Focus on the Four Major Muscles Groups – Stay away from Isolation Exercises. Burn fat and build muscle when working those Major Large Muscle Groups more often.
Legs – Squat
Chest – Chest Press
Back – Bent Over Rows
Shoulders – Overhead Press
Perform Compound Exercises (Multi Joint movements) – Working multi-joints at the same time provides maximum benefit to your muscles,
Legs – Lunge or Squat (Hip and Knee Joint)
Chest – Chest Press (Shoulder and Elbow Joint)
Back – Bent Over Row (Shoulder and Elbow Joint)
Shoulders – Overhead Press (Shoulder and Elbow Joint)
Work opposing Muscle Groups
Chest then Back
Work alternating between Upper and Lower Body
Chest then Legs
Build your Fitness Training with Value and Flexibility in Mind Deliver Great Fitness Value with Outstanding Fitness Benefits.
Train with a quality Stability/Exercise ball.
Train with Dumbbells while at home or at the gym. Train with Exercise Bands while traveling on the road for work or vacation.
This specially designed Flab to Fab Fitness Training Plan is for those individuals with interest in gaining maximum results in the most efficient use of your fitness training time. You will only need 15 minutes to perform this High Intensity Training Plan that is guaranteed to take you from Flab to Fab in Only 15 minutes a day.
Your goal will be to complete all of the My Flab to Fab Fitness Training Workout routines in the course of the week and you should try to have at least one day of rest in between each weight training session.
H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training)
cardio, on days off from your weight training. Each routine is designed in such a way as to train different body parts on different days. This High Intensity and Short duration fitness training will provide you the Perfect Fitness Solution for
Building Muscle, Burning Fat, Getting in Shape and going from
Perform exercises with proper posture and good form - Never try to throw a weight into position. Stand with your feet apart, a slight bend in the knees, keep your back straight and chest high. If you are lying on a bench or machine, always keep your back straight and lower back supported and feet flat on the floor. Utilize core strength during all exercise; it is the base of all your strength training work.
Use variety - The body is very adaptive. Performing the same routine over and over is not only boring, but your body will get used to the routine and your muscles will quit responding. Change your exercises, the order in which you do them, the number or sets and reps, or change the weights. In one workout you may use weights, another you may use resistance bands, in another, machines. Make every workout different in some way.
Find a Personal Trainer Fast at www.FindMyFitnessTrainer.com5 Day Workout Routine
M-W-F – High Intensity Interval Cardio Training T-TH – High Intensity Circuit Weight Training
These Cardio & Weight Training Workout Routines are designed to be completed in 15 -20 minutes not including a 5 minute warm up to loosen and create added flexibility in your muscles.
Complete a moderate paced 5 minute warm up on the Elliptical or other Cardio
machine you may select for both your Cardio and Weight Training Workouts. Cardio Training Days – M-W-F -Complete an alternating High/Low Intensity Cardio Workout that is 30 sec. of high output/resistance followed by 1 – 1 1/2 minutes of recovery period using moderate pace/resistance.
Your heart rate should get to 85-90% MHR and your recovery period should take your heart rate back down to 60-65% of MHR. As you progress in your H.I.I.T. Cardio Training you can increase the length of high output period to 45 sec to 1 minute in length. You will repeat these High/Low Alternating Outputs for a total of 15-20 minutes, which would be a total of 8-10 Repetitions of alternating intensity levels of cardio.
Complete this opposing Muscle Group workout as 2 fast paced circuits with No break in between each of the 6 Chest/Back exercises. Breath out on the muscle contraction and Breath in as you move back to the starting position of the exercise movement.
Use a smooth and steady motion throughout your range of motion and count to 4 seconds for the entire exercise movement.
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise : Anterior Deltoids, Pectoralis Major, Rectus Abdominus, Quadriceps
Preparation: Lie with your upper back, neck and head supported by the ball. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Breathing: Exhale when pressing hands up, inhale as you return them to start position.
Execution: As you press your hands towards the ceiling, exhale.
Inhale as you bring your hands back down to starting position.
Comments: This one tones your back, your abdomen and your thighs. Remember to keep those hips lifted throughout.
