Views from the Asylum by George L.Hiegel - HTML preview

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Psychotic Views Part Four:

Frankly speaking, I’m sick of this apathy and indifference to this godforsaken fucked up world of ours. People in the U.S. muddle around completely capitulated in their attitude toward their condition and the condition of the country. The walking dead, they’re defeated, they’ve given up trying to better their lot, they listlessly accept whatever occurs.

Lousy jobs, lousy pay, little or no health care. Change is just an empty word with no real world meaning. They drink, they smoke, they fuck with no thought or care. They drone on endlessly on their cell phones, talking and talking and talking without ever really saying anything. They speak as if every work is a life affirming, high witted gem, instead of the life draining, mind numbing pile of shit that it is. Immature zombies satisfied with themselves and life because they have toys to play with: cars, phones, tvs, computers, video games, etc. Things, this is what is important in life. Things, not people, not how we interact with our fellow human beings, not how we treat them, not anything so humane. No, we are segregated, separated and disconnected from all that. It’s a game that nobody wins. The person with the most stuff wins, what do they win, more stuff? When people die, do they have themselves buried with their stuff? There’s a saying that goes: “you can’t take it with you”. Really? Why then are so many people trying then? Why is it the more people get, the meaner and more selfish they get? They act like vicious chipmunks hoarding all of the nuts for themselves. Share my good fortune? Fuck you! Why don’t you just go away and crawl off into a cold dark corner somewhere I don’t have to see you and be reminded that people like you even exist. Compassionless, consciousness, inhuman, unhuman, inhumane. Go through life with blinkers or without even a slight periphery, tunnel vision, no more like pinhole vision. Head down, eyes narrowed, mind existing in a small gray boxed in corner. Never expanding, never challenging, never crawling out of your homemade, self-design, comfortable little hole you occupy, the square walled ditch you call home, living but never alive. Never sticking your neck out, never raising your eyes above the waterline, never taking the time to pause, never fighting for the lost cause, never seeking a new path, never seeking a new way, never veering off the lines of expediency, never living for other, never living beyond the self .Expediency, the greatest sin of all. Never stick your neck out, never do what is the most difficult, take the easy road, take the easy way, don’t strain yourself, no risks, don’t put yourself out, no boat rocking, no howling into the wind, play if safe, don’t dare to swim against the tide. Self-interest, self-ease: expediency.

There is another deep psychosis at play too. The culture of fear. The people propagandize the idea that you cannot exist without being afraid, you cannot live without fear. This country cannot exist without it. There is a bogeyman around every corner, lurking and laying in waiting to do you harm.

Those 10 years between the time when the U.S. cold war with the U.S.S.R ended and when the war on terrorism started drove the war profiteers crazy. They didn’t like this time at all. There was no global bogeyman out to get us, there was no global bogeyman which could be used to covet the easily gulled public with. There was no global bogeyman to use as an excuse to ever expand the Pentagon budge, to invade more countries, to open more military bases, to start more wars. No, these profiteers didn’t lik this time at all, but then came 9/11/2001 and all was right with the world again. Once again, the mass hysteria could begin. Another global bogeyman had been created to fill the delusional void. Welcome to the world of globalized paranoia. We have the biggest, most expensive, most powerful military that human history has ever seen. Yet, we are always afraid. This massive, out of control spending, this ever growing expansion of influence, this ever increasing hi-tech power of weaponry never buys us any calm and peace of mind, does it?

 Corporations with government ties, military contractors, politicians, media, mercenaries, military lobbyists, special interest groups area ll unabashed proponents of this global paranoia. They are so because they profit by it and it is a purely insidious motivation on their part. They promote the fear because they profit by it. Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions of dollars are at stake. They are lining their pockets from the money made by this cultivation of the global culture of fear. It is a dark, premeditated plan and the motivation is clear, money and power. Be afraid everyone, be very afraid.

Won’t you see, we don’t want to spend all of this money on the military, we don’t want to build all of those military bases around the world, we don’t want to invade countries, we don’t want to start wars, we have to do these things. We are doing them to protect you, to make you feel safe from the global bogeyman! You see that , right? You see that all of this is necessary, don’t you? Of course you do!

