Unlawful Identity by Amy Shannon - HTML preview

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Sam looked up from the stove as Parker walked into the kitchen. “I’m not much of a cook, but I’ve made breakfast,” she said, as

she set the plates on the table.
“This looks… well,eatable,” he laughed. “I think I’ll do the
cooking from now on,” he said, as he took a bite and then spit it in his
“I know, it tastes likecrap. I do make a mean cup of coffee,
though, and I can do toast.”
“That sounds better,” he smiled, as he pushed the dish away.
“Whatwasthis supposed to be?”
“Eggs,” she laughed.
“Oh, it kind of looks like…”
“I know,spaghetti,” she said, as she poured them both a cup of
“So, if you can’t cook, how’d you feed yourself?”
“Well, take-out and my mom,” she stopped. “My mom used to
make a lot of meals and send them over. All I had to do is reheat them.” “You miss your parents, don’t you?”
“Um, yeah,” she said, as she sat down. “Mom and I were very
close. She worried about me, not because I was a girl, but because I’m
the youngest.”
“What about your father?”
“Well, he was closer to Dylan and Kyle. When Dylan and I had
the accident, he didn’t leave Dylan’s side. He devoted himself to my
brother. Even when Kyle made all his mistakes, he didn’t care. He was
always there to bail him out. I guess I was, too. I love both of my
brothers and will always take care of them,” she wiped the tears from
her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he said, as he poured the sugar into his coffee. “So, what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Any family?”
“I was raised by my grandmother. My parents died in a car
accident when I was five. My grandmother took care of me. She died
last year.”
“Oh, any brothers or sisters?”
“Nope, I’m an only child. So, tell me about Ed,” Parker said. “Well, Ed and I were together. We never married, but we were
together for about three years. He was killed in the line of duty at a
“Oh, I’m sorry. You loved him?”
“Yeah, I did. He was a good man. To be honest, he died a
couple years ago and I haven’t been with anyone since. I devoted myself
to my job. My mom, though, she was always trying to fix me up with
someone from the country club,” she laughed slightly. “So, what about
you? Anyone special in your life?”
“Not really. I mean I dated a few women, but it never really
went passed the second date. I don’t know why … maybe the job, or
they just weren’t …compatible.”
“So, how long has it been since you’ve had sex?” she grinned.
“Notcounting last night.”
“Aloneor with someone?” he laughed.
“With someone,” she shook her head slightly.
“A few years. I have to admit, even though it was been a long
time, last night was …amazing. I never had anyone take the lead before
and it was…”
“Well, I thought we’d both enjoy it.”
“Oh, I certainly did,” he lightly touched her hand. “So, we are
“If that’s what you want,” she smiled. “Another thing…” “What’s wrong?”
“I think that we should both be totally honest with each other.” “I agree. What’s this about?”
“We should be honest about the job, but also how we feel. If
you need space, let me know. I’ll do the same. I know we’re both
devoted to getting this job done and we don’t know what will happen
when its over. I want you to know that I didn’t have sex with you
yesterday for the sake of training or the job. I did it because I wanted to.
I amveryattracted to you,” she smiled.
“That’s how I feel about you. I wanted to make a move before
you did, but I didn’t know how you were feeling about it. You are very
sexy and beautiful. I was so turned on by you and Iwantedyou.” She smiled and stood up. “I know we have to start this soon. Do
you have any ideas?”
“Well, I have an outside contact. His name is Drew Ralston.
He’s the one that got your stuff here.”
“He’s FBI, too?”
“Kind of,” he smiled.
“Well, I’m going to get dressed. Um, where are we going?” “Why?”
“I need to knowhowto dress,” she smiled.
“Oh, wear your besthit womanclothes. We’re going to theRazor’s
“Jack’s bar?” she asked.
“Yup,” he gulped down his coffee. “I have to get dressed, too.”