Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Luke and Parker paced back and forth outside of Sam’s exam room. They stopped in their tracks when the doctor came out of the room. “Doc, how is she?”

The woman sighed heavily, “I’m Dr. Elise Lewis. Well, she has a bruise on her face. She has severe lacerations on her stomach. They had some glass particles in them. We stitched her up.”

“She was raped, right?” Parker asked.

“I don’t know. She refusedthe rape kit, but we gave her some antibiotics to prevent any infection.”
“When can she go home?” Parker asked.
“I want to observe her for an hour and then she should be ready to go home.”
“Can we see her?” Luke asked.
“Not yet. The crime victim’s advocate is in with her now. Sir, you’re police, right?”
“Yes, I’ll be taking care of her case.”
“I’ll finish up my report,” she said.
“Good. Just let us know when we can see her,” Luke said.
“Oh, she is very traumatized by what happened to her. She was very skittish about being touched. I wouldn’t recommend touching her at all, unless she says otherwise.”
“Will she get better?” Parker asked.
“Are you close to her?”
Parker nodded. “I’m her lover. How do I act? I don’t want to hurt her any worse than she already is. How do I handle this?”
“I’ve seen this before. It will go away, but it will take time. Each victim is different. Just listen to what she says. I mean really listen. It’s so important that you listen and observe her. She may not want to be alone, but she may not want to be touched either. Some don’t even allow other’s to touch her hand. I also gave her a script for pain and antibiotics. Warm baths may help.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Parker said.
“Here, you both may want to read this,” she handed them a brochure. “It’s for family members of rape victims. Once the advocate comes out of the room, you two can go in,” she said. “I’ll be back in a little while to check on her.”
“Thanks again, Doc,” Luke said, as he and Parker sat down in the chairs that lined the hallway. Luke looked over Parker’s shoulder as the two read the brochure.

Parker looked up when the woman carrying a clipboard walked out of Sam’s room. “I guess we can go in now,” he said.
“We’ll get her through this,” Luke said.
“I know. I will do anything for me. How could he do that to her?”
“I don’t know. I heard what she told you. I heard what happened.”
“I should’ve barged right in there and saved her.”
“If I had known what he was doing to her, I would’ve let you. Come on, let’s go see Sam.”
The two men slowly walked into the exam room. Sam was lying on the bed, wrapped up with her blanket and she was crying.
“Sam?” Parker said, as he and Luke sat down.
“I’m … I just want to go home,” she cried.
“The doctor said soon,” Parker said.
“I’m so sorry. You don’t need a broken woman,” she cried.
“Babe, it’s not your fault. I will take care of you. I promise.”
She sat up. “I can’t make love anymore. I can’t be touched. I want himdead!”
“I am going to be here for you and I want him dead, too. First, before we do anything, you need to get better. You need time,” Parker said. “I love you, Sam, and I’m not going to let him ever hurt you again.”
“No buts, I love you. I will take care of you. I promise.”
“But now I’m going to die, too.”
“Why?” Luke asked.
“Once he finds out that Parker is alive, he’ll kill me for lying to him.”
“We will take care of him and all his men. Right now, you need to get better. We’ll go back to the safe house,” Parker said.
“I don’t know. It’s still in the city,” she cried.
“I have a better idea,” Luke said. “Your parents’ cabin. It’s a three-hour drive from here. You’ll be safe there. No one knows about that place.”
“Oh, all right. We would need a lot of things,” Sam said.
“Parker, you stay here with her. I’ll go back to the safe house and pack up. I’ll get everything you two will need. Don’t worry.”
“Luke, don’t you have to work?” she cried.
“Sweetie, I’m a captain. I can take a day or so off. I’ll be back and then we can go. You will be safe. No matter what.”
“Thanks, Luke,” she cried, as he left the room.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve saved you,” Parker said.
“Don’t. You didn’t know.”
“I saw him carry your body in the building. I didn’t know he was going to do that to you. I called Luke, but he said to wait until he got there. I should’ve just barged in there.”
“He would’ve killed both of us. I’m glad you didn’t. I didn’t want you to see me that way,” she cried.
“What way?”
“Please, don’t. I’m sorry I was weak.”
“You’re not weak. He hurt you. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it was. I should’ve never done this stupid plan. We should’ve just continued to be lovers, not have you be dead. I’m so sorry. I screwed everything up,” she cried.
“No, you didn’t. You did not screw up.Hedid. He killed too many people and he hurt you. He willnotget away with it. I swear, I’ll kill him if I have to.”
“PK, don’t get killed over me,” she cried.
“I won’t die on you. I promise. I will always be here for you. Like I said, babe, I love you. You’re my life.”
“I’m sorry that I’m such a mess,” she cried.
“I wish I could hold you and make it better.”
“I’m sorry. I just feel so dirty right now but you can hold my hand,” she said, as she reached out her hand.
He took it and held it gently. “You rest until Luke gets back,” he said, as she closed her eyes. “No one will ever hurt you again,” he cried to himself.