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How to Fix Your Back Pain without Appointments, Medications, or Surgery

In the case of chronic low back pain, it is important to practice physical activity to relieve symptoms and improve mobility. Yoga is also interesting.

Back pain is described as chronic when it persists for at least three months. Most times, it is a non-specific low back pain, that is to say without a clearly identified cause (for example a herniated disc), which can alter the quality of life and cause a functional disability.

There is a medical journal report on a series of large-scale studies published in recent years that emphasize that exercise or yoga programs help reduce pain and improve functional abilities.. Various types of exercises proposed and supervised by a physiotherapist is recommended: joint maintenance exercises, muscle building, stretching, mobilization, cardiovascular endurance (stationary cycling, walking, swimming) It has not been shown that one exercise is more effective than another in this context, while exercise or yoga programs seem to have similar benefits.

However, it is prudent not to continue in the event of a significant exacerbation of pain. Caregivers should support and encourage low back pain patients to regain confidence in their ability to engage in physical activity.

We know it's the evil of the century. Especially because of our increasingly sedentary lifestyle and our time spent sitting in front of a screen. But also due to some professions putting the vertebrae to the test, to a bad sport practice, etc., a great number of people will have back pain at least once in their life. Low back pain is the leading cause of disability before the age of 45 and the second reason for consulting a general practitioner. But do you know that when it is mechanical, you can relieve and fight your back pain through weight training?

Fight Back Pain with Weight Training

Mostly if the pain lasts for over 3 months, it is advisable to consult your doctor for all forms of back pain. But, aside from that, know that contrary to what can be said by some, weight training can be practiced when you have back pain. Weight training can help you fight back pain.

There are certain training that should not be practiced when your back hurts: those that cause shocks that reverberate in your frame. For example, running causes repeated impacts on each stride and is therefore prohibited. You can replace it with walking the time of healing.

Team sports are not advisable: football, handball, basketball, rugby, volleyball, hockey, etc. These activities may be subject to muscular contacts that could worsen the situation. Tennis and other racket sports work mainly on one side of the body, which is absolutely not recommended when you have a problem with the vertebrae.

Finally, everything that involves jumping must be avoided when you have back pain. We have already seen the problem of volleyball or basketball for impacts, but they also include jumps that will pack your vertebrae at the reception. BMX or even ATV can cause problems because of jumps and jolts. They are prohibited because they cause severe back pain.

Prevention is better than cure, says popular wisdom. If you have either:

  • Strenuous work, heavyweight, or bent back often bent
  • A job and/or a sedentary life where you are most of the time sitting behind a computer or with a mobile/tablet in the hand

If you have this type of lifestyle and you still don’t have back pain, believe it, it will come! If you are not prepared for the eventuality, you will not be able to escape. Those who have acute pain can tell you how much to avoid or reduce it would be a good idea.

If you lift heavy objects or repeated bending and stretching, it is essential to do active stretching before starting your work, and then passive stretching after exercise. As an athlete, you need to support your body not traumatizing through your bizarre activity. But even if you do not seem to be under physical pressure on your back, the simple fact of standing or sitting for too long is already restrictive for your lumbar. Perform regular back stretching. This will help you eliminate back pain or even relieve tension. You will then feel better.

Hold your hands on the back of a chair and make a right angle between the legs and upper body, feet spread across the width of your pelvis. Push your pelvis backwards while pushing your hands forward. Extend your back as much as 15 seconds 4 times.

Lie on your stomach, arms folded along the body, palms on the ground as for pumps. The legs are aligned, the feet rested in the continuity of the legs, without support. Lift your arms up your upper body and let your pelvis rest on the floor. Raise your head and shoulders as high as possible for 6 seconds and repeat a dozen times.

By putting yourself on all fours, hands straight above the shoulders and legs to that of the pelvis, stretch your back straight, the neck aligned on the upper body. From there, dig your back by pushing your pelvis backwards and lifting your head up, belly relaxed. Hold a few seconds before doing the opposite: Inflate your back like a cat with a round back, without taking off the knees from the ground, pulling the pelvis and lowering the head. Hold a few seconds and alternate these two movements a few times.

There are other stretching movements that could be beneficial to maintaining your spine, but do it anyway without fail. You can then ask your doctor, a sports coach or the internet to expand the exercises. The passive stretches can also be considered during acute attacks of lumbar or neck pain. Then practice them calmly, thinking of breathing well and listening to your body.

Relaxation and Diet

In addition to the reasons specified before, another cause of back pain is stress. Stress causes stomach upset, neuralgia, and muscle contractions often in the lower back. Stress can be an aggravating factor that complements the previous causes. To remedy or mitigate this, the solution could be relaxation or the choice of a suitable diet. It is not a question of eliminating the stress of a magic wand because, for that, one should rather tackle the reasons of the stress more than a psychological way. But good food hygiene, exercise and relaxation will guarantee you great victories on this lifestyle anxiety. Sheathing is a very effective method of muscle building. The sheathing challenge has made this exercise famous, but there are also variants that are better targeted for the back problem.

