Aerobics--The Big "Fat" Lie by Kasper V. Christensen - HTML preview

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Gyms & The Fat Loss Formula

Gyms need members to survive.

It’s a lot easier and inexpensive to charge someone $30 per month and show them how to press 'quick start' on a cardio machine than it is to teach them how to train with free weights while simultaneously improving their diets! Do you think they could keep the low membership fee, if they should learn every member correct training and nutrition habits? If they even know how!

So what works?

If you haven't figured it out by now, resistance training is FAR superior compared to long duration aerobics or steady-state cardiovascular exercise for fat loss. It increases your metabolism not only by rebuilding of damaged muscle tissue but also the increase in muscle mass which raises your metabolism 24 hours a day. The more muscle you build the more your metabolism goes up. The jury’s still out on how much a pound of muscle actually boosts your metabolism, but the results can’t be argued with! These are the keys to burn body fat and keep it off. As you have just leaned cardio training decreases it.

Lifting weights is far more important to your long term fat loss success and to reshaping your body.

If you’re female don't worry about becoming the next female version of The Incredible Hulk. Muscle is a lot denser than fat. As you loose fat you become smaller even when you build muscle. This will give the toned look the majority of woman wants. Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness as well, but if you absolute want to make sure that you’re covered in that department, all you have to do is throw some hard intervals into your routine.

You've now almost finished reading this book – it’s my hope that you have learned what not to do if fat loss is your goal. Some exercise is better than none, so of course I do not recommend people stop their activity. I just want people to think! Question their “logic”! Open their eyes and see what happens right in front of them! Aerobics & cardio training are grossly over-rated and over abused. Over rated for health, over rated for performance and definitely over rated for fat loss. How sad it is that aerobics will not do what everyone is expecting it to do? It is NOT healthy. It will NOT increase your lifespan. It will NOT improve flexibility. It will NOT grow muscle. It will NOT strengthen your heart any more than weight training. It will NOT improve your appearance. And most of all, it will NOT help you lose fat. Aerobics are good for one thing and one thing only: they make you better at doing aerobics.

Q. Can’t I just throw strength training upon our cardiovascular activity?

A. No, because we have to take overtraining into consideration. You have to be really careful with your training economy. Strength training is hard for the body to recover from. Throw a lot of cardio in to the mix, will just have a negative impact on your results. And why bother. If 10 hours accomplish nothing, 2-3 hours won’t add anything.

Q. I already lift weights but I cant quite seem to build any more lean muscle mass. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. What should I do?

A. This is a common complaint. I have a whole book dedicated to advanced training techniques, designed to help you start making progress again, on my website. You can find it at Head over and have a look!

The formula for fat loss success is pretty straightforward:



If you do these 2 things correctly and with discipline, these simple steps will prove successful beyond your expectations and you'll blow away all of those poor souls stomping away in the cardio area. The sooner that's realized, the sooner you'll be on your way toward better progress. I know it's tough to accept. But changing a bad habit is a lot smarter than defending it. In my e-books I presents the methods I have found to be the most successful to rip fat of your body and build muscle in record time. Save yourself time and learn the strategies to reach your goals – FAST!