About the Author
But it is about YOU as well!
Hi there, and thank you for visiting downloading this eBook. My name is Laszlo (Tobin), and I have been an avid promoter, researcher and fan of bodybuilding and human nutrition for years now.
Let me ask you a question! Have you ever wondered how certain celebrities, bodybuilders, fitness models or just regular guys and gals always manage to attain the body of their dreams? Is it luck or just better genes? Most of the time that is exactly what happens. But let me tell you something that I have come to learn through the hard way:
As a matter of fact, I go so far as to claim that YOU can achieve the body of your dreams too. But do not think that it is all about aesthetics or it is going to be an easy ride. What it's really about is making sure you live long enough to see yourself bloom not only in your professional life but in your personal one as well. Who wouldn't want to live a long and happy life, staying fit even after 70? Yes. If you commit yourself to this wonderful lifestyle 100%, then YOU can get fit in a relatively short time. By choosing to download this eBook, you have made your first step towards making your dreams come true. Does it sound unbelievable?
No wonder. There is a general distrust that hovers over this sport like a bad omen, and this bad publicity makes people like YOU skeptic about the results that hundreds of thousands of articles, videos, personal trainers, medical professionals or general rumors promise you.
About me
My name is Laszlo, and I have been involved in ll sorts of activities related to bodybuilding and nutrition for quite a while now. I have a Diploma in Human Nutrition, a Diploma in Food Security, and a Diploma in Child Nutrition. I am also a regular contributor atQuora.com answering hundreds of questions every week. I love going to the gym, running, learning languages and playing MMORP games.
I love eating healthy and, besides my professional involvement, I also have a personal interest in helping people live a healthy lifestyle. I know how important nutrition and fitness really is, and this is why I spread the word wherever I can.
This is exactly why I created this eBook and the website that goes with it. I wanted people like you to gain access to really educational and credible materials and product reviews on a frequent basis so that you would only receive the information you need. There are tons of websites where information is not only overwhelming but also overlapping and confusing that tends to shape the truth in search of profit.
I will tell you right now that I do not intend to do such a thing. Naturally, I have my own expenses by maintaining and devoting time to this website and the eBooks, but it is more like a hobby for me than just a way to take money from you. That is not who I am, and that is not how I want to get rich. It is just both unethical and against my code. My priority will always be YOU. I will only offer products that I tried myself and know for a fact that they are credible.
To make this long story short, here are a few things that this site will seek to provide for you:
Regular product reviews in different categories
Regular articles in different categories
Free eBooks in different categories
Free Resource Pool
Free Motivational videos, articles and pictures to get you going every day
I am really hoping that you will become a regular visitor of this wonderful initiative and make use of the large pool of free resources that I will provide for YOU every single day. Whatever questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment or send an email via my contact form.
Testimonials about this eBook are also welcome. As soon as I have a few people willing to share their thoughts, I will create a testimonial page where YOU could be featured. Please send me an email for more information on that.
I am also present at Quora.com answering hundreds of questions every day. You may hit me up there as well. I never leave a question unanswered, no matter how silly you might think it is. REMEMBER: THERE IS NO SILLY QUESTION!
Thank you for devoting time to reading this short bio and eBook, and I hope you will become a valuable and frequent visitor of my website as well.
I wish you all the best,