Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Parker stood up when there was a knock on the door. “Oh,

Drew, come in,” he said.
Drew walked in and smiled at Sam. “So, this is the lovely
Samantha,” he said, as he ran his hands through his blonde hair. She stood up and smiled and extended her hand. “It’s Sam. Nice
to finally meet you. Luke should be here soon.”
“Good,” he said.
“Have a seat,” Parker said. “What’d you find out?” Drew opened his folder and placed a few pieces of paper on the
table. “I have surveillance on the penthouse and he’s still there, waiting
“Great,” she rolled her eyes.
“There are four business, his house, the building behind the bar
and a housing development under construction. His men are dispersed
between the four businesses and the development.”
“The building behind the bar, are there any men there?” “No, it’s a bunch of empty apartments.”
“Well, oneisn’tempty. I think he used it for his trysts with his
mistresses,” Sam said.
“Oh, all right. Does he have a new one?”
“Yeah, me,” she said.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize…”
“It’s fine,” she said, as there was a knock on the door. Parker answered it and there stood Luke. “Come in. Drew just
got here.”
Luke walked into and sat next to Sam. He kissed her cheek. “I
see you’re better.”
“Yeah, did you bring everything?”
“Yup, all in this bag,” he tapped the dufflebag that laid at his
“Good. Drew, do you have the blueprints for the building?” “Yeah, hold on,” he opened his binder and took out several
pages. “This is what I have.”
“This is perfect,” she said, as she examined each blueprint. “Do you have an idea now?” Drew asked.
“I think we’ll need to sync up the take down. Do we have any
other men?”
“Yeah, I can pull in some agents.”
“Sam, I’m here for you, too,” Luke said.

She took Luke’s hand and led him into the kitchen. “I don’t want you to involved anymore.”
“Samantha? Why?”
“I don’t want to lose you. I can’t risk you being hurt.”
“Samantha, I’m a cop. I do knowhowto handle myself.”
“I can’t lose you,” she cried.
“I can’t lose you either. You and Parker are going to need backup. I’m your back up. I’ll be with the two of you, backing you up. Samantha, trust me.”
“I do trust you. You’re theonlyone I can trust. I’m sorry I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“I have to ask…”
“Yes, if I get the chance, I am going tokillJack.”
“I figured. Samantha, I have to ask you something.”
“What is it?”
“There’s more to this Jack then you’re telling me.”
“There is and when you do find out, pleasedon’tbe mad.”
“Tell me now,” he crossed his arms.
“I can’t … I’m trying to deal with it all in my head.”
“Does Parker know?”
“No, hedoesn’t. Luke, I know he’s hiding something from me. I don’t know if it’s important or just private.”
“How do you know?”
“I just feel it. As for Jack, I have to deal with him, my way. I have to … when it’s over … I’ll tell you all about it. I promise. Now, please, let me deal with Jack my way.”
“All right. I promise. Samantha, he hurt you,” he sighed.
“No, he didn’t … at least not the way Isaidhe did.”
“Please, Luke. Remember what I told you from the beginning?”
“Yes, I thought thingschanged,” he said.
“Some did, somedidn’t. I have to do this my way or it will never end.”
“All right, Iwon’tstand in your way.”
She hugged him tightly. “All right,” she took his hand and led him back into the living room. “Is tomorrow too soon?” she asked, as she sat down.
“No, I can coordinate it all tonight,” Drew said. “So, you three are going to hit the bar?”
“Yup. Well,Iam,” Sam said.
“Sam? I thought we were doing this together?”
“Oh, we are. I’m just going to waltz in there and ask for Jack. Luke, you cover the front, and PK, cover the back. I’ll be fine.”
“Only if you wear a vest,” Parker said.
“I will. So, tomorrow, say around eleven?” she said.
Luke and Drew stood up. “Sounds about right. I’ll call you in the morning,” Drew said, as he headed out the door.
Luke touched Sam’s cheek. “I’ll be here in the morning. You’re notdoing this without me.”
“I promise,” she said, as he walked out the door.
Parker took her hand. “Are you all right?”
“I will be when this is all over with.”
“I know, babe. So, what do you want to do now?”
“Eat. I’m starved.”
“I’ll run downstairs and get a few slices, if you want.”
“Sounds good. I’m going to get undressed,” she said.

When he came back upstairs, he set the pizza on the table. “Sam?”
“In here,” she said.
He walked over to the bedroom and smiled when he saw her lying on the bed, dressed in a lace teddy. “Wow.”
“I’m awow?”
“Come here, PK,” she reached out her hand to him.
“What’s this about?” he asked, as he took his shirt off.
“I want us to enjoy each other. I bought this for you, just haven’t had the chance to wear it.”
“Oh, it’s very sexy. You look so good in black,” he leaned over her and started to kiss her.
“May I?” she asked.
“What?” he asked.
“Take the lead? I want you to be loved byme. Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” he said, as he slid his pants off and kicked them on the floor. “What do I do?” he asked.
“You’ve nevernotbeen in control?” she grinned.
“Never,” he said.
She placed her hands on his chest and gently laid him down. “I’ll show you how it’s done,” she said, as she laid on top of his strong, tanned body and kissed him softly. “Do you want me?” she breathed hard.
“More than anything,” he said.
She slowly sat up and took his hands. “Go ahead, you can touch me and I’ll make love toyou, baby,” she whispered, as she made love to him.

She curled up next to him. “So?”

“Amazing. Babe, you’re incredible. I always knew you were, but that was a first for me,” he smiled, as he held her close.
“You’ve always been in control?”
“Yeah, but this was … I can’t even explain,” he kissed her softly.
“Good. We can take turns. To me, when we make love, it’s about both of us feeling good. I don’t want you to do all the work … well … you know what I mean, I didn’t meanworkexactly,” she laughed.
“I get it,” he laughed slightly. “May I hold you just like this all night?”
“You couldn’t tear me away,” she said, “but I am kind of hungry.”
“I’ll be right back,” he got out of bed and put his boxers on. He headed into the living room and came right back with the pizza. “Here, let’s eat.”
“Good. You’ll need your strength,” she laughed.
“Oh, babe, we’re goingagainafter we eat,” she said, as she took a bite of her food.
“I think I could get used to this,” he kissed her cheek.
“Me, too,” she hugged him.