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Suppress the Fear and Self-Limiting Beliefs with Bodybuilding

When one lacks self-confidence, several remedies are available to us to improve our wellbeing and finally become the Man that we would like to be.

Among these remedies, exercise, especially bodybuilding comes to the top of the list. When I said bodybuilding, I’m not talking about getting monster muscles, but the bodybuilding of "everyday" man that allows having a harmonious body, neat and fit. Bodybuilding is a wonderful pass from the stage of introverted and timid to that of a man full of confidence.

I recently noticed that the main problem that blocks many men (and maybe you?) is nothing more than a lack of self-confidence. Often caused by a lack of self-esteem is mostly due to a physical complex.

Although this problem is common (and you are not alone), real solutions are rare. Very rare. Almost impossible to find. In addition, with the number of nonsense that can be read on various sites online, it gets increasingly difficult to have a quality reference on this subject.

But foremost, let’s redefine what self-esteem is. Because I think you all know what self-confidence is. But often, self-esteem and self-confidence are synonymous. However, this is not the case. These two subjects are closely related, but they are nonetheless different.

A little reminder about self-esteem

Self-esteem is actually the self-esteem you feel for yourself. To make a small parenthesis, you are often the one who belittle yourself most times. You are often more severe with yourself than others. Did you know this?

Anyway, back on the topic.

What can come from a decline in his self-esteem? Often, this is due to a complex. A huge defect which in your eyes prevents you from moving forward. It can be physical or psychological. However, what you do not know when you are immersed in one of these different complexes is that it's just not a huge flaw. Sometimes it's just the opposite. However, for you, it's impossible to do something with such a flaw. And at that moment, if you say that, you have entered a hellish circle.

Before continuing, let me explain why I call this a hellish circle. In truth, the idea is simple to understand. When you have (or rather think you have) a complex, it causes a loss of esteem that you are. You start to love yourself less and less. This state of affairs also leads to a decline in self-confidence. And lowering your esteem and confidence will lead to the creation of other complexes. These complexes again cause you to suffer a decline in your self-esteem and so on.

It is therefore an infernal spiral. However, it is possible to leave with a minimum of work on oneself. But before we focus on the solution, I still want to clarify one last little thing. As I told you before, self-confidence and self-esteem are intimately linked. The progression of one of these areas does not go without the progression of the other, and vice versa. I will therefore offer some techniques to regain your self-confidence. But these techniques, and the accuracy is here, will also enhance your self-esteem.

Get Rid of Complexes with Bodybuilding

There are methods to regain self-confidence while revaluing your esteem (and thus removing your psychological and physical complexes). The first method I propose to you is simply bodybuilding. Yes, nothing but bodybuilding. You may want to as me how bodybuilding will allow you to regain confidence, to reassert your esteem and get rid of your complexes? Let's take all the parts of this question step by step, so that you understand perfectly.

Bodybuilding, Self-Confidence, and Self-Esteem

Bodybuilding will get back all your confidence in you simply because we (men) believe enormously on the physical force. You can say or think whatever you like, but this is totally true. Strength training will make you more muscular. Therefore, being more muscular, your body will be much more attractive and better carved. However, the point I wanted to make is that by making your body more attractive, bodybuilding will also push you to love your body more. The result? Your esteem will progress. You will be proud of the muscles you have managed to obtain!

Bodybuilding and Complex Removal

Bodybuilding causes a rise in the esteem you have, it will also lead to the disappearance of most of your physical complexes. Simply because by being proud of the muscles you have gotten, you will love yourself more. And by loving you more, your physical complexes will gradually disappear.

Bodybuilding as a Tool to Understand the Positive Spiral

I gave you the example of bodybuilding to understand how you can regain both your confidence in yourself, your esteem, but also (and above all) to get rid of your complexes. But because there are several techniques, including the autosuggestion method, which use the positive spiral, and which will have an equally positive effect.

Sport is a great way to lead a better life. But none rivals bodybuilding if you want to regain your self-confidence, and make yourself more attractive to others. Not only will you change physically, but also mentally. And this is the challenge!

