Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Parker pulled the car over to the side of the road. “Where are

we?” she asked.
“The park. I thought we’d take a walk,” he said, as he got out of
the car.
She got out and held his hand as they walked towards the park
entrance. “Where to?”
“Over there, by the lake,” he said, as he led her to the bench that
sat in front of the small lake.
She sat down next to him. “So, what is it you’re hiding from
“Idon’thave plans to arrest him,” he said.
“I don’t understand.”
He looked into her eyes and sighed. “I want Jack Morrison and
all his men,dead.”
“Then, why don’t I just kill them?”
“We’re not close enough yet. Every where he goes, he’s
surrounded by his men. He also has been known to wear body armor.” “He doesn’t wear it around hishead.”
“I know, but we have to getcloser.”
“Does he have kids?”
“No. Can’t really picture him being a father,” he said. “No, me either,” she sighed.
“He’s never without anyone around him, except when he’s at
home. He does have guards, but they aren’t in the house. I’ve only been
to the house once.”
“So, this is a covert op? Can we do whatever we need to in order
to get it done?”
“Yes, it’s totally off the record as far as officially at the FBI. My
only contact is Drew. When he comes to the apartment, he’s just a
friend of mine. That’s it.”
“So, the money is ours tokeep, right?” she said.
“Yeah. I should’ve told you all this before.”
“I didn’t think you’d accept the job. Our goal is to bring him
down, but not send him to prison. Only tohell.”
“PK, there is something else, isn’t there?”
“What do you mean?”
“Something about this is personal to you.”
“I told you that my Gram died last year,” he sighed. “Yeah, what did he do? Did he kill her?”
“Yes, it wasn’t to get to me, though. She was in a store and there
was a shootout. His men were trying to shake down the owner. He tried
to protect himself and all of them were shooting. One of the men,Lloyd,
killed my grandmother.”
“Oh, dear god. PK, I’m so sorry.”
“I understand all too well your anger against these men.” “Lloyd … he was in the bar, right?”
“Yes, those three are always with Morrison, but there are at least
ten others, plus his driver.”
“Can’t even drive his own car?”
“Nope,” he said.
“So, I have to kill this woman, don’t I?”
“If there was any other way…” he said.
“I know. Well, her name is Alyssa Marshall.”
“His mistress.”
“Oh, he must have another one, if he wants this one dead,” she
“Must be. Well, we should stake her out,” Parker said. “We will. I guess we should get started,” she said, as she stood
“Sam?” he said, as he grabbed her arm.
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything,” he whispered. “Do I knoweverythingnow?” she asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“I’m not mad. I understand why you didn’t tell me. From now
on, neither one of us keep things from each other.”
“Morrison did talk to me before you walked into the room.” “I know. I was listening at the door. I guess we should’ve
thought about a cover story for when we got together.”
“I think we covered that,” he said. “Oh,” he took her hand and
kissed it. “You told him that you fell in love with me.”
“Oh, right. It … it was for thecover.”
He lightly touched her cheek. “Was itreally?”
She gazed up into his eyes. “I think … I think I am falling in
love with you. This past week, I’ve never been happier. Yes, I’m scared.
I am so attracted you. Your body, your heart, and your soul. If it’s not
love now, I think that it will be.”
He leaned in and kissed her softly. “I’m definitely falling in love
with you.”
“Are you afraid, too?” she asked softly.
“Yeah, I am a little. I know it seems like it’s so fast, but … I
can’t explain how it feels,” he said.
“I know how it feels. I love how it feels. We do what we
promised. We focus on our job when it’s time and us, when we’re
“I think that’s a perfect plan,” he kissed her again. He wrapped
his arm around her and they walked back to the car.