Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam got out of her car and followed Simon Elders into the

café. She sat down at a table that had direct line of sight to his. She looked up as the waiter came over. “Yes, I’ll just have a coffee. Oh, does that man over there come here often?”

“Yes, he’s in here every morning at this time. Why?” “Oh, he’s just attractive, that’s all,” she smiled.
“Well, you’re prettyhot, you could do better than him,” the

young waiter smiled.
“Thanks. Coffee will be just fine,” she said, as her eyes met
He smiled back at her and lifted his cup of coffee. She returned
the favor when the waiter brought back her coffee. Slowly, she sipped
her coffee as she read her newspaper. She never let her eyes off of
Once Simon left the café, she followed him. He headed into the
large office building. She followed a safe distance behind him. She
watched as he hit the elevator button. She looked at the business
directory and noticed the nameSimon Elders, attorney at law, suite 609. She watched as Simon got on the elevator and the door closed.
She took the next elevator to the sixth floor. She got out and looked up
and down the hall. She headed to suite 609, when she noticed that suite
611 was an empty office. She picked the lock and entered the office. She
walked over to the window and stared at the building across the street.
She took her telescope out of her dufflebag and used it to carefully
examine the building across the street. She took a deep breath and
headed out of the door. She walked to suite 609.
The receptionist looked up. “Yes, can I help you?” “Um, I’m looking for a new attorney and I was wondering if I
could schedule an appointment with Mr. Elders.”
“Yes, that would be fine,” she opened her schedule book. “Yes,
he has an free hour tomorrow at ten. Is that all right?”
“Yes, the name is Janet Dow.”
“What is this regarding?”
“I’m sorry, that’s private. What is his initial consultation fee?” “Five hundred dollars,” she said.
“That’s fine. Oh, may I have one of his cards?”
“Yes, just a minute,” she left the room and went into the office.
She came back a few minutes later, followed by Simon.
He walked over to her. “I heard you made an appointment,” he
said. “Hello, beautiful. You were at the coffee shop. Did you follow
“Um, no, you were recommended by a friend of mine,” she said,
as she glanced at the schedule book. “A Robert Rogers.”
“Oh, yes, I see,” he said. “So, I have some time right now.” “Um, I have another appointment. Tomorrow at ten will be
“That’s fine,” he shook her hand. “Here’s my card. I wrote my
home number on the back in case you want to … talk or have
dinner…” he said.
She looked at the back of the card. “This is great, thanks. I’ll see
you tomorrow,” she said, as she picked up her bag and left the office.

Sam headed across the street to the apartment building. She took the elevator to the last floor. She walked down the hall until she found the exit to the roof. She climbed the stairs and walked out on the roof. She walked over to the edge of the roof and dropped her bag. She pulled out her telescope and held it to her eye. She scoped out the building across the street until her eye met the sixth floor, suite 609. She took a piece of chalk out of her pocket and placed an X on the ledge of the roof. She put the scope back in her bag and headed towards the stairwell.

She got in her car and took a deep breath. She drove to the other side of town and pulled in the parking lot of theRazor’s Edge.She put her gun in waistband and put on her jacket. She grabbed an envelope out of her bag and put it in her pocket. She got out of the car and headed inside.

She sat down at the bar and Steve walked over to her. “Alone?” “Yeah, can I get a beer?”
“Sure,” he said, as he handed her a bottle. “Anything else?” “Tell Jack I need to see him,” she said.
“Will do,” he said, as he went into the office.
A few minutes later, Jack came out of the office and sat down

next to Sam. “Steve, give me a scotch, please,” he said.
“Yes, sir,” he said, as he handed Jack a glass.
Sam stood up and grabbed her beer. “Over there,” she said, as

she walked to a table in the far corner of the bar.
Jack sat down in front of her. “What’s this about? Is it done?” “It’ll be done tomorrow.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I have something to show you,” she said. “I was thinking about

what you said the other day.”
“Oh, about mewantingyou?” he smiled coldly.
“You turned me down. You said youlovedParker.” “I did until he betrayed me.”
“What did he do?”
She pulled the envelope out of her pocket and handed it to him.

