War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 33 The Ruins

Aisha saw for the first time what appeared to be dread in her teacher’s eyes. She was unaccustomed to seeing him this way. She had always known her teacher to be self-assured. But this was no time to doubt his strength, she thought. She quickly recalled in her mind the words that were necessary to cast the Shielding Spell. She uttered them carefully and in the correct order. Around her the air began to shimmer and then a moment later the glow dissipated. A wall of elemental energy now surrounded her. It was the most basic of protective spells. And she hoped it was enough for what her teacher sensed was coming.

She watched Revik as he himself began the enchantments of a spell she did not recognize. It was magic beyond her training. And realizing this restored her confidence in her teacher. She felt safe once more.

Crimson energy began to blanket Revik’s entire body. She could only watch in awe as she saw this spell for the first time.

“I am ready teacher,” Aisha said but her voice cracked in apparent fear.

Revik shifted his gaze towards her and smiled at her reassuringly.

He then faced forward. His look was grim.

“Reveal yourself,” Revik said in a commanding tone.

The earth began to tremble slightly. Aisha looked around everywhere wondering what was happening. Revik kept facing forward as if anticipating what was about to transpire.

Then about twenty feet in front of them, the ground began to erupt. Something from underneath the soil was trying to break through. It was a human hand but it looked decayed. Aisha could not describe how she was feeling that moment. It was a mixture of fear and excitement. What was this creature they were facing? She wondered. She kept glancing at her teacher. But Revik stood motionless. He appeared to be waiting for whatever it was to come out of the ground.

Finally they stood face to face with it. The putrid smell that pervaded the air made Aisha cover her nose momentarily. She was now almost certain what it was. She had only read about such creatures in the library of their tower. They were the undying, summoned from the netherworld by the darkest of magics. And these creatures had properties that made them resistant to many spells. For what kind of power could kill something that was already dead? She thought. Aisha had learned from the histories that the Tower of Dark Magic was eventually cast out of the Circle of Towers for having delved into such forbidden practices. Now she knew why. There was a line between death and life. And dark magic had violated it. She began to feel anger towards this abomination before her and what its existence represented.

Moments passed before the creature finally spoke.

“Wiiizaaard..” the thing said slowly. An echo followed its voice as if coming from the depths of the netherworld itself.

“Begone foul creature and return to whence you came!” Revik said to it. He appeared completely focused on the thing that stood before him.

“Ha ha ha ha…” the creature laughed slowly. “Weee destroooyed thiiis towerrr looong agooo and the wiiizaaards that prrrotected iiit. I wiiill dooo the sssame to youuu.”

Revik’s hands began to move as he uttered an incantation. Bolts of green energy then flew  from both his hands and encircled the undying. The bolts of energy began to tighten around the creature until they held it and bound it where it stood.

Aisha struggled to remain focused so as not to be distracted by the awe she felt at seeing her teacher. She had to remain vigilant for there was no telling what else was out here, she thought.

“If you will not leave this plane, then you will do as I command. Tell me what happened to the wizard’s staff!” Revik said to it. He appeared to concentrate fully on the creature to ensure that the binding spell did not break.

The undying appeared to be in torment as the binding spell held it tighter and tighter.

“The staaaff is heeere, deeeep in the dungeonsss of the ruinssss,” it said.

Aisha was now mesmerized by what was happening before her very eyes. For only a brief moment, her mind wandered and she lost track of their surroundings. She failed to notice the ground behind her breaking. Suddenly she felt something indescribably cold grasp her right ankle through the pants that she wore. She looked down in horror. It was a decaying hand. She began to scream.