilly who had sat down on an empty seat beside the woman.

One tall guy entered through the side entrance of the hall - the side where most of the wife's family sat and walked toward the woman that called Lilly some minutes ago. He bent down and they exchanged words. The woman was looking up at him as if nothing else mattered in the hall and likewise Lilly who was grinning at him widely.

Few minutes later the woman pointed at something at the front section of the hall, which I traced with eyes but couldn't made out what it was. One minute later, Lilly stood up and walked toward the tall guy - who I assumed was going to have few years on me - and took his left hand in her right.

They started walking toward the front section of the hall - walking toward where the woman had pointed and I wondered who they were going to meet. They reached a table and stood in front of it. The guy's mouth moved before turning into a smile. All of a sudden, out of nowhere a girl in a pink and black long gown, white and black twisted hair rushed to him and gave him a tight hug.

They stayed like that for almost a minute before breaking apart.

The girl's back view looked extremely familiar and this wasn't a matter of I don't know where I had seen her. My head had started aching but I told myself to keep calm what if she isn't the one. 70℅ part of me said it was her but the remaining 30℅ was saying no. I wanted to see her face. The suspense was killing me. If I didn't see her face in the next minute, I knew I was going to go crazy. Thankfully, after talking to the guy for few more minutes, she looked at the woman's direction - the woman that the guy and Lilly were talking to the other time. I felt as if the air was knocked out of me the second I saw her face. The hall had started spinning. I was losing it. The temperature in the hall was now ten times hotter and I found the material I wore unbearable. I wanted to tear off the material and fan" myself with it.

"Park Tao seo. Calm down. You're losing it" I said to myself. I rubbed my face few times, trying to confirmed if this was one of our dreams but to my surprise, I was still on my seat in the hall and people were still on the dancing floor.

She was now facing my direction fully because she was searching for something on the table. I wanted to run toward her, picked her up and threw her in the air. I wanted to give her our first ever kiss but still found myself rooted to my sit.

'Chun jo was right. I am a coward' I wanted to prove Chun jo wrong, so I stood up but my legs couldn't move, it was as if it had a mind of it own. My whole body was shaking and I knew how ridiculous I must have looked if someone was looking at me. I wanted to go back to my seat but didn't know how.

Tao seo, get a grip