Self-Esteem at the Center of Your Life

We all have moments of weakness. In fact, the lack of self-esteem is directly related to the problems of weight gain, poor health, and other glitches which cause us to miss out on the wonderful opportunities that life has in store for us. By dint of staying in our small world and focusing on external things, we end up withering away. It is not for nothing that we chose the expression "let go."

When everything around you seems dark, we take refuge in what is easy for us. It's easy to give up in the face of adversity, and spend your days eating, watching TV, and seeing the world as "not done for us," or "too hard for us."

In conclusion, a lack of self-esteem is the first symptom of people who never reach their goals. It's difficult to talk to the young lady who looks or talks down on you, making you hate yourself. You will probably never find the woman of your life, the job of your dreams, or even the happiness if you condemn yourself every time you have to look in a mirror, speak, or just think about yourself. Self-confidence is the key to everything. Believe in yourself, and all the doors you think are closed will open on your own.

Self-Confidence to Succeed

We all know someone who seems "larger than life." Someone who seems to navigate life as if it were all just a game. Someone who does everything he undertakes as if it were all in his mouth like a divine gift. You seem weak when you compare yourself with such a person and you think maybe you are not made for that.

Well no!

Self-confidence is the key to success. Someone overflowing with esteem is someone who has an inimitable charisma, and this charisma opens all doors. When approaching a woman, he does not wonder what he can do to impress her. He does not even care what she thinks of him, or even if he is "up to the task" to seduce her. He does it, simply. Because in the depths of him, he KNOWS he is the price. That she will miss something if she does not choose it.

At a job interview, he knows how to put his qualities forward because he believes in it. He does not look for ready-made phrases on the internet, does not ask for the "right answers" from his friends. This is because he knows what he is worth, and he already sees himself in this position. And the doors open on their own.

In everyday life, he does not resign himself to "accepting himself as he is," because he knows through hard work and determination he can change. And this is happening.

Bodybuilding is the Key to Success!

Bodybuilding in general is a great way to increase your self esteem. It comes with the fact that it is an environment where you are the master. This is the school of the most basic discipline. It is the environment where you either give the best of yourself, and you progress. Or you make excuses and find yourself regressing. There is no middle ground. It is either you deserve your progress, or you are doomed to stay the same.

And so, by the impression of seeing your performance improve, your hard work, your sweat, your tears, you will forge yourself. You will regain your confidence. And, after so many years spent training, you will realize how far you have come. When, finally, you realize your progress comes only from you, you will also realize that all the other areas of life are only the same. You either get better or you stay in the shadows.

This is the secret that brings you self-confidence, knowing that you can go from point A to point B because of your efforts, knowing that nothing is impossible. Whether you are a teenager, a student, a mother, a worker, a company executive, whether you are in your forties, or you are retired, no matter where you come from, your religion, investing time and efforts in exercise, especially bodybuilding is the ground where you can all improve, and regain self-confidence. Exercise allows you to emancipate, to bloom, to become a better self: more confident and healthier.

Bodybuilding to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Unlike other sports, bodybuilding is a special case. Because in addition to forging you psychologically, you will transform yourself physically. It does not matter if you are big, small, thin, or tall. With hard work and discipline, everyone can get a dream body. You can stay where you are and you "accept who you are." Or you can work hard to change your destiny and become "the one you want to be."

How many times have you seen videos or photos of amateur athletes of any past and any age, transform radically after a few years of training? When you see your progress every month by looking at yourself in a mirror, you will realize that the machine is running that the sweats poured in the training ground is paying from days to day. You will gain confidence in yourself.

Because self-confidence is not just a phenomenon that depends only on you. Generally, the impression one gives to one's surroundings is at least as important. And believe me, your loved ones will be incredibly more receptive to your progress. Even if you are still wrapped up after losing 5 or 10kgs, everyone will keep talking about your dazzling transformation in your back. And they will admire you for that. Once again, you'll be motivated like never before. You will stop being a sheep to become the one who dictates what you want to become.


3 Steps to Mental Toughness Revealed