Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 9 - Familiar


Emily floated on the top of the warm water, her arms were extended and relaxed, and her eyes were closed. The water sloshed softly against the side of the pool and she could feel the baby moving inside of her. She was able to let her mind wander. Things had returned to normal with the exception that David was now back in prison. He asked to see her daily, but she hadn't yet been down to see him. Chevalier stopped working such long days, and Kyle was back as her personal guard.

The pool was one place she was allowed to be alone. She grinned because she knew why she was allowed to swim by herself. She had outgrown the one piece swim suit and the bikini left nothing to the imagination. Chevalier had become more jealous as her body changed with the pregnancy. He watched the shadows closely when she walked, making sure no servant looked at her for too long.

Emily was sure the only reason Kyle was allowed near her, was because it almost caused an argument between she and Chevalier. He had been extra careful to watch his temper around her.

The Equites offered the Valle a peace treaty, for now, and they accepted. They had already taken out not only Ulrich's coven but also a large coven that housed a lot of the Valle guards. The Valle had limited troops and limited funds and could not afford another skirmish. For now, they were leaving Emily alone and she was finally feeling safe again.

Emily slowly began to work her way to the edge of the pool. Once her fingers began to prune she knew it was time to get out. She'd spent time every day in the pool. It lessened some of the normal aches and pains of pregnancy.

She stepped out of the pool a little awkwardly. Her petite form had some problems keeping balanced the heavier the baby became. She grabbed a towel from the warmer, and buried her face into the soft fibers. As she dried her legs, she felt an arm around her waist and a hand over her mouth before she could scream.

“Calm, Emily, I won't hurt you,” Sam said, holding her tight enough she couldn't get loose.

Emily tried to scream, but couldn't get a sound out through his hand.

“I'll let you go if you promise not to scream,” he whispered.

She clawed at his hand on her mouth, drawing blood with her fingernails.

“Stop, I'm not here to hurt you… please trust me,” he said as she struggled to get loose. Emily tried to concentrate, to turn him to ash, but it didn't work and she again tried to scream.

“Emily, stop! I belong to you now… don't you understand? Lord Ulrich is dead. I'm now your familiar.” His words came out quickly and Emily stopped struggling.

He slipped his hand off of her mouth so she could speak, “Your what?”

“Your familiar,” he said, finally letting her go.

She turned on him and took a step backwards, “No, no you turned me into the Valle and I was tortured, Sam. You were like a father to me.”

The pain in her eyes made him recoil, “I didn't know they would do that, I swear. In the past when Lord Ulrich has taken a Winchester into protection, he kept them safe in the castle.”

That is nice for them, but I was tortured in a prison,” she scowled at him.

His eyes fell, “I know.”

“You did that. Sam, my father was your friend and you… you let them hurt me. You always promised me, from the time I was a toddler, that you wouldn't let anyone hurt me.”

“I know,” was all he could think of to say. “Still, I am yours to command.”

She glared at him, “Then go kill yourself.”

He winced, “I can't do that, though. I am your familiar until the time of your death.”

“Kyle!” she yelled.

Kyle appeared in the door, and a growl echoed off of the walls in the room as he appeared between Emily and Sam. Sam didn't flinch or wince away from the fierceness in Kyle's eyes.

“Did he touch you?” Kyle asked, and watched Sam.

“He said he's my familiar now that Ulrich is dead,” she explained quickly.

Kyle glared at Sam and blurred behind him, grabbing him by the throat and around his shoulders, “We'll see about that.”

Emily quickly slipped on some shorts and followed Kyle and Sam out into the hallway as they headed for the prison. Kyle was too mad to realize Emily was behind him as he stepped into the cell area and ordered the guard to open a cell. He threw Sam roughly inside and Sam's body crashed into the wall of the cell. The guard slammed the cell door shut and locked it.

“Emily?” David called from the adjacent cell, and Emily froze.

Kyle turned to David, “Do not speak to her,” he hissed.

David stood up and walked to the cell door, “Emily, please, talk to me.”

Emily moved back a step. Her eyes went from Sam, to David, and back again as she walked backwards stiffly.

“Leave her alone,” Sam hissed at David.

“Both of you shut up!” Kyle growled.

The familiar and the Valle both became silent.

Emily, order Sam to stay in the cell… tell him not to turn into a cat,” Kyle told her softly.

She looked at him, “Do what?”

“Tell him… please.”

Emily turned to Sam and frowned, “Stay here. No turning into a cat.”

“As you wish,” Sam said, bowing.

Emily stiffened as Sam agreed to what she had said.

“Come on, Emily,” Kyle said, taking her arm gently.

Emily, please… just a moment. Talk to me, I can't live like this… I can't live without you,” David begged.

“One more word and I'll end this now,” Kyle hissed at the Valle.

Emily let Kyle lead her back up the stairs. She was confused and her mind was sifting through what Sam said. Her eyes were far away and when Chevalier spoke, she didn't hear him.

“Emily?” he said again.

She looked up at him, and the confusion was evident on her face, “What?”

“Kyle, wha