War of Ascension Book I: The Prophecy by Frederick Edward Fabella - HTML preview

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Chapter 42 Followed

As soon as Beret and Revik returned, Kort told them to get ready. The library was only a couple of streets away from the inn where they stayed. He first paid a visit to Misara who was still in the bed chambers of Aisha.

“We are headed to the library,” Kort said to Misara. “Will you be alright here?”

“Yes,” Misara answered. “I need to stay by her side.”

Kort nodded and bid her farewell. He then joined the other two. They decided to go on foot. He saw that Revik had brought with him a large leather satchel bag.

It had been only a year ago since he visited Kestalon. And he was quite accustomed to the many people that walked about. This was a transit point between three kingdoms where peoples of different races came and went. But as they walked past various shops, he noticed that people were fewer than usual. Once again, he was reminded of Narul. Yet despite the presence of the plague, commerce between the kingdoms continued.

They finally reached the library. It was an impressive stone structure said to have been built centuries ago. He saw that Beret and Revik also appeared to be marveling at its architecture.

“We are here,” Kort said to the others. The other two nodded.

They entered the main door of the library. There were scores of people inside. They must be scholars that have come all the way from the farthest towns and cities, Kort thought. The library hall was spacious. Shelves containing various books and scrolls lined the walls. Large wooden desks were at the center of the hall. Many were seated while they studied. Others were busy searching the shelves for what they needed.

As Kort walked past a table, a man was seated reading a large book. The man looked wise with age and whose garb was not typical for a resident of Kestalon. Perhaps a visitor from some distant land, Kort thought. He was able to make out what he was reading. It was something about plagues and their cures. This saddened him somewhat. It would seem that this plague had indeed spread even beyond the Kingdom of Arkamas.

“Where do we begin?” Beret asked.

“Let us ask the library keeper if they know Master Ladris or the other members of the Circle,” Revik replied.

“Agreed,” Kort said.

Kort spoke to the library keeper and did what Revik suggested. The library keeper was a woman who had been busy rearranging books that lay in front of her.

“Master Ladris?” the library keeper said, “Is he that scholar from Hedak?”

Kort nodded.

“He and his companions used to frequent an inner chamber of the library,” the library keeper said.

“Would you mind showing us?” Kort asked. “Not at all,” the library keeper replied.

“Come with me.”

They followed the woman as she went past two library halls. It appeared that each hall contained books covering a specific variety of topics. The library keeper stopped and before them was a door leading to a smaller inner chamber.

“This is where they would stay when Master Ladris and the others came,” the woman said.

“You have our thanks,” Kort said to the woman.

They opened the door and entered. The inner chamber was spacious enough for over a dozen men. At the far wall was a cabinet full of scrolls and books. There was also a window that illuminated the chamber. Kort suddenly felt suspicious. He recalled the library back in Torinth and how Master Omed had been killed. He motioned Beret to stand guard by the door.

Kort then approached the window while attempting to avoid being seen from the outside. As he tried to look carefully outside, all he could see was a large deserted courtyard that formed part of the library’s surroundings. There were no trees and no people. This reassured him. But he dared not make the same mistake in Hedak. This time he would be vigilant, Kort thought.

“I will search for the manuscript,” Revik said.

Kort watched as Revik carefully rummaged through the contents of the cabinet. Long minutes passed before Revik ceased his search. He was now holding a book. Revik opened it carefully and leafed through its pages.

“I have found it,” Revik declared.

“We must now hurry back,” Kort said to them as he still did not feel safe where they were.

The others nodded.

Revik placed the manuscript in the satchel bag that he carried. They then walked out of the library. Kort continued to remain watchful. As they walked down the street towards the inn, from out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone from behind keeping pace with them.

We are being followed, Kort told himself. He had to continue walking normally so as not to appear to have noticed their stalker.