Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 - Ancients


Chevalier jumped out of the bed beside Allen when he heard the blood- curdling screams coming from the next room. He blurred into Emily's room and quickly ascertained that she wasn't in trouble. He sat down beside her and touched her shoulder softly as her body thrashed under the covers.

“Em,” he said, shaking her softly.

Emily sat up and began to claw at him, “Don't touch me!”

“Emily, Em, it was a bad dream,” he said, pulling his hand back quickly.

She stopped suddenly and looked at him, breathing hard, “Chev?”

“It's ok. It was a dream,” he said, touching her cheek softly as she laid back down.

She curled up on her side away from him and pulled the covers back up. He waited until she fell asleep, and then returned to Allen.

Emily woke up with the morning sun and felt every muscle in her body ache. She sat up slowly and groaned. Her neck was throbbing, and she explored the puncture site with her fingers. The area was hot and swollen. Getting stiffly to her feet, she headed toward the bathroom, trying on the way to stretch out her sore muscles.

She heard someone come into her room as she stepped into the steamy shower, but ignored them and shut her eyes as the hot water ran down her sore back. When she began to prune, she shut off the shower and slipped on a robe to see if her breakfast was here yet.

“Chev?” she asked, stepping out into the room.

“Good morning,” he said, smiling. He was seated at the small table and he lifted the dome off of the silver tray.

“That smells good,” she told him, and sat at the table before grabbing a slice of bacon. She curled up in the chair, her knees pulled against her chest, and started to eat.

“I have the yacht ready and the next week is clear… do you still want to go?” he asked, handing her a large glass of orange juice.

“We're still going?” she asked, then took a long drink. Her lips were still dry and cracked from dehydration.

“Yes, I think now is as good a time as any. Anna is going to watch Allen for us.” He took the glass and put it back on the table.

Emily's eyes narrowed, “We're leaving Allen?”

“I really think you and I need to be alone.”

“But leaving him? What if something happens?” She dropped the second piece of bacon back onto the plate, no longer hungry. Wrapping her arms tightly around her legs, she laid her cheek on her knees and watched him.

They know where we are going, this time I told Kyle. If anything happens, we'll know, I promise,” he assured her. His expression was sad as he saw Emily sit in her defensive ball. He hadn't seen her do that in a while.

She nodded, and then headed to the bathroom to get dressed. She quickly reappeared in jeans and a t-shirt and started packing a bag.

“Why don't you finish eating?” he asked, eyeing the nearly full tray.

Not that hungry I guess,” she told him, and dropped her bag by the table. “I'm ready.”

He nodded and wrapped the bacon and toast up in a napkin, “Just in case.”

The yacht was just south of the pier and Chevalier easily lifted her onto it. She looked around at the sparkling boat as he talked to the guards quickly, and then took his spot on the bridge. As soon as they were away from land, Emily stripped down to her bikini and laid down on one of the cushioned deck chairs. The sun's heat felt amazing against her skin and she quickly relaxed.

Chevalier watched Emily from above and smiled. He pulled his eyes away from her and back to the instruments, then headed out to a predetermined spot on the Atlantic. Cutting the engines, he let down the anchor and joined Emily on the deck.

You make it pretty hard to stay on the bridge,” he said, adjusting his sunglasses as he sat down on the deck chair beside Emily.

Mmm, the sun feels so good, I'm still cold,” she said to him, never opening her eyes.

“Still? I knew I should have brought some B12,” he sighed as he brushed a strand of hair off of her face. He pulled his hand back quickly when she flinched at his touch.

“I'll warm up. So are we going to chit-chat about my low blood supply or are you going to reveal why we're really out here?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.

“Am I that predictable?”

Emily nodded and shut her eyes again.

Let's just enjoy the day, ok? We'll talk later,” he suggested, then leaned back against his chair.

“Sure, whatever you say,” she said lazily.

Chevalier grinned, “Whatever I say, eh? That's new.”

“Yeah, well… don't get used to it.”

Chevalier wanted to touch her, to cradle her and hold her in his arms. This entire trip was to break her out of whatever it was she was going through, but he felt she needed to get comfortable with him again. He cursed the Ancient who used his image to lure her into the crypt. Chevalier wished he could bring him back and make him feel more pain for what he did. Emily was guarded, untrusting, and on edge. Chevalier was reminded of her time with Keith and how long it had taken her to trust again.

Emily spent all morning out in the sun. She threw on a robe and came in only when it was time for lunch, then made a quick sandwich and sat at the table to eat.

“You're turning pink,” Chevalier said, sitting next to her.

She glanced at her skin and wrinkled her nose, “I forgot sun screen. It's ok, a little burn never hurt anyone.”

Emily ate in awkward silence. She'd gotten used to him watching her eat, but today it was uncomfortable. When she was done, she washed up the dish and went back out into the sun. This time she laid down on her front, so her back could get some color.

Chevalier sat down by her and squirted some sun screen into his hand. He warmed it up,