Yes, there is a deeply entrenched, wide ranging culture of fear sowed at all levels in this country. A major reason for it is control. The small percentage of the true, well-moneyed power players in this country need a way to control the masses, so they use fear. It is used on a large global scale. The power players need a reason to justify their behavior on a global scale. Create a global bogeyman. IF they need to justify their behavior on a domestic scale, create a domestic bogeyman.

Yes, these power players need to keep the masses in line. They need to keep them in lock step with their thinking. They need to keep them from questioning them, doubting them, casting suspicious eyes at them and worst of all, opposing them. They know that if the masses would ever come to oppose them in large enough numbers, there is nothing they could do to stop them. Their nasty little endless plans of unabashed money and power would be defeated. You see, the small percentage of well-moneyed power players know where the true power lay. It is in the hands of the masses. If the masses were united on a large national scale, there is nothing that could stop them. The small percentage of rich, power people know they are greatly outnumbered. They must not be allowed to unite, so the small percentage use an old war strategy to see that this never happens. Divide and conquer, a divided public will not unite or survive. This divide and conquer strategy can be applied in many different ways. Racially, ethically, religiously, sexually, etc. There are a couple of reasons why this strategy works. One is because the people who are applying it have the power and money resources to put it before the public on a large, relentless, influential stage. The second reason is because human beings on the whole, have an inborn natural suspicion and wariness of anyone who is different from them. Whites will be suspicious of anyone who isn’t white, Christians will be suspicious of anyone who isn’t Christian, Americans will be suspicious of anyone who isn’t American, heterosexuals will be suspicious of anyone who isn’t heterosexual. Whites can be pitted against black, black against Asian, Asian against Spanish speaking and etc.

This divisional strategy can also easily be applied within groups. Chinese against Korean, Korean against Japanese, light skinned Africans against dark skinned Africans, western European against eastern European, Northern European against Southern European, etc. The same approach can be used with religions as well. They can be used to pit Christians against Muslims, Muslims against Hindu, Hindu against Christians, etc. Again this natural suspicion can be used within different sects of the same religion as well. Class used to pit people against one another too. High middle class, average middle class, low middle class and the poor class. Even where you live can be applied to divide people. Rural people against urban people, urban and against rural, outer city against inner city, inner city against outer city, city against suburb, suburb against city, etc. All of these means of division are not carried out accidently, they are enacted with a cold, precise, premeditated reason. The one thing which the well moneyed high powered, privileged few fear more than anything is a united public. This idea scares them like no others. To them, it is the worst of all possible nightmares. It would mean an end to the way things are. It would mean an end to their unrestrained, hedonistic approach to rule and reign.

The culture of fear also displays a strong prominence in the area of crime. Crime statistics prove out that a crime is going to be carried out by one person against another and a large percentage of the time when the two people know each other. Total strangers committing crimes against people is a lower percentage, yet everyone in the culture of fear is indoctrinated with the idea of fear, the stranger. Fear your neighbor, fear the person in front of you, beside you and behind you. Everyone is suspicious, everyone is a potential robber, burglar, purse snatcher, rapist, child molester, batterer or terrorist. Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Home security companies certainly profit from this strategy, so does the gun and other weapons manufacturers, judges, law enforcement and governments, and again the culture of fear is always purported for the same reasons. Money, power, and control and it will continue on this way unless the public fights in large numbers to conquer it, but as much as I would like to see this happen, the odds are high against it ever happening. The public, as with all things, has the power to do make it happen, but they lack the will. This is what the perpetrators of the culture of fear count on. This is why they continue to apply the strategy of divide and conquer.

Nothing is ever going to change for the better, I fear. Those who occupy the exalted seats of power don’t want things to get better and who don’t occupy the exalted seats won’t fight to make things better. They are either too distracted, too indifferent, too apathetic, too naïve, too ignorant, too easily manipulated or too corrupted. They are used, abused, manipulated, lied to, deceived, degraded, demeaned, laughed at, ridiculed, raped, robbed, cheated, persecuted, beaten, tortured and killed and yet they will not fight for a better way.

