War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 28 Restoration

Kort and the others arrived back at Durem’s home at noon. They found the state of the sick woman unchanged. Beret and the shop keeper still kept watch over her. Revik and Aisha ascended from the basement stairs and joined them. Kort then relayed to them what had transpired at the Temple of Balkir.

“If I am not mistaken, the temple is using this spreading illness as a way to get more followers,” Revik said.

“It would appear so,” Kort replied. “But to what end?” Beret asked.

“I am not entirely sure at this point,” Misara said. “But I believe there are forces at work that may be beyond mortal understanding.”

Kort could see Beret staring at Misara. A sudden change seemed to have come over her. She appeared more certain of herself. And he felt that Beret could also sense this. But as he observed her further, Misara seemed to be avoiding Beret’s gaze. He began to wonder what this meant.

“If indeed the comet and this apparent plague are connected, then the prophecy may be true,” Durem said.

As Kort was about to say something, the sick woman began to speak.

“The new gods are the way. We must follow them.” The woman said. Her eyes still closed as she spoke.

“She has been delirious all morning,” Beret said.

Misara slowly approached the sick woman.

All eyes were upon her now. Kort could see serenity on Misara’s face. She sat beside the woman and held her hand. Misara’s eyes closed. Everyone became silent.

Kort could hear Misara whispering. But she did not appear to be whispering to the sick woman. It was a prayer, he thought.

“Lord Misar, I ask that you heal this woman. Grant this not because your servant asks, for I am unworthy. Grant this because your power is real and your mercy is true,” Misara whispered as she prayed.

The curtains covering the  windows suddenly moved as a gentle gust of wind blew from outside. All of a sudden, the sick woman slowly opened her eyes. Kort could see recognition in the woman’s gaze. She looked around until she saw her husband. She raised her hand as if reaching out for him. The shop keeper broke down in tears as he knelt beside his wife.

This is the power of Misar, Kort thought.

In less than an hour’s time, the woman looked completely well. The fever was gone and the vein-like marks on her skin had vanished entirely.

The shop keeper kept thanking Misara for the miracle she performed.

“Praise Misar for it is not I whose power healed your wife,” Misara replied.

Both the shop keeper and his wife pledged to become followers of Misar from that day forward. The couple then left Durem’s house jubilant.

Kort looked at everyone after the couple had left. “We should finish packing supplies for the journey,” he said to them.

“Should we not rest another night before leaving?” Beret asked as his eyes glanced at Misara with concern.

Kort saw this and understood what Beret wanted to convey. Misara might be exhausted from having healed the shop keeper’s wife. But upon examining Misara, she seemed well. And he also felt that time may not be on their side. Far too many things have happened and are still happening, Kort thought.

“Do you feel up to making the journey today?” Kort asked Misara.

“Yes,” Misara said simply.

“Then let us leave in one hour,” Kort said.