Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter 9: How to Accomplish My Goals

Want the quick and dirty way to accomplish your goals? It’s here in a step-bystep list:


1. Determine goals that fit the parameters from the last chapter. Make sure you create several smaller goals instead of one or two large goals.


2. Make sure there is an appropriate reward attached to each one at the end of a successful accomplishment of the goal.

3. Create a punishment for the unsuccessful accomplishment of the goal, but make it practical. For example, if you fail to eat a balanced meal, you have to clean out your oven!

4. Write out your goal several times on 3X5 index cards and post them around your home and work.

5. Identify where you tend to be the most tempted to ignore your goals and put a reminder there. For example, if you prefer to watch television instead of work out, tape one of your 3X5 index cards to the remote and another one right on the screen of your television.

6. Tell someone else about your goals and ask them to remind you to do them… and to follow up.



7. When you accomplish your goal, celebrate… then create a new goal. Know your outcome - Have specific goals. Get a photo (or several) of what you WILL look like when you reach your goal, and then focus only on that image. Quickly erase any negative beliefs or images that may enter into your mind during your day.

Reward yourself - It never ceases to amaze me how hard we are on ourselves when we don't accomplish, and how hard we are on ourselves when we DO accomplish. Whenever you reach a milestone, have something in mind, like a trip to the day spa, new shoes or clothes (as long as it's NON-EDIBLE).

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