Bigkiwi Muscle Building Secrets Unleashed by Justin Rys - HTML preview

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There can be many different goals for going to the gym. Some people are there to lose weight, some to gain muscle, and some are there just to feel good about them selves. Then there are the people who go the gym just to pose and use it as a place to pick up men or women. You’ll   also   find   many   athletes  training   for   their particular sport.

The  first  step  is  to  clarify  what  your  goals  are  for training. There are many different types of training routines and nutritional plans that can help you achieve your goals. For example, if you want to lose weight, you should have a weight training regimen that will help you increase your  lean  muscle  mass.  You  will  also  have cardio training to help you lose fat and a nutritional plan to keep you healthy. Other people may want to increase their muscle mass. They may not want to be as big and ugly as me, but they still want to go to the gym. In that case, you’ll want a weight training oriented regimen with the appropriate nutritional plan for gaining mass. If this is your goal, cardio won’t be such a priority in your routine. Your workouts will need to be tailored to your specific goals.

Before you step foot inside the gym, I highly recommend you familiarize yourself with your goals. Otherwise, you won’t have any targets to strive for, or measure yourself against, and you’ll get nowhere. Before you begin training, these goals need to be written down on paper.

Not only will this give you a strong foundation, but it will help you monitor your progress against your goals and change your workouts accordingly. Make it a habit to weigh yourself every week. Take body fat measurements with calipers or a set of scales to measure your progress. Nothing  is  more  liberating  than seeing yourself move towards your goals! If you don’t monitor your progress  then  you  can’t  remain flexible and change your routine if you  need  to.  Remember,  just   because  you  have  goals  that are different  from  the  person  next  to  you  doesn’t  mean you’re wrong or you should stop going to the gym. You’re going to the gym for your own personal reasons.

I’ll admit that the gym can be an intimidating place. If you   feel   a   little  self-conscious   at   the   beginning, remember that you’ll soon be ripped and lean. You’re at the gym to achieve your goals. People who go the gym are generally great people, but there are those rare occasions  when  someone  may  be  rude  to  you.  If someone  makes  an  unflattering  comment  about  you when you’re first starting out, they’re telling you something really important: They’re a moron.

Take note and don’t interact with that person anymore. We all had to start out in the gym once upon a time, so leave these “holier than thou” people to themselves…everyone  else  does!  These  people  won’t feel good about themselves no matter how much they work out, so they try to make you feel bad about yourself.

Realize this and move on to achieving your goals. The majority of the people there will be more than happy to help you when you ask for it.

Mentally, you need to be strong and focused because it is so easy to start training for a week and then never go back. If you aren’t a strong and focused person you’ll find  it  hard  to  make  your  goals  a  reality.  If  I’m describing you, get a friend and work out together. You always hear someone talk about how ripped they were a few years ago. Don’t be that person ! They live in the past about their body type but they obviously weren’t strong enough to keep going. They didn’t continue to achieve their goals, they just left them. To me, that’s nothing  more  than  a  waste  of  money  and  time.  I’ve found that putting a picture of what you want to look like creates a good mental image and serves as a reminder of what you’re working towards. This mental image will keep you more motivated than just writing your goals on paper. Words are easily overlooked sometimes, whereas an image can give you a clear picture of where you want to go. Use that image to help you during the hard days.

Having individual goals for individual workouts is another way to help you reach your larger goals. For example, try to bench press a certain weight a certain number of times, or try to squat a certain weight. The aim is to keep you motivated. By achieving the smaller goals, you’ll inspire yourself to continue towards shedding the weight you want to lose.

I find that rewarding myself for achieving certain goals is a good way to keep me motivated. Sometimes, I’ll go out and buy a new outfit. Picturing how great a new outfit will look on you is a great way to get that extra rep out when you’re really struggling. Once you have achieved a certain weight, you can even go out for a meal. This helps me too sometimes when I’m under pressure. Giving yourself these little gifts is a great way to reward yourself for your hard work and keep yourself motivated.

Maintaining your mental focus at the gym is often a hard thing to do. If you aren’t mentally focused, you won’t achieve your goals. You’ll likely work during the day, and by the time you get to the gym you’re exhausted. If this sounds like you, I suggest finding a training partner   to meet up with after work.

That     way     you’re helping them and they’re helping you. We all lose our focus at the gym  sometimesespecially  when we’re by ourselves, but try to recognize it and get yourself back on track.