Flab to Fab in Only 15 Minutes a Day by Robert Adams - HTML preview

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Chapter 25: My Daily Calorie Intake Estimator

Lose Weight Main Goal Maintain Weight Main Goal Gain Weight Main Goal

No Exercise Sedentary Lifestyle Body Weight (lbs.) X 10-12 Body Weight (lbs.) X 12-14 Body Weight (lbs.) X 16-18

3-4 Times/Week

Moderate Activity Body Weight (lbs.) X 12-14 Body Weight (lbs.) X 14-16 Body Weight (lbs.) X 18-20

5-7 Times/Week

High Level Activity Body Weight (lbs.) X 14-16 Body Weight (lbs.) X 16-18 Body Weight (lbs.) X 20-22

Current Weight – In Pounds
Your Main Weight Goals – Lose, Maintain, or Gain Current Activity Level – Based on Number of Days you Train
Example # 1
- You are a Man and weigh 180 pounds Your Main Goal is to Lose Weight & you Workout 3-4 Days per Week


180 lbs. X 12 - 14 calories = (2160 – 2520) Daily Total Caloric Range Example # 2 - You are a Woman and weigh 145 pounds Your Main Goal is to Lose Weight & you Do Not Exercise 145 lbs. X 10 - 12 calories = (1450 – 1740) Daily Total Caloric Range

My Flab to Fab Fitness & Health Tips

Watch where your calories come from - Without a doubt, we eat way too much sugar and fat. Moderation was the key in the past, now the key is moderation and the exclusion of junk food. One or two binges per year are generally OK if you are a normal healthy individual, but more is absolutely not OK.

Raw or Cooked - Fill your plate with lots of veggies, cooked or raw. Not only are they good for you, they will fill you up. Sorry, stay away from the sauces, gravies, butter or sour cream. That totally defeats the purpose.

Drink a bottle of water before you eat - Carry a bottle around with you all day. If this isn't a habit you have acquired, fill a bottle about an hour before dinner and sip away. You will eat less because you feel full. It's that simple.

A Work Sheet That Works - Keep a work sheet on your fridge and use it to write down every item you eat during the day. Most of us have no idea how much we are consuming. We often take a bite here and there without even noticing.

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Watch those liquid calories that add up - One great alternative to soda is a fresh brewed glass of decaf Green tea. Brew green tea with cloves and cinnamon stick and sweeten it lightly with Stevia and a fresh wedge of lemon or lime. It’s a great health drink with NO Calories and high in antioxidants. So drink to your health and Lose Weight. Remember that liquid calories can really add up in your daily intake. So focus on ZERO Calorie Beverages.

Does FAT FREE really mean it’s good for you? - Many foods are touting that they are fat free and people are buying them left and right, but what lies beneath the hidden truths of these so called FAT FREE Foods...Fat free foods, when eaten in excess, will still be stored as fat! Fat free cookies and crackers are made up of a whole lot of SUGAR! Yep, the secret is out! Sugar is just as fattening of a substance than fat itself, when eaten in excess.

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