Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Past Truths

Sam walked into the penthouse and Jack came out of the kitchen with two glasses of wine. She smiled at him. “So, I’m here,” she said.

He set the glasses on the coffee table and walked over to her. He kissed her softly. “Allure, I meant what I said.”
“I’m sorry about the way we made love. I want us to both enjoy it. You did, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess, it’s just not the way I think we should make love. Can we talk, Jack?”
“Yes, of course,” he said, as he pulled her towards the sofa and they sat down.
“I’m sorry that I left. I was … caught off guard by you. I’m not used to be out of control in … well … I don’t know what we are,” she said.
“We can be so much together.”
“I realize that now. I’m sorry I left,” she said.
“You’re here now. That’s all that matters. You know, I do like this penthouse much better than that old apartment,” he said, as he handed her the glass of wine.
“So do I. Um, whatarewe to each other?”
“I don’t understand,” he said, as he sipped his wine.
“Are we just lovers? Do I still work for you? What?”
“Oh, I see. I think we could eventually bepartners. I’ve never been with a partner before. I think you have a lot you could teach me and I could teach you a lot of things.”
“Yes, Allure, first things first, though,” he said, as he ran his hands through her hair.
“Sex, right?”
“First and foremost. That will always be our starting point.”
“Yes, I understand … but sexmy way,” she said.
“I can handle that. I’msorrythat I hit you.”
“It’s all right. No big deal. I’ve been hit a lot harder,” she laughed slightly.
“Now,Allure. I can’t wait any longer.”
She took his hand and led him to the bedroom. “All right, my way,” she said, as she kissed him hard on the mouth. She unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down his pants. She stood back and stared at his body.
“Whatareyou doing?” he asked.
“Wondering where to start first,” she laughed.
“Oh, anyideas?” he grinned.
“I haveseveral,” she walked over to him and ran her hands all over his chest. She kissed him long and hard again and ran her hand down between his legs. “Oh, I see youareexcited.”
“Very, come on, woman,” he said.
“I saidmy way,” she said, as she walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of Parker’s ties. She wrapped it around Jack’s eyes. “I’m returning the favor,” she ran her tongue down his chest and back up to his face. She pulled her cuffs out of her back pocket and led him over to the chair. “Sit.”
“I like this game, but it’s takingtoolong,” he said.
“Just a little while longer. Aren’t I worth the wait?” she whispered harshly.
“Of course you are, Allure,” he whispered heavily.
She cuffed his hands to the arms of the chair. She unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her breasts. She ran her breast lightly over his mouth. “Can you taste me?”
“Let me do it now, woman, I can’t take this much longer,” he panted.
She walked over to the bottom drawer of her dresser and pulled out the duct tape and a pocketknife. She carefully taped his feet to the legs of the chair. She ran her hands between his legs and squeezed him hard. “Oh, come on, baby,releaseyourself.”
“I want it inside you,Allure,” he said, as he struggled.
She pulled off his blindfold. “I want you to watch now.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to tease you for a little while. It will make itsomuch better,” she said, as she removed her blouse. “Do you want a taste?” she asked, as she pressed her chest against his face.
Slowly, he licked her breasts and then sucked on her nipples. “You do taste so good. Come on, show me the rest.”
She unzipped her pants and slid them down her legs. She walked over to him. “Can you feel it?”
“Yes,” he said, as he stretched his hand out to feel her panties. “God, you’re so beautiful and sexy. Idolove you, you know.”
“Idoubtit,” she said, as she stabbed the knife into his leg.
“Ow! What thehellare you doing?”
“I’m going to torture you. You’re going to pay for whatyoudid to me!”
“WhatIdid to you?”
“You’re just lucky I got your leg and not your damnram rod!”
He looked down at his naked body as his leg bled. “You can’t do this, you crazy broad.”
“Oh, don’t tell me if I got on you right now, you wouldn’t enjoy it!”
“Then do it, woman.”
“I see that even with the pain, you’re still very excited. Is it me? Is it my body that’s turning you on or is it your submissiveness?”
“It’syou. I can’t help but look at that sexy body of yours. I want it. Now more thanever.”
“Oh, so, pain does turn you on, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, more than you know,” he grunted.
She walked over to him and sat on his lap. “How does that feel?” she asked.
“Wonderful. Do it again. Come on, let me put me inside you,” he said. “Youknowyou want it.”
She stood up and slowly got dressed. She threw a blanket on top of his naked body. “You justdon’tget it.”
