Unknown by Anne adefesobi - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


I saw myself walking towards a beautiful building the type have never entered before which seems to be our house. I took the steps one after the other and entered the house. The first room which seems to be the sitting room and the biggest room was decorated in black and white in a way I could not fully explain because it was more than beautiful. I was about to turn towards the stairs which I guess leads to my room when I noticed a figure in the sitting room. It was a girl and her back was to me, she wore a free yard white and black gown and her hair was twisted, it colour was also white and black.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" I shouted my blood boiling but did not know why.

"It's my house as well as yours" she said calmly, not turning her face and I felt ashamed for shouting at her and not long after I woke up. I was seven when I had this dream, I don't know if it was my first dream but I knew it was the first dream I recollected and the reason why I can't forget this dream was unknown to me.

Even though the dream remain ever green in my memory I still couldn't make anything thing out of it than the girl being black, wearing black and white and her hair twisted until two years after, when I had another dream.

I was on my bicycle, the exact one my mom but for me about a year ago, riding it toward the grocery store not far from our house. What I was going there to do was not clear to me but it was as if I wanted to go and show the bicycle to one of my friends because I was peddling the bicycle really fast and slowed down when the grocery store came into view.

I rode my bicycle inside the store and started scanning for something I do not know and I was so engrossed in the scanning that I didn't realised I was about to hit someone until a woman called out to me.

"Thank you" I said to the woman before focusing my gaze on the girl in front of me. She was the one I was about to hit and even though the woman shout could be heard at every angle of the store, it had little or no effect on the girl in front of me because she neither turned nor shifted from her position but what really drew my attention to her was her gown, her hair style, the way she packed it, and then her complexion. Which was a replica of the one I drew fourteen months ago,which I glazed in my room.

My drawings began after the first dream, although I couldn't make anything out of it at first I still didn't relent and after a lot of practices I could draw very well if not perfectly.

"Excuse me" I said out of curiosity but got no reply, so I touched her and said "Good afternoon, I'm Tao seo, what of you?"

"I know" she replied without turning and started walking toward the entrance. I wanted to ride toward her but couldn't summon enough courage due to the way she replied and so I stay rooted to where I was.