Bigkiwi Muscle Building Secrets Unleashed by Justin Rys - HTML preview

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The gym is a core part of almost all sports these days. From rugby to soccer, athletes want to be the best at their sport. They need to be strong and they need to recover fast. The gym can help them achieve that. The gym helps these athletes strengthen their bodies,  gain the best results and get them in shape to achieve their best performance.

Yet the gym isn’t only a place for athletes. People go to the gym for many different reasons. These days, our world is more health-conscious and people are more aware of their bodies and their health. This has helped the gym to become a part of everyday life for many people. Everyone is unique and there are many different ways to train at the gym. From light weights with high repetitions (reps) to heavy weights with low reps, each style will do different things for your body. What works for one person might not necessarily work for another, so you  need  to  define  your  goals  and  work  within  the system to find the best way to achieve those goals.

Weights are a crucial element of strength training; they help with fat loss, recovery, and are an integral part of having a good, healthy body. Other aspects of a balanced lifestyle, like nutrition and sleeping, will also boost your performance at the gym. We’ll discuss these other major influences as we progress through the book.


There are also many different types of weights, such as free weights, hydraulic weights and stack weights. Personally, I feel that free weights give you the best gains, but each weight type works different areas of your body and are aimed for different goals. Some weights work major muscles, some work compound muscles, while others only work a particular muscle group.

I am a firm believer in using free weights for the majority of my exercises. Free weights encourage  the  use  of  your stabilizer muscles, and you can’t cheat. You definitely get better results. Most people these days prefer  to use the machines, but to me, they dont get half of the results that free  weights do. With machines, people can pretend that they can lift a lot of weight but the results just aren’t there in the end. If you’re really into using machines, try doing your main core exercises with free weights and then use the machines to finish off. If you ignore free weights, you’ll be missing out on your maximum growth potential.

Cardio is also a key factor in the gym. As with weights, there are many different types of cardio machines in the gym and each one targets different areas of your body. Keep in mind that getting fit and losing fat are two completely different things when it comes to cardio. Figure out which one you’re aiming for, and work up your heart rate to the level that will achieve that. I am a firm believer that you should incorporate cardio in your routine to keep your body healthy and complement your strength training. Working out with weights alone is not enough to stay lean and have a healthy body.

There are also many different types of gyms. Some gyms may be more for show while some gyms might have better personal trainers. You need to find out what type of gym best suits your training. You’re the shopper, so make sure any gym you sign up for is going to meet your needs. Also, keep the little details in mind such as price and distance, since those can affect your commitment in the long run. Don’t get lured by fancy, expensive gyms. Just because a gym is expensive doesn’t mean that it has the best potential for helping you meet your goals.