D avid Grisaffi has been a sports enthusiast his entire life. His love for sports led him into a career in sports conditioning and fitness training. David majored in physical education and holds multiple certifications including three from the prestigious CHEK Institute: Level II High Performance Exercise Kinesiologist, Golf Biomechanic, and Health and Lifestyle Counselor. He is also certified with the International Sports Sciences Association as a personal trainer and specialist in performance nutrition.
David was a high school wrestling and baseball coach and is currently an independent trainer and strength coach. He has been sought after by some of the top athletes in professional sports including world champion boxer Greg Haugen and professional golfer Michael Putnam.
David’s ebook, Firm And Flatten Your Abs is an online bestseller that teaches you how to lose body fat, develop six-pack abs while improving strength, function, and athletic power. You can contact David or learn more about his programs at www.FlattenYourAbs.net.