1. Never skip breakfast (try to eat it first thing every morning)
2. Eat 5-6 meals, every 2-3 hours.
3. Never go 3 hours without a meal
4. Drink 4-5 glasses of water each day
5. Remove all refined sugars and sweeteners from your diet.
6. Avoid wheat (white bread) and dairy products if you want get as lean as possible. (This helped me get my body fat as low as 7% so that I was actually able to see my abs ). If it wasn’t for books like “The Fat Burning Kitchen” by Mike Geary I’d be completely lost! Check it out here http://www.justinkavanaghfitness.com/fat-burning-kit
7. Take a multi-vitamin every day (I recommend, I take this everyday---> http://amzn.to/1YkDhgi
8. If you want to get ripped muscle faster I recommend “name Fat Burner”.
9. Again, if you need a suggestion for a good whey protein, I recommend “Optimum Nutation Gold Standard. I comes all flavours and it’s the only protein powder that I swear by! It tastes great and I love it!
10. If you are serious about getting ripped abs, then keep a dairy to track you’re eating habits. This is a great way to keep your diet on track, so you can’t go wrong.