Frankly, I don’t know why the masses are so lacking in boldness and courage. Why they are so unwilling to give up a known bad entity and fight for a better way? Why are they so unwilling to stand up for themselves and demand to be treated more humanely and with all of the freedoms, liberties every person on Earth deserves. Fighting for a better way would have an unknown outcome, an uncertain result, but isn’t I better to take on this unknown with its possibility of a marked improvement of the human condition than to just accept the dark known as just the way the world is, the way things have to be. There are over a billion people in China, what if one out of three of them actively fought for a better condition for themselves and demanded more freedoms and liberties. That’s over 300 million people, what could the Chinese government do? Lock them all up? Beat, intimidate, or torture them? Kill them? Jail them? 300 million people, but I am almost 100% certain that this will never happen.

 The number of dissidents in China has always been insignificantly small. Their numbers are nowhere near where they need to be to cause a positive significant change. This small number is what allows the Chinese government, the U.S. government, the Russian government, the Indian government, or any other government to get away with its institutionalized abuses of power. Public strength, as I said before, is dependent on large numbers. In order to influence change in any type of governing system, you have to make those governing fear you. This is the only way change for the public good can occur. As it stand now, it is the public who fears the governments. Small numbers allows any kind of ruling system to intimidate, to torture, to beat, to harass, to jail, to murder and to cow tow in order to keep the status quo. Small numbers are what make these methods effective.

No, I don’t believe the Chinese will ever rise up en masse against their government and demand a better condition for themselves. Nor do I believe the people of the U.S. will do either. Why? Patterns, if they were going to do so, they would have done so already. People in this country may have fought for civil rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights and all sorts of other things in the past, but the people of 2012 U.S., are a whole different breed. What exactly are the masses, on the whole, willing to fight for? Better pay? Cleaner air? Clean water? Safe food? Better public education? Fairer treatment? What? What are they willing to fight for? When I say fight, I mean the high risk kind, where people are injured, beaten and yes, sometimes even die for their cause.

In order to gain a lot, you need to risk a lot. Any positive gains in human history anywhere in the world proves this out. People fought, people were injured, people were killed. People want fairer treatment. People want better pay and better working conditions. People don’t want to be cheated by banks, investment companies and real estate dealers. People want clean air, clean water, safe food and a good education for their children and a better health care system. People may want these things, but they don’t want them bad enough. In order to gain a lot, you need to risk a lot. The less you are willing to risk, the less you are going to gain. Most people in the U.S. aren’t willing to risk enough. Many aren’t willing to risk anything at all. Give people a little comfort and it goes right to their head.

Yes, yes, of course freedom of speech and the right to free assembly are important too, but do I have to miss my favorite TV show to fight for them? Clean air, clean water and safe food are important too, but do I have to stop talking and texting on my cell phone 14 hours a day to fight for them? Sure, civil rights, civil liberties, workers’ rights, and these sort of things are important, but do I have to stop twittering and facebooking in order to fight for them? I mean the fate of our country is in the hands of people who park in handicap parking spaces because they’re a whole 20 feet closer to the door or people who trample and mace each other the day after Thanksgiving for the sole purpose of gluttonously getting their hands on some highly prized hi tech toy, or people who are willing to sit in the cars in the McDonald’s drive in lane with their engines running for 15 minutes because they can’t muster the fucking energy to get out of their cars to go the monumental distance of 25 feet to the door. I don’t care anymore. I just don’t care. The world is never going to change, not for the better. Spinning on its axis day after day after day. Rotating around the sun over and over and over again. Human nature is never going to change, not for the better. Things are just going to get worse from here. They are not going to get better, they are never going to get better ever again.

 Humanity has evolved as far as it wants to go. It shows no signs of any wide scale telling improvements. Humans were given a great gift. So full of great potential, but to me, we failed to live up to the hype. We, on the whole, failed to live up to our potential, miserably so. We are a failed species. Humanity could’ve been so much more than it is. Life could’ve been so much more than it turned out to be, but selfishness, arrogance, egotism, greed, hate and the need to war all got in the way. Humanity is a failure, a pathetic abysmal failure. The evolution process is over, it is now complete. No more progressions, no more steps forward, no more reaching a higher ground. What a waste, what a colossal fucking waste.

