Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: Running

You will need a bunch of different coloured hats or cones and a track or sports field to run around. Alternatively, mark out a 400m or 500m round circle with hats or cones. Each participant picks a coloured hat to use as their own personal marker.


To start with, everyone will run counter-clockwise as fast as they can for 10s, carrying their coloured hat. They then drop the hats wherever they get to. Rest at the hat for 10s before sprinting back to the start – trying to beat the time it took to go out in the first place. Again, rest for 10s and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions in each set. (Out and back is 2 reps).


When we change rounds, reset the distance by bringing the cone marker back and leaving it at the new distance for that round. Also, change the running direction. The work:rest ratio for all intervals is 1:1



Rest 4 mins in between rounds. Total workout time = 23mins


Make sure all participants are thoroughly warmed up beforehand.


Sprinting drills must never be done cold, since there is an increased risk of tearing hip flexor muscles. 


This is a short, intense  workout – it is worth spending 20 minutes warming up first.

