Views from the Asylum by George L.Hiegel - HTML preview

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Psychotic Views part Thirteen:

No, it is very safe to say that there will not be a New Way coming from the U.S., not in the future, not ever. This is more than abundantly clear. There could’ve been a New Way even before there was a country. There could have been a New Way anywhere along the path after becoming a country, but there was not, not then, not now, not ever.

There have been individuals who have tried to introduce, to enact, to lead a New Way and the possibility that they could succeed in bringing about a New Way, scared the living shit out of the power keepers of the Old Way. These power keepers had become excessive rich and powerful from the Old Way. These people had no limits to their greed, their selfishness, their corruption. Their psychotic mania for money, possessions and power, their ruthless adherence to the phrase: by any means necessary.

A New Way would cost them a lot of money. It would cost them a lot of power. It would cost them status and class. It would cost them high priced possessions. It would cost them their entire way of life. This could not be allowed to happen. This would not be allowed to happen. The problem must be eliminated. A crisis must be averted. Certain people must die. Assassinations are the means. John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Pope John Paul I.

Each of them have been dead a considerable amount of time. For JFK it’s almost 50 years, for Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, it’s been almost 45 years, for John Paul I, it’s been close to 55 years. Still many people continue to honor their memory, millions of people, me. I stop to ask the questions: How would the world be different in the year 2012, if these men had lived their lives out to their natural end?

What if is always a purely speculative game to play. Conclusions are based on likelihoods and probabilities. Ver similar to putting down on a thoroughbred horse, before the race, it’s guess work. The guessing can be very well though out or not thought out much at all. You’re full of hope then. Full of hope, your guesswork will prove true. Your hope rises or dissipates as the race plays out and at the end your hope is either fulfilled or squashed into dust, but when the guesswork involves people who have died, it can never evolve beyond the guesswork. It can be very well thought out guesswork, studied, examined and detailed. The thoroughbred, though, is never going to be allowed to run. The gate is never going to open, the race is never going to happen. Your hope cannot be fulfilled.

Despite this, what if, can be an intriguing thought provoking game to play. It can be deep insightful look at what might have been and if these four men had lived out their lives to their natural end, I believe, the world of 2012 would be a very different place. A much better place and I believe this is why they were murdered. To prevent such change from happening, all four were in unique positions of place and time. All four were in positions to affect great change. All four were in positions of high power.

JFK was President of the United States. Bobby Kennedy would have been, without the slightest doubt, President of the United States. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most influential and powerful and public minded citizen. John Paul I was the leader of a rich and powerful religion with far reaching worldwide influence. Individually, all were catalysts for change, together, they could have been catalysts for greater, even more drastic change, for a New Way, that change, though, never occurred. All four were assassinated, murdered, killed to stop that more drastic change. Killed to stop a New Way. Many people like to dismiss conspiracy theories and those who propose them with a flippant and disdaining wave of the hand. They are true believers in the one lone nut solution as the neatly wrapped little packaged answer with a nice pretty bow on top, or so they say in public. What they really know or what they really believe are different questions all together. By ending their lives, you not only altered the world of their day, but of everything which came after them. If they had all lived on and died natural deaths at a later time, we would have an entirely different history now, an entirely different world.

Look at the consequences of the two Kennedy assassinations, without them, Nixon is never President and passes into political oblivion. Without Nixon, there is no Ford, without Nixon and Ford there is no Carter, without Carter, there is no Reagan, without Reagan, there is no H.W. Bush and on and on down the line. Who ends up as President of the United States is due in large part to who has come before. Without the Kennedy assassinations, an entirely different set of names would be etched in stone as U.S. Presidents, without the Kennedy assassination, the U.S. has an entirely different history for the last 50 years and because the U.S. has so much influence and say on what occurs in the world, the world has an entirely different history too for the last 50 years.

I believe that those with dark room power believed they were getting one sort of a man and they ended up with a different sort of a man than what they had expected or desired and these people had a way of doing things and these people were not the sort to tolerate a different way of things. A New Way of doing things. They were people who believed in getting their way, the price to pay in getting their way, the price to pay be damned. So, they murdered the person who had the will and the power to stand in their way, the President of the United States.

In 1968 with Bobby Kennedy there was no mistaking what kind of man they would be getting as President. There was no misjudgment. They knew what they would be getting. They would not make the same mistake twice. Bobby Kennedy has to be murdered before he became President. His way must be stopped before it has even had a chance to begin. If he is murdered after he becomes President then not only will some of his agenda is enacted, but all of his agenda is enacted. There would be taking no chances this time. Murder the king before he takes the throne.

