Wychetts and the Tome of Terror by William Holley - HTML preview

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It was still raining one week later when Bill entered the foyer of Gutterly Great Gutters and Drainpipes Limited Head Office for his first day of sales training.

Bill had high hopes for his new role. It may not have been everyone’s idea of the perfect career, but it came with a company car and attractive performance related incentives. And it was the right business to be in, what with all this weather.

The pretty receptionist told Bill to take a seat in the reception area and wait until he was called. Bill sank into the soft plastic chair, smiling as he admired his surroundings.

Yes, Gutterly Great Gutters and Drainpipes Limited looked a nice place to work. The walls were freshly painted in a tasteful shade of magnolia, the spotless beige carpet was lush underfoot, and there was even a widescreen TV in reception.

It was showing a weather forecast. The presenter was new, but Bill thought he’d seen her before somewhere. She was beautiful, with blonde hair, high cheekbones, and sparkling green eyes.

 “It was very stormy last night,” said the presenter, “and storms will continue to spread across the country for the next few days.”

The woman smiled, almost as though she enjoyed conveying such grim news.

“And the long term forecast is stormy,” she continued in a soft purring voice. “Very stormy for everyone.”



To be continued…