“I get that I want you and I will get out of here and take you.”
“Oh, really?” she crossed her arms. “You don’t know me at all.”
“Oh, I know you’re atease,” he struggled. “Sam, don’t you know how much I want you. I’ll treat you good,Allure. I swear.”
“Treat me good?”
“Yes, I treat you good. I treat you like a lady.”
She sat down in front of him. “Yourapedme.”
“I didnot,” he shook his head. “I’mnota rapist.”
“I told you I’d make love to you and, yet, you wanted to fight me. No, you wanted me to fight you off.”
“I … I … I’m sorry. I told you I wassorry.”
“You don’t get it. Iwould’vebeen with you and you still … hurt me.”
“I’m so sorry, Sam. I’ve never met anyone like you before. I didn’t … mean to hurt you.”
“That’s notall you did,” she unlocked the handcuffs and untaped his feet. “Get dressed.”
He slowly put on his clothes and watched as she aimed her gun at him. “Sam? What are you doing? Don’t you want me now?” he asked.
She turned around. “Jack, do you remember who I am? Do you know who Ireallyam?”
“Yes, I do,Lee.”
“So, you remember and yet, youstillhurt me? How could you do thisagain?”
“Sam, that wassevenyears ago. I’m sorry that things got in the way of us.”
She dropped on the bed and Jack sat next to her. “Jack, I loved you back then but Inevertoldanyoneabout us, and then … you left me forher…”
“I know. You did find someone, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, but he died. YoukeptKyle under your wing and you left me. Now, I find out that you killed my parents and you killed Kyle.”
“Whoa! I don’t knowwhatyou’re talking about.” Jack took her hands. “Sam, I hadnothingto do with your parents’ death.”
“How could you do that?”
“I didn’t. It was yourbrother.”
“Kyle couldn’t have killed my parents. He loved them, as I do.”
Jack put his arm around her. “Sam, I know what I did to you back then, but Ididn’thurt your parents. Yes,Lloydwas the one that threw Kyle off the roof.”
“Well, technically, Kyle was still hanging when I found him. He slipped out of my hands.”
“I’m sorry about that. I’mnotan evil man, Sam.”
“Youstillhurt me. How could youdothat?”
Jack stood up and walked over to the window. Sam walked over to him and kneeled. “Let me wrap that for you,” she said, as she wrapped a bandana around his leg that was bleeding.
He turned around and gazed into her eyes. “Sam, you came back to me tokillme, didn’t you?”
She nodded slightly. “Yes, Jack. My plan was to kill you. I wanted you to die. I wanted you to pay for what you did to me. When I met Parker, all I could think about was makingyoupay.Whendid you know it was me?”
He turned and lightly touched her cheek. He kissed her softly. “I knew from the minute you walked into the bar. I knew it was you. Back then, you called yourselfLee, and your hair was a lot lighter. But your face. Your beautiful face. I knew it was you.Allure, when you … then … you killed Scott. I thought…”
“You thought I wanted you back, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did. When I saw you, I can’t tell you how I felt. All those feelings, those nights spent together …came crashing in my head.”
“Jack, I almost ruined my career because I tried to protect you. I’ve been angry with you for so long and…” she walked over to the bed and sat down. “Then, thereyouwere. I wanted you dead. When I walked in your office … the reason I had Parker with me is because I didn’t want the feelings of loving you to come back. Jack, I never stopped, but it killed me inside. Then … I thought you did all these horrible things to my family. When Parker and I met and he told me how he worked for you, I thought he’d be my way in to get to you.”
“And then youkilledParker?”
“The truth is … no, he’snotdead. I faked those photos. I wanted to get closer to you and if you thought that he was out of the way, it would work.”
“Well, it did work. Sam? Why all thesegames?”
She buried her face in her hands. “I fell for Parker. I can’t explain why or how. It just happened. He took care of me.”
“Where is he now if he’s such agoodman?”
“Um, earlier … we kind of blew up the bar,” she muttered.
“You didwhat?”
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“Sam, you arequitea woman,” he sat down next to her. “How didwe get to this point?”
“I don’t know. I feel so conflicted. Jack, I was madly in love with you. I knew what kind of business you were in, but it didn’t matter to me. I loved you. Then … youleftme. When we were back … you hurt me. You know I would’ve made love to you. I just wanted to feel you one more time before I killed you. I needed to love you … one last time. I’m sorry. I know that sounds awful.”
Jack took her hands. “Sam, I don’t know how to make up for what I did to you. You’re so important to me. You alwayshavebeen.”
“Then, why did youleaveme?”

Parker slowly walked down the hall and stood outside the door when he heard them talking.


