War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 25 The Moon and Stars

Kort could see what appeared to be a temple in the distance. It was located on a road not that far from the town center. Beside it were a few small houses. The temple itself seemed very simple in design. The road was practically deserted. As they approached, carved upon the large wooden doors he could make out the symbol of the moon and stars. The god of night, Kort thought.

They could hear chanting from within the temple. Kort dismounted some distance and tied his horse to a nearby tree. Misara and Durem did the same.

They began to approach carefully.

The door of the temple was closed. There would be no way in without being noticed, Kort thought.

“Let’s go around,” Kort said to the others.

They found small windows at the side of the temple. They could see a number of people inside standing  as  they  chanted. In  front of  them was  a man who wore black robes. He chanted along with the others. He must be one of the priests, Kort thought.

The chanting stopped. Kort gestured to the others to try to remain silent.

“Followers of Balkir,” the man in black robes said to the people. His voice was strong and commanding.

“The sign in the night sky is the fulfillment of the prophecy we had been told two years before,” the man continued. “And we have also been told that there will be some of us who will be tested. Our new found faith will have to undergo a cleansing of all doubt. And an illness will be what purifies us. Those who have been chosen for this test must be strong in their faith. Healing will come to those who truly believe. Bring your sick to me and witness the power of Balkir.”

Kort glanced at Misara. He could see she was alarmed by what they had all heard. As they continued to observe what was happening, people inside the temple began bringing their sick to the man in black robes. A woman approached and was carrying a small girl who looked pale and seemed very weak. She looked pleadingly at the man as she lay the girl down on a long wooden bench placed at the center of the temple. The man approached as the woman stepped back. The man closed his eyes, raised his right hand towards the ceiling while placing his left hand on the forehead of the girl. His lips appeared to be moving as if in prayer.

Suddenly, with a loud voice the man spoke, “By the power of Balkir, be healed!”

The girl began to open her eyes slowly. Color returned to her skin. The people in the temple murmured in awe. The woman who brought the girl fell to the floor in tears of joy. Some yelled in praise. The man in black robes remained motionless with his eyes still closed.

Kort was perplexed by what he had seen. It was the first time he had witnessed a supposed miracle. He had never been a religious man. And so he pondered the event that had just transpired.

He continued to watch the man in black robes when suddenly the eyes of the man opened. He stared straight at Kort.