Preparation: Begin in a standing position with the band under your left foot. Grasp the dumbbell with your right hand. Place your left palm on top of the ball with your left leg right beside the ball.
Breathing: Exhale to raise your elbow, inhale to lower.Execution: Now, take a big step back with your right leg and bed forward about 45 degrees. Tighten your abs and extend your right arm toward the floor. Exhale and raise your right elbows up towards the ceiling (pull the weeds). Inhale and lower. Repeat on other side.
Comments: This one simulates "pulling weeds" in the garden. It will really firm up that upper back area and for women particularly targets that bunch of flesh right under your bra strap!
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Triceps, Long Head, Deltoid, Posterior, Pectoralis Minor,
Rhomboids and Levator Scapulae
Preparation: Sit in an upright position on a stability ball with feet flat on floor while holding a single dumbbell in both hands. Walk feet forward allowing the stability ball to roll underneath of your body until it is positioned on the middle to upper part of your back region. Rest head on stability ball. Raise your hips to create a straight surface parallel to the floor. Place Dumbbell on chest with handle perpendicular to your chest.
Breathing: Inhale and lower the dumbbell and exhale as you start the move upward to the starting position.Execution: Extend your elbows and raise the dumbbell even with your eyeline. With your elbows slightly bent, lower the dumbbell back even to slightly below your head level. Return to the starting position. Keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep your lower back in a neutral position. Do not lock out your elbows or arch your back which may cause injury.
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior and middle parts, Trapezius, Superior, middle and inferior parts
Preparation: Sit on the ball with knees bent and feet on the floor. Now, walk your feet forward while sliding down the ball until your lower back rests against the ball. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Place the band under your feet and grasp with both hands.
Breathing: Exhale as you raise your elbows and inhale as you lower to starting position.Execution: Raise your elbows towards the ceiling, keeping your hands near your chin. Performing this exercise in the incline position forces your core muscles to engage to keep you balanced. Inhale and lower to start.
Comments: Not only will you use your abdominals, but your legs will also gain strength from this exercise.Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Chest - Pectoralis, Clavicular, Shoulders -Deltoid Anterior, Biceps Brachii, Short Head
Preparation: Sit in upright position on a stability ball with feet flat on floor. Walk feet forward allowing stability ball to roll underneath body until it is positioned on mid to upper back region (you may rest head on stability ball). Position hips so that your body is at a 45 degree angle to the floor.
Breathing: Inhale on the movement outward and exhale as you reach maximum contraction on chest muscles.Execution: Maintaining stability, bring DB's to shoulders and press up positioning DB's above the chest with. Lower the DB's with hands aligned with the nipple-line. Let your upper arm go parallel to slightly past parallel to the ground before returning to the start position. Remember to keep both feet flat on the floor at all times and keep the lower back in a neutral position.
Muscle groups worked in this exercise: Gluteus Maximus,
Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Quadratus Lumborum, Iliocostalis Lumborum.
Preparation: Kneel on the floor and bring the ball up close to you. Lie forward on the ball with your abdomen right on top of the ball. Interlace your fingers behind your head and place your elbows out at the sides.
Breathing: Exhale as you lift, inhale as you return to start.Execution: Lift your upper torso towards the ceiling until your spine is parallel to the floor. Inhale and return to start position.
Comments: If you're not quite ready to go for the more advanced exercises, this is a great one for you!
Complete this Lower/Upper Muscle Group workout as 2 fast paced circuits with No break in between each of the 6 Legs/Shoulder exercises. Breath out on the muscle contraction and Breath in as you move back to the starting position of the exercise movement.
Use a smooth and steady motion throughout your range of motion and count to 4 seconds for the entire exercise movement.
Primary Muscle Group: Glutes, Quadriceps
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Glutes and Quadriceps Preparation: Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand between your legs. You may also hold just one dumbbell with two hands as well. Your feet should be wider than shoulder width and your toes pointed slightly outward at a 45 degree angle.
Breathing: Breath out as you lower the weights down to the floor and breath back in as you move back to the starting position.
Execution: Proceed to squat down until the dumbbells almost touch the floor. Your hips should drop back and down while your knees stay directly above your feet. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.
