Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam rolled over and gazed up at Luke, who was sleeping

next to her. She lightly touched his cheek. “Luke?” she whispered. “Good morning,” he smiled, as he kissed her cheek. “Morning. Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course,” he smiled.
“How come you and I never fell in love?”
“Oh, I do love you, butyounever fell in love with me. Sweetie,

that’s why I don’t mind making love to you.”
“Youdon’t mind?” she laughed.
“You know what I mean. I know that we’re best friends and, yes,

we make love. It’s a closeness thing. If you ever fell in love with me, I’d be right here. If you don’t, I’m still right here. I willalwaysbe here with you.”

“Even when you find the perfect man for you?” Sam smiled. “Even then. We never let anyone we were with ruin our friendship and we never made love with each other if we were with anyone else.”
She sat up and smiled. “I do love you, you know. With you, it’s never about sex. It’salwaysabout making love and feeling better.”
“I know. So, have you figured out what to do?”
“Yeah, I think so. I may need your help.”
“What’s that?”
“Will you be mylover?”
“You know the answer isyes, but this isn’t about us, is it?”
“No, it kind of is, but I think I’m going to confront Parker. I also am going to tell him or maybe show him that I have another lover.”
“Oh, you want to use me to make him jealous, so that you can see if he really loves you?”
“You’re right. It’s stupid.”
He touched he cheek. “No, it’s not stupid. But, if we’re going to be lovers…” he rolled over and laid on top of her. “We shouldpractice,” he said.
“I’m all for it,” she kissed him softly.
They both climbed out of bed and got dressed. “Luke, I don’t know how you put up with me,” she sighed.
“Sweetie, we were always close, since we were ten. You and me. We were always best of friends and that will never change. We willalways be together. You know, we always made love well together,” he grinned.
“Definitely,” she hugged him. “You should get to the station. I promise that I will call you later.”
“So, when do we perform for Parker?”
“I know the perfect place. Wait, can you take the morning off?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You’ll see,” she picked up her regular cellphone and dialed the number. “Parker?”
“Sam, where thehellare you? I’ve been going out of my mind with worry.”
“I had to take care of something.”
“Sam, you can’t just take off on me.”
“Actually, Ican, but … well … I’m sorry. I want to meet you in the park. I don’t think our penthouse is safe.”
“Sam, are you sure you’re all right?” Parker asked.
“Meet me in the park in an hour,” she hung up. She looked up at Luke. “He’s going to be there soon. Let’s go.”
“Whatever you say,” he said.
“Oh, Luke, I don’t know what is going to happen, but whatever does … play along.”
“I don’t know what Parker has to say for himself, but I will never …nevertrust him again … even if you think I do … believe me … Idon’t. I won’t allow any man toeverlie to me again.”
“Just don’t kill him… you may be able to use him to get what you really want.”
“I just wish I knew what that was,” she said.
“You’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back,” he kissed her cheek and they headed out the door.

Sam and Luke sat down on the bench in the park. “Samantha, what are you going to do?”
“After I introduce you to him, you leave. Go to the station and wait for my call. I don’t know how this is going to go, but you need to take care of yourself.”
“All right. Youbettercall me.”
“I will. I’ll be staying at the safe house. Call me on the disposable,” she said, as she noticed Parker’s car pull up. She touched Luke’s face. “Show time,” she whispered, as she pulled him into a long, passionate kiss.
Luke gazed in her eyes. “I enjoyed this morning with you.”
“I did, too. You’re anamazingman,” she kissed him again as Parker approached the two.
“I always did know how to make you feel good, didn’t I?” he smiled.
“Always,” she touched his cheek.
Parker cleared his throat. “What thehellis going on?” he grabbed Sam’s arm.
Sam smirked at him. “PK, this is Luke. He’s … well … he’s a friend of mine. I was withhimlast night,” she kissed Luke again. “I’ll call you,” she whispered.
Luke smiled at Sam and nodded to Parker and then he walked away.
Parker crossed his arms. “You’recheatingon me?”
“Cheating? It’snotcheating. It’s pure unadulteratedhotsex with a manbetterthan you! Howdareyou! You’re the one who betrayed me. I know who youreallyare,” she spat.
“Not here. It’s too public.”
“You’re right. We have a lot to discuss.”
“Follow me. I know where it’ll be safe,” he said.
She followed him to his car. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and then she hit him over the head. She dragged his body to the back seat of her car. She got in the driver’s seat and headed towards the safe house.

As she pulled in the parking garage, Luke ran over to her. “Samantha? Need help?”
“Yeah, thanks. Hey, I thought you were going to work.”
“I like watching how your mind works,” he said, as they pulled Parker’s body out of the car. Together, they carried him into the apartment. “Where?”
“In the extra room. I’ll be right there.”
As he carried Parker to the other bedroom, she rummaged through her bags and pulled out the duct tape, handcuffs, and rope. She headed into the bedroom. “Lie him on the bed,” she said.
As he plopped Parker on the bed, she walked over and handcuffed Parker’s hands to bed. She put duct tape over his mouth and then tied his feet to the bedposts with the rope. “Um, in one of the bags is a can of red paint. Can you get it for me?”
“Sure,” he left the room and then came back. “Samantha, you have an arsenal in there,” he said, as he handed her the paint. “What now?”
“Oh, it has to look real. Wait,” she hurried out of the room and grabbed one of the air guns. “Hmm,” she examined the gun and turned down the knob for a low velocity speed. She poured some of the paint in the gun and aimed it at Parker’s chest.Splat,the paint spread out across his chest. She looked up at Luke. “Does he look dead to you?”
“Yeah, looks good.”
“Good. Let me grab my camera,” she hurried into the other room and came back with a digital camera. She took several pictures of Parker’s body. “There.”
“Sweetie, he’s starting to wake up.”
“Good,” she hugged Luke. “I need to take it from here. I promise, I’ll call you.”
He kissed her softly. “I’ll see you soon. Iwillbe back tonight.”
“For morelovin’?” she laughed.
“Yup, you’re not theonlyone who wants to feel better,” he kissed her cheek and left the apartment.