I am through caring about humanity. I am tired of investing my emotional state of being in the actions and outcomes of my fellow human beings. I am spent, exhausted, worn out. My once well stocked reserves have long been drained dry. Why should I care about humanity anyway? Why should I care about its quality and quantity of life? Humanity doesn’t even care about itself. I have nothing more to give, not physically , not mentally, not psychologically and not emotionally. I gave all I had to give and now its gone. It’s gone without even the slightest possibility of it ever coming back. Am I supposed to care about a world that declares corporations are people? Hello Mr. Apple, Mr. General Electric, Mr. Exxon Mobil, so glad you could come. Will it be the usual today again today? Fucking people in the ass until they bleed and then a couple of more times just for fun. Now money is free speech. Step right up and place your bribes, I mean bids. Now, what is the opening bid going to be, do I hear $100,000, I have $100,000. Do I hear 2? I have 2. The man in the back has just upped the bribe, I mean bid to $500,000. Do I hear 6? I have 6. 7? I have 7. The man in the back has just raised the price to $1,000,000. Going once, going twice, sold. The man in the back has just bought himself some free speech for $1,000,000. Is most of the public aware that these things have occurred? Do they even remotely understand the significance? Do they even waste a minute of thought on the subject?

Why waste time on boring topics such as corporations are people and money is free speech when you address more important things like the Kardashians, a new line of Nike sneakers, award shows, phone apps and sporting events, you know, all of the important necessities of life. How informed are the people when it comes to serious issues? On the whole, woefully and pathetically informed. When elections approach, I hear people say its important to vote. How informed are the people who vote? Do they actually know how the candidates voted on bills? Do they know anything beyond that the candidate is a Republican or a Democrat? Do they know any real facts at all? Do they really believe that voting for a Republican or a Democrat is going to cause any significant change in the way this country is run? Are they ever going to wake up, or do they prefer the naïve, soothing comforts of continuing to play the delusional, hope crushing game enjoyed by people from all over the world.

 Let’s pretend. Yes, let’s pretend is a popular game. In fact, it’s the most popular game in the world. Let’s pretend those people over there aren’t really human beings, so we can massacre them, brutalize them and kill them. Let’s pretend we’re superior to them, let’s pretend I’m superior to you, Let’s pretend my religion is better than your religion. Let’s pretend my god is better than your god. Let’s pretend there aren’t two sets of laws, one for the rich and one for everyone else. Let’s pretend there really is such a thing as a democracy. Let’s pretend that because I’m well moneyed, I can lawfully abuse everyone who isn’t. Let’s pretend the world’s oil supply is never going to run out. Let’s pretend there’s such a thing as clean coal. Let’s pretend that pharmaceutical companies really do want to find cures for diseases. Let’s pretend CEOs have a conscience. Let’s pretend that you can keep running the world at the behest and benefit of the rich forever without worldwide, horrifying consequences. Shall we continue? No? You don’t want to play anymore, why not? I was just starting to warm up. I could go on like this for a long time, at least a couple of hours or more. Don’t tell me you can’t think of anymore, “Let’s Pretends”? Sure you can, you’re just not trying. What do you mean, you don’t like the game? You play it all the time, don’t you? Everyone in the world plays this game. Why do you play it so much then, if you don’t like to play it? What? Oh, I see, you like the game, you just don’t like the way I play it.

Well, well, you don’t like the way I play the game. Fuck it then, just fuck it all to hell. What’s wrong with the way I play the game, huh? Is it the tone of m voice? Too much sarcasm for you? Too much _____?

Hell, there’s nothing wrong with the way I play and you damn well know it. Strike a nerve did I? Or was it several nerves all at the same time? Well, you can go now asshole, you’ve ruined my mood and ended the game. So just piss off and do it in a hurry before I decide to push your face in farther than it already is. Walk away, that’s it, walk away and don’t stop walking until you’ve done humanity a great favor and walked right off the planet.

I got a little excited there, didn’t I? Yeah, I know, I admit it. I don’t why I showed my temper to that degree. His reaction was not all surprising. In truth, everyone I’ve played the game with has had the same reaction. They all play the game, every minute of every hour of every day. They all play the game and I know why they all have the same reaction to me. The game isn’t meant to be played out in the open, it isn’t an overt kind of game for the general public. It is a covert kind of game, a private internal kind of game. Talking about it externally out in the open is going to provoke a quick, negative reaction most of the time, about 90%, probably more, with me so far, it’s been 100%