Primary Muscle Group: Upper back and shoulders
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior and middle parts, Trapezius, Superior, middle and inferior parts
Preparation: Sit on the ball. Grasp the dumbbells and bend your elbows so that your hands are in front of your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Breathing: Exhale to raise your arms; inhale to lower them to start. Execution: Grasping the dumbbells, raise your hands above your head. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed and down.
Inhale and lower back to start and repeat for all reps.
Comments: This is a great exercise to get that strong upper body that you're looking for. It's also a great core muscle strengthener.
Primary Muscle Group: Quadriceps
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Hamstrings, Buttocks (Gluteus Maximus), Inner Thighs (Adductors), Hip Flexors, and Calves (gastrocnemius soleus)
Preparation: Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand next to your hips with your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes pointed forward. Make sure you keep your head up and your back straight. Tighten your abdominal muscles to help protect your back.
Breathing: Inhale as you begin your step forward and exhale as you reach the maximum load on your body.
Execution: Take a large step forward with your right leg. Slowly bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel with the floor. Both knees should be bent at 90 degree angles and your right knee should not pass the front of your right foot. Slowly lift your back leg in and lunge forward with your back leg. Then continue alternating legs as you travel forward with the Dumbbells comfortably remaining at your sides through the entire exercise movement.
Comments: This is a great lower body exercise that strengthens your legs and helps improve your balance, which help support activities like tennis or squash. Always avoid this exercise if you have any knee related problems
Primary Muscle Group: Shoulders - Deltoid, Posterior
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Deltoid Lateral, Trapezius, Middle, Trapezius, Lower, Rhomboids
Preparation: Lie face down with chest supported by a stability ball. Feet should be wider than shoulder width apart for stability. Hold Dumbbells in each hand with neutral grip (palms facing each other) and rest Dumbbells on floor directly under shoulders. With elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise Dumbbells to shoulder level and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement. Return to start position
Breathing: Inhale on the way up and then exhale at top of exercise movement Execution: Hold Dumbbells in each hand with neutral grip (palms facing each other) and rest Dumbbells on floor directly under shoulders. With elbows slightly
bent and facing the ceiling, raise Dumbbells to shoulder level and squeeze shoulder blades together at top of movement. Return to start position Comments: This exercise helps build strong Shoulders
Primary Muscle Group: Quadriceps femoris, Gluteus
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Thigh Flexors
Preparation: Place a ball between your back and the wall and inch your feet away from the wall and let your body weight lean into the ball. Your feet should be about 1 to 1 ½ feet in front of your hips. Go ahead and cross your arms in front of your chest.
Breathing: Inhale when sliding your back (and the ball) down the wall; exhale when rising to standing position.
Execution: Maintaining a constant pressure with your back on the ball, roll it down the wall, while bending your knees until they reach 90 degrees. Pause,
exhale and return to standing position.
Comments: This is easier on your knees than a conventional squat, but because you are performing this on the ball, you work hard to stay properly balanced. Remember….form is what it's all about! And don't forget, you're too close to the wall if your knees go past your toes! Just inch out a little farther and try again.
Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoid, Anterior (Shoulder - front) Supraspinatus (Rotary Cuff), Brachialis (Lower Biceps) Brachioradialis, (Forearm)Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Trapezius, Middle (Upper Traps), Trapezius, Lower (Lower Traps), Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations Infraspinatus (Rotary Cuff), Teres Minor (Rotary Cuff)
Breathing: Inhale as you pull the dumbbells upward and exhale as you reach the top of the exercise movement.
Execution: Stand with knees slightly bent and feet no more than shoulder width apart. Keep back straight, bend slightly forward from the hips. Slightly squeeze together (retract) shoulder blades. Hold dumbbells in front of body. In a controlled motion, lift weight up drawing dumbbells toward shoulders. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.
Hire a personal trainer or fitness coach - It is proven that having a motivating and positive support system will help you stay with your goals long term. How many times have you started and exercise program and stopped? Remember those New Year’s Resolutions? How many have you kept? Was losing weight or eating healthier part of those resolutions that are now on a shelf collecting dust? Do you have multiple pieces of exercise equipment that you bought on an infomercial late at night that you now hang your clothes on collecting dust? Get motivated and use a Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer to help support you in your life long mission to Permanent Weight Loss and Better overall Fitness and Health.