The Ventral Sheath

Place your elbows at right angles under you, perpendicular to the ground and move your feet to be as straight as possible, feet resting on the toes. Stretch your body as straight as possible and stay for at least 30 seconds. Repeat at least 3 times. Try to increase the contraction time in future exercises.

Lateral sheathing

Lie on your side, one leg resting on the other, your elbow under your body. With this arm, lift up laterally to the floor, the arm perpendicular to the elbow forming a square. The other arm stretches upward in the alignment of the forearm that lifts. Do at least 3 repetitions on each side. As with all sheaths, try to keep the contractions longer in the future exercises, but prioritize the quality of the position.

Ventral and lateral sheathing is a complete exercise that strengthens your body, muscle all your transverse and oblique abdominals. The whole of the trunk muscles will help support your back and relieve it.

The Sheath of the Lower Back

Lie on your back, arms down beside your body. Bend your knees until you lift your pelvis and form a straight line with your body from the trunk to your thighs, your legs practically square. Tighten your buttocks and tuck your belly into your abdominals. Hold at least 30 seconds for 3 repetitions spaced 30 seconds apart.

The Cladding of the Back

More difficult than the previous exercise, this movement requires a certain mobility of the shoulders and a better physical condition. Do it if and when you feel in need of strength.

Lie down on the ground with your back, resting on the forearms and heels, elbows aligned on the shoulders. Peel the buttocks off the ground to form a straight line from the legs to the trunk. Contract the belly and buttocks, stretch your legs as if you wanted to grow up. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and repeat 3 times with a 30-second pause between each.

The Cat Back Hollow-Back Round Stretched

We have already seen the movement in the list of stretches. For more efficiency, with muscle strengthening to support your lumbar, do practically the same exercise as described above, in the same position. But force more, at the same time, on your abdominals, your buttocks, your thighs. Make 10 repetitions curved/curved and repeat the exercise, if possible, every two to three hours.


Squats are important in any bodybuilding and fitness program. This exercise strengthens the lower part of your body. If you have back pain, do not do jumping squats, but "basic" squats. You can increase efficiency with weights. To perform these squats, stand with your feet wide apart. With your body straight, extend your arms parallel to the ground. Then bend your legs and go down until your buttocks are just below the line of your knees before going back up. Be careful to keep the spine erect during exercise.

Leg Curl Ischios

It is practiced in the weight room because it requires the use of an ischios bench. This bodybuilding exercise tones the buttocks and the back of the thighs. By ensuring the proper balance of your legs and a solid foundation, you will have better stability for your lower back.

Bodybuilding Exercises to Practice during Acute Low Back Pain

This is a Pilates exercise to relieve back pain. It is not a question of forcing too much, but of being in agreement with one's body, as if one were practicing yoga.

Pelvic Tilt

Lie on the floor, knees bent 90 degrees. The soles of the feet are in contact with the ground, the arms along the body, the palms of the hands are under them. Relax by inhaling and stretching slightly at the waist. Exhale with your stomach as if you want your belly button to touch your spine. Hold for 6 seconds, then release. Do this a dozen times.

Acute, Chronic or Neuropathic Back Pains

I specify the above practice of pelvic tilt for acute lumbar pain. It is necessary to differentiate 3 types of back pain.

Acute Back Pain

These are the most common pains, which last from 3 to 6 months. They can arise from tissue damage, such as muscle twisting. A fast, intense and immediate pain can be diagnosed acute. If periods of pain are repeated throughout the year, they become chronic. Bodybuilding, stretching and gymnastics can help fight this type of pain effectively.

Chronic Pain

Often coming from the lower back and radiating on the side of a leg, chronic pain can be deep and very restrictive. Chronic pain is sometimes disabling to work, walk or even just stand up. They can come from osteoarthritis, disc lesions, nerve damage and last for years. Strengthening the back with weight training, or swimming, and stretching will be a great help in this situation.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is not usually related to a visible injury. The nervous system can transmit pain signals even as tissue damage is repaired. These pains can be cold, hot, throbbing, severe, and weaken you. These symptoms should be treated with the strongest diagnoses and receive proper care. Muscle exercise is rarely a real support here.

Conclusion: Bodybuilding and Exercise Can Relieve Your Back Pain

We have discussed different exercises that will provide a better life if you suffer from severe back pain. It will take some effort, but your well-being is worth it. Bodybuilding training and exercising the back and lower part of the body will reduce the pain a lot. If you were angry with the training, it will become your best friend and you will be able to draw many other benefits from it.


Stamp Out Back Pain