To me, it has always been an impossible thing to consider that two brothers, one a President, the other a certain president could be assassinated as two mere fantastical coincidences. If coincidences are too great or too many, they are not coincidences anymore. Two brothers, with great power and influence are murdered less than five years apart. What are the odds for that happening and then I’m supposed to believe both of these grand scale coincidences occurred solely because of two lone nuts. Two lone nuts working out of no motivation other than own at the behest of no one, under the influence of no one.

Two lone nuts working and acting alone. Two lone nuts murder two brothers, the most important political figures of the last 50 years within a space of less than five years and it was all just one colossal, motherfucking, coincidence, that’s what I’m supposed to believe, but that’s exactly what I don’t believe. The coincidences are too great and within the assassinations themselves, the coincidences are too many and look at what we’ve had politically since. Look at the foreign policy, look at the wars, the military spending, the interference in other nations affairs, the old way, all the old way.

Martin Luther King Jr. had fought the civil rights fight. It was a long, violent, bitter struggle. It was a fight that shouldn’t have been necessary. No man, no woman, no one should have to fight to prove they are, indeed, a human being and as a human being you deserve to be treated with decency, dignity and respect, but it is a fight fought every day, everywhere, even today, but King had another fight he wanted fought, U.S. foreign policy. Military industrial complex, wars, foreign wars. U.S. interference in other countries affairs, inhumanity, brutality, making the world a more peaceful, more merciful, more decent place. He wanted to address the U.S. place in the world. How the U.S. could affect positive change. How the U.S. could make itself and the world a better place to live, a better place to be. The U.S. instead, though, was a dark path with foreign policy. Overthrows, coups, assassinations, insurgencies, interventions, backing vile, brutal dictators in suppressing their own peoples/ right to a better way of life.

King was a powerful speaker with a natural ability for persuasion. He could influence people to follow him, to follow him his way. A New Way, a New Way for the U.S., a New Way for the world, but that didn’t happen. He was murdered before he could throw his full energy and weight into this fight.

John Paul I was another man of high power who wanted to be a catalyst of change. A proponent of a New Way. He was the head of a worldwide, well monied, powerful religion. A religion with 100’s of millions of followers. The Catholic Church, the Vatican, the vast, extravagant headquarters of the Catholic Church, the Pope’s home, is legally declared a sovereign county. Yes, the Vatican is a country and the Pope is its president.

This pope was different. He was a modest, humble, incorruptible man. The Old Way was selfish, self-serving and corrupted. It didn’t care about the poor and huddled masses. It didn’t care about the sick and the defenseless. It didn’t care about the abused and the oppressed. It was about accumulating wealth. It was about accumulating property. It was a taker, not a giver.

Well, under the reign of John Paul I that was going to change. The basic corruption was going to stop. The uncontrolled accumulating of wealth and property was going to stop. The ties to the Freemasons was going to stop. The ties to other secret societies was going to stop. The ties to tyrants, gangsters and crooked bankers was going to stop. Everything about the Old Way was going to go.

So, like others of his kind, he was murdered, poisoned. His reign as Pope lasted only 33 days. The day he died he had written up all of the changes he was going to make. He died with those papers clutched tight in his hand. Those papers were never seen after that, nor was the bottle of medicine that had been laced with a killing does of digitalis. He was an agent of change, a man of a New Way. So he was murdered and things quickly returned to the Old Way and they’ve been there ever since.

No, there isn’t going to be a New Way, it seems. People of the Old Way are cold, calculating machines. Humanity been damned. They live in a world where compassion, mercy, empathy, decency and giving are weakness. A world where selfishness, power, greed, megalomania, viciousness violence, mercilessness and global psychosis are strengths and people of the Old Way are, above all, ruthless, by all means necessary. There is no act beyond their capability. There is nothing they wouldn’t do to keep the Old Way fully in place.

Proponents of the New Way are suppressed. They are oppressed, beaten and harassed. They are intimidated, tortured and threatened and if they become a big enough threat to the Old Way, they are murdered, such is the way of the world.

There is only possible chance for this New Way to succeed and that would be for the global public to stand up and demand that the world embark on this New Way. The global public would need to rise up in overwhelming numbers and also their voices, their minds and their clenched fists. The global power brokers of this world have vast amounts of wealth and power, but the global public has a vast superiority of numbers. This alone, if exercised properly, could secure a successful realizations of a New Way. It is possible, it will not happen though. It will not happen because the global public is not up to the challenge. They are the lambs led happily to the slaughter. They will not fight for a New Way, a better way. They surrendered the flag a long time ago. Give the people a little comfort and it goes right to their head.