Fitness Yoga Starter Kit by Kris Fondran - HTML preview

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Palm Tree Pose

Begin standing upright with feet together and hands clasped in front of body. Fix your gaze upon something at eye level and approximately 10-15 feet in front of you.

On an inhalation, lift the arms, stretching them alongside the ears with palms facing up.

Continue the movement by lifting the heels off the ground and coming onto the toes.  Pause here, balancing for a moment while continuing to stretch the arms upward.

On an exhalation, slowly release the position by lowering the arms and heels.


Swaying Palm Tree

Begin standing upright with feet about hip width apart, toes turned slightly outward, and hands clasped together in front of the body.

Fix your gaze on something at eye level and approximately 10-15 feet in front of you.

On an inhalation, lift the arms, stretching them alongside the ears with palms facing up. Continue the movement by lifting the heels off the ground and coming onto the toes.

While holding the breath and keeping arms alongside ears, and shoulders over hips, lean slightly to the right, then to the left, then back to center.

Exhale and slowly release the position by lowering the arms and heels.

Cat/Cow Pose

Begin by kneeling on the floor. Lean forward and place the hands flat on the floor beneath the shoulders, with fingers facing forward.

The hands should be in line with the knees, the arms and thighs should be perpendicular with the floor. The knees may be together or slightly separated. This is the starting position. (Table)

Inhale while raising the head and depressing the spine so the back becomes concave. Expand the abdomen fully and fill the lungs with the maximum amount of air possible.

Exhale while lowering the head and stretching the spine upward. At the end of the exhalation, contract the abdomen and pull in the buttocks. The head will now be between the arms, facing the thighs.


Bow Pose

Begin lying face down on the mat.  Bend the knees bringing the feet close to the buttocks.

Take the arms behind the body and clasp the hands on the ankles. This is the starting position.

On an inhalation, arch the back and simultaneously lift the shoulders and thighs off the ground.  This is the final position.

While in the final position, the abdomen should be the only part in contact with the floor. There should be tension in the legs, but the rest of the body should be relaxed.

On an exhalation, slowly lower the shoulders and thighs to the ground.


Half Moon

Begin on the knees. Inhale and step the right foot forward and bend into the right knee. The knee should be aligned over the right foot.

Lift the arms along side the ears and locking the fingers together with the index fingers pointing upward.

Keeping the head in between the elbows and arch the back. This is the final position.

Exhale bring the arms to the sides and shift the weight back so that the right knee comes back under the body next to the left. Continue to alternate right and lefts sides.


Downward Facing Dog

Starting from the Table position, placing your hands directly underneath the shoulders, knees under the hips, roll the toes under.

On an inhalation, lift the buttocks upward rising onto the toes.

On the exhalation, press the hips back and the heels downward, allowing the head to lower between the arms.

In the final position, the back and the legs form two sides of a triangle and heels will be against the ground. Hold this position for 3-5 breaths.

Release this pose on an inhalation rising back up onto the toes, exhale and return to the starting position.


Eight Point Pose

Begin in Downward Facing Dog.

At the end of an exhalation, come up onto your toes, and hold with the breath out.

Gently drop the knees straight down, followed by the chest, then aim to place the chin just in front of the hands.

On an inhalation straighten the arms and exhale pushing the hips back and up returning to Downward Facing Dog.


Child's Pose

Starting from the Table position. Press the hips back so that the buttocks rest on the back of the calves and heels.

At the end of the movement, the hands and forehead should rest on the floor in front of the knees. Bend the arms slightly so that they are fully re- laxed and let the elbows rest on the floor.

Relax in the position for as long as necessary. Breathe naturally.


Transition Between Poses

Use these coaching cues to help you transition smoothly between each pose. As you get smoother at the transition, you begin to develop move- ment flow.

Palm Tree-to Swaying Palm Tree

Lower arms in front of the body. Continue by inhaling the arms up again and exhale bending to the right side. The head should remain inside the arms and both the arms and shoulders over the hips.  With the arms ex- tended upwards, continue by inhaling to the center and exhaling to the left.

Swaying Palm Tree-Cat Cow

From standing, bend the knees coming down into table position for Cat! Cow Pose.

Cat/Cow-Bow Pose

From table position, extend the legs behind the body lowering into a su- pine position.

Bow Pose-Half Moon

On completion of Bow Pose, press back into Child's pose and come onto the knees. This is the starting position for Half Moon.

Half Moon-Downward Facing Dog

Bring the arms to the floor coming back into Table pose. This is the starting position for Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog-Eight Point

From Downward Facing dog gently come down onto the knees, chest, and chin.

Eight Point-Child's Pose

On completion of Eight Point, move into Downward Facing Dog and lower in to Table Pose. On an inhalation, press the hips back and down lowering into Child's Pose.

Unique Science-Based Yoga Actually Turns Back The Clock On Aches Pains, Stress & Stiffness While It Dramatically In- creases Fat Loss & Body Shaping…

I know you're going to enjoy this Yoga Starter Flow. It's a powerful exercise routine, and it'll give you great results.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg…

When you're comfortable with this flow, you'll be ready to explore the full benefits of my unique approach to fitness through yoga.

After a great deal of encouragement from my mentors, clients and friends, I finally decided to release my entire system to the public. I kept this sys- tem to myself for years, and I only shared it with a small handful of person- al clients. But persistent encouragement from my fans and clients finally convinced me to create a resource that everyone could benefit from.

The result is a complete solution to using yoga for fitness, fat loss and overall wellness. I call it Shapeshifter Yoga.

You'll be amazed at how easy the program is to follow. I created individual instructional videos for every single pose in the program. And I also filmed follow-along videos, where I take you through both the extended and the short version of the flows. We put it all into an innovative online delivery program that's easy to use and instantly accessible.

I hope you'll take the next step and join me there.

But for now, please enjoy your Yoga Starter Flow. Master it. Feel the ben- efits. And when you're ready, you can progress to the full Shapeshifter Yoga system.