“Thewhatdoesn’t matter. The end result was that,” she said.

Jack opened the envelope and stared at the pictures of Parker’s deadbody. “Youdid this?” he smiled.
“Yes. I tied him up and killed him. He betrayed me. Usually I don’t like messy, but he broke my heart, so Ibrokehis,” she said coldly.
“So, are you saying you want me now?” he leaned in and lightly touched her hand.
“After my job is done.”
“Oh, can I be part of yourprocedure?” he smiled.
“Youknowabout that?”
“Parker couldn’t help but brag about how good you really were. I wanted you from the minute you killed Scott in my bar. Sam, you have looks and strength. I like that about you. I’m sure you feel so good. I knowthat you put your entire body into having mad, passionate sex.”
She leaned in and smiled. “You have no ideaanymore,” she flirted. “Do you want asneak peek?”
“Here?” he smiled.
“Your office, unless it’soccupied,” she said.
“Follow me,” he said, as they walked into his office. Jack nodded to his men to leave the room and he sat down behind his desk. “What did you have in mind?” he said.
She locked the door and sauntered over to him. She straddled his lap and rubbed her body gently on his lap. She licked her lips and ran her hands over his chest. “Howbaddo you want me?”
“Bad,” he whispered.
“Really bad?Howbad?” she breathed hard.
“Worse thanever,” he grinned.
“What doesthatmean?” she whispered harshly.
“I would’ve killed Parker myself. That’s how bad. Oh, come on, let me have you,” he ran his hands down her chest and gently squeezed her breasts. “Now.”
She carefully licked his lips and kissed him long and hard. She ran her hand down between his legs and squeezed gently. “Later,” she said, as she stood up.
“Oh, no,Allure, I want you now,” he grabbed her and set her on the desk.
“Idon’tmix business with pleasure.”
“What does that mean?”
“Idon’tdo sex in offices,” she ran her hands over his chest. “You and I have a business deal. If you want sex, it’sseparate.”
“I understand. It doesn’t stop me from wanting you.”
“Oh, I know. I can feel it,” she grinned. “I can relieve that for you,” she said.
He kissed her long and hard. “Relieveme,” he breathed heavily.
“Whatever you say, boss,” she said, as she unzipped his pants.

He zipped up his pants and sat down in the chair and looked up at her as she sat on his desk.
“Feel better?” she grinned.
“You are quite a woman. I can just imagine how it will feel inside your body again,” he straightened his tie.
“You need to know one thing, though,” she said, as she crossed her legs.
“What’s that?”
“I won’t become some submissive mistress to you. I will still do my job. I won’t be some kept woman that you eventually have killed like you did with Alyssa.”
“Oh, that’snotwhat I want you for. You and I could be great together. We could accomplish so much together.”
“I think you’re right. So, you trust me now?” she smiled.
“Oh, I’m getting there. Believe me,” he stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders. “When can Ihaveyou?”
“Meet me at the penthouse at six PM tomorrow. The job will be done and you can pay me. Then, you can see how Ireallyam,” she leaned up and kissed him hard. “I like ithard, is that all right?”
“Whatever makes you happy,” he said.
She got off the desk and ran her hands down his legs. “Oh, I do so like it hard,” she said. “Tomorrow,” she said, as she headed out the door.
Jack sat down behind his desk and smiled. “God, I have to have that womanagain.”

Sam got in her car and sped to the penthouse. She hurried up to the penthouse and ran down the hall to the bathroom. She stripped completely and leaned over the toilet to make herself throw up. She wiped her mouth and then brushed her teeth frantically. She turned on the hot water in the shower and got in the tub. She sat down in the tub as the hot water poured on her body. She buried her face in her hands and cried to herself. Once the water turned cold, she got out of the shower and dried herself off.

She walked down the hall to the bedroom and got dressed. She pulled out her mother’s photo. “Mom, I hate this. I don’t want to do this. I don’t know what to do. I have to kill this bastard. He has to pay for what he did to you. I can’t believe I used to… No, I can’t think about that anymore. That was alongtime ago,” she dried her tears. She took her picture and put it in her dufflebag. She combed her hair and headed out of the penthouse.