“I leftforyou,” Jack said.


“You left forme? Ilovedyou!” she stood up and faced him. “How is leaving me good for me?”


Parker took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Damn. She loveshim? He’s going to tell her about me, now.”

Jack stood up and put his hand on her shoulders. “You loved your job. I didn’t want to ruin your life. Allure, we never made our relationship public. You never even told your best friend or parents about me.”

“I know. Maybe I should have,” she gazed in his eyes. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. You should be forgiving me.Ibetrayed you this time. I wanted to kill you. Iwasgoing to kill you. I was going to torture you and kill you.”

Jack gazed in her eyes. “I love you, Sam. I alwayshave. You’re right. I didn’t … I shouldn’t have hurt you. I never treated you like that before and … I know that you’ll never be able to forgive me.”

“I don’t know where to go from here,” she said.
“Do you still love me?” he asked.
“Of course I do. I never stopped. I just don’t know what to do.

You were right. I’m sorry for the games. I should’ve just confronted you. I know that Parker used me … he used me to kill you. I’m such a fool. Jack, I don’t know what to do,” she cried, as tears streamed down her face.

Jack lightly caressed her cheek and kissed her softly. “Please, Sam,staywithme. Comebackto me. I love you and I know you still love me. You just proved it. If you didn’t love me, you wouldn’t have tried so hard to hate me. We were always so good together. I am so sorry that I left. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

“I … I love Parker.”


“I don’t know how you can love him. Who do you thinkhelped

“What?” she stared at him.
“He went with Lloyd tokillyour brother. Yes, I sent them. After

I found out what your brother did to your parents. I didn’t want them to kill him … at least right away. I wanted them to bring him to me. I was going to find you … to letyoudecide. That is why I sent Parker to bring you to me.He’sthe one that changed the plans.”

“WhydidKyle kill my parents?”


“Money, I guess,” Jack sat down on the bed. “Why did you think

I did it?”
“Parker told me that you killed them. He showed me the yellow
“Yellow rose?” Jack shook his head. “I don’t use roses for
calling cards. I don’t have the men use calling cards.”
“I’m so sorry that I believed him. I heard you used roses … I
couldn’t believe that you did that.”
“The only yellow roses I ever used were to give to you,” he
sighed. “Sam, please, we have to work through this. Your anger with me
is misplaced. I didn’t hurt your family. I wouldneverhurt anything you
love. That’s why I wanted you to decide about Kyle. If you wanted the
police to deal with it, I would’ve let you take him in yourself.” Sam looked up and noticed a shadow in the hallway. “Tell me
what you know,” she said, as she placed her finger to her lips. She
walked quietly over to the door. She reached her arm out the door and
grabbed Parker, and pulled him into the room. She jammed her gun
against his head. “Move!” she demanded.
Parker put his hands up and walked over to the chair. “Sam,
what’s going on?”
“That’s what we’re all going to find out. Now, sit,” she
Jack smirked at Parker. “Nice to see you, Parker, you know,not
dead,” he laughed.
“Shut up, Jack!”
“No,youshut up. Where’s Luke?” Sam demanded.
“He … um … he went back to the safe house,” Parker said. Sam took the cuffs and handcuffed his wrists to the arms of the
chair. “Jack, can you toss me the duct tape?”
“Sure thing,” he tossed it to her.
Sam proceeded to tape up Parker’s legs. She backed away from
him. “So, PK, tell me that Jack’s lying.”
“Heislying.He’sa murderer,” Parker said.
Sam turned to Jack. “Tell me … what is itwiththe two of you?” Jack stood up. “Sam, Parker is mybrother.”
Sam’s eyes widened. She glared at Parker and punched him in
the face. “You bastard! You made up a story about your grandmother
being killed? You made up a story about having no family?” “Our grandmotherisdead. She died of a heart attack last year,”
Jack said.
Sam aimed her gun at Parker’s head. “He’s not lying, is he?” Parker shook his head. “I never wanted you to find out. I love
you, Sam. How can you trust him? Herapedyou, remember?” “Andyousaid you loved me. Youliedto me. You lied about your
past. You lied abouteverything,” she hurried over to her phone and dialed.
“Samantha…” he grunted.
“Where are you, honey?”
“Trunk. Do … not … trust…”
“I’ll be right there,” she said. “Jack, um, can you watch him for
“I can do that.”
“Please, don’t kill him until I get back. He hurt Luke.” “Your friend?”
“Mybestfriend. Please,don’tleave.”
Jack walked over to her and kissed her softly. “We’ll finish this,
don’t worry,Allure.”