Views from the Asylum by George L.Hiegel - HTML preview

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Psychotic Views Part Nine:

Sorry, I wandered off there for a minute. Now, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the phrase: The soldiers are fighting for our freedom. Let me expand it a little bit and make it. The soldiers are defending our country. They are fighting for our freedom. These two phrases have been repeated for the purposes of selling a product and the product that’s being sold is: This war is a just war. This war is a righteous and noble cause, for liberty, for freedom, for the rights of oppressed people everywhere.

  Let’s examine the defense aspect. ‘The soldiers are defending our country” or put another way, ‘ The soldiers are defending our home.’ Okay, let’s say I have a gun at home, and the reason I have a gun at my home is to defend and protect my home and myself. Can I take my gun and go to a house all the way on the other side of the city, invade a house, throw the people living in it outside, destroy the house, shoot a couple of people, then later when asked to explain my erratic, idiotic, violent behavior in a court of law, stand up, salute the flag and proudly say: Your Honor, I was merely defending my home against a perceived threat and when the judge say: But you were in someone else’s home, they were not in yours and with a somber, straight-face, I respond: It was a pre-emptive defense. They were planning something, so I attacked them before they could carry it out.

 The only time you can rightly use the words defend or defense as a justification for an action taken is when you are being attacked. Who threw the first punch? You can’t just walk up to somebody and start beating the seven hells out of him and then later claim you were defending yourself. Now, this guy could’ve been a total asshole of a human being, but he didn’t start the fight, you did, and the only time you could rightly say U.S. soldiers are defending our country is if our country was actually attacked. We cannot do the attacking and call it defense. The only time in U.S. history that the mainland of the U.S. was attacked were the wars against the British in late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, these were not and are not wars of defense. Were Korea and Vietnam to load up their fishing boats, sail across the ocean unseen and invade the U.S. Were Iraq and Afghanistan threats to invade the U.S.? We attack, we initiate, we invade, and call it defense and hundreds and hundreds of military bases in 100 countries also defense. How can any country have sovereignty when they have our bases and our troops occupying them. We wouldn’t want foreign troops on our soil, right? So why would any other country?

 Do you know why the powers that be chant those lines: ‘ The soldiers are fighting for our freedom’ and ‘The soldiers are fighting to protect our home’ and why they insist on its absolute unquestionable veracity, because if these phrases are lies, then the war are lies, that is why they chant these lines like Holy Scripture from the Bible. That’s why they get the corporate owned, mainstream media to repeat the phrases endlessly in order to brainwash the public. Corporations, after all, profit from war and from the massive war machinery spending in the Pentagon’s budget.

 Why wouldn’t the corporate owned media then do their best to justify Pentagon budgets and wars? Those in politics know the real reasons why we have military bases in over 100 countries. They know the real reason why the U.S. spends more on the military than the rest of the world put together. They know the real reason why we have wars, U.S. business interests. Wars are business and business is money and that old retread of smug glibness, if you criticize the war, you hate the troops. This phrase was invented to intimidate the public, the media, and politicians in order to mute criticism.

 The phrase is mind boggling absurd in its logic. Let’s examine the innuendo, if you want the war to end, if you want the soldiers to come home, if you don’t want healthy young people to be killed, to lose an arm, a leg, an eye, or some other permanent physical disability to be permanently fucked up in the head, or commit suicide, then you hate them, but if you don’t care if they lose an arm, a leg, an eye or some other permanent physical disability, be permanently fucked up in the head, or commit suicide, then you love them. Think of the logic at play here. If you don’t want soldiers to be harmed in any way in a foreign country roar, you hate them, but if you don’t care if soldiers are harmed in a foreign country war, then you love them.

If I say, I don’t want any kind of harm to happen to my brother. IF I don’t want him to lose an arm, a leg, an eye, or to suffer some other permanent physical disability. If I don’t want him to be permanently fucked up in the head, if I don’t want hime to commit suicide, if I say all of the things is it because I love my brother or because I hate him. So, just shut the fuck up, will you? Wishing no harm for someone is not hating them and being indifferent to someone being harmed is not loving them, but I’m sure those who say otherwise knew this already anyway. This is just another example of their psycho brainwashing technique for the masses.

If corporate children would die in one war,

If political children would die in one war.

If media children would die in one war,

War would cease to be glorious,

War would cease to be glamorous,

War would cease to be grand,

War would cease,

War would cease,

War would cease,

War would be, no more

 ‘War No More’—Yours truly

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s a military man

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s crying

Mama take look at your boy

He’s a soldier

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s colder.

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s a military man

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s fighting

Mama take a look at your boy

He’s frightened.

They have trained your boy to kill

And kill someday he will

They have trained your boy to die

And ask no questions why.

 ‘Military Man’—Gary Moore