Ice cream, Donuts, pastries, cakes, pies and cookies Typically high in:
Bad saturated fats
Refined white simple sugars Refined white flours
All fried foods High in saturated fats
Refined white flours from the breading
Soda and Fruit juices
High in refined sugar and artificial additives Look out for other forms of sugar
High fructose corn syrup Corn syrup
Snack Foods- potato chips, nacho chips, etc.
Typically high in:
Bad fats
Refined white flours
Refined white sugars
Artificial flavors and colors
Preservatives – that you cannot even pronounce
Processed meat items-Typically fast food
Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Bacon, Sausage
High in bad, bad, bad, fat
High in Sodium
Usually served on Refined white flour breads
High Sugar Breakfast cereals
High in Refined white sugars
High in Refined white flours
If your meal plan is currently made up of a high percentage of My FAT Food group, then you are probably not reaching your fitness and health goals and are struggling to keep your weight off. It’s Time to change this horrible cycle of Weight Loss then Weight Gain!!