Bootcamp Workout Ideas by Garry Robinson - HTML preview

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Category: H.I.T.

A stamina workout with plenty of volume in the repetitions to build muscular endurance. It can be done anywhere. The only equipment needed is a skipping rope.


Equip each participant with an appropriate length jump rope (see sidebar). Incorporate some skipping drills in the warm-up so that participants can experiment with different lengths and weights of rope.


20 minutes non-stop of this circuit should have the most elite athlete on their knees! To extend the duration of the workout you will need to reduce the intensity, so place the stations around a 400m track or the edges of a sports field and allow a jog/recovery run in between stations. Alternatively you could you run to a nearby spot about 1km or 2km away, do the AMRAP workout and then return to the meeting place at a jog.


AMRAP – 20 minutes

Perform as many rounds as possible of the following exercises in order:



To determine if the jump rope is the appropriate length, stand with both feet together on top of the middle of the rope.


Hold the handles up against the sides of the body and stand up straight. The rope handles should be just level with the armpits.

