Running For Fast Weight Loss by Bryan J Medrano - HTML preview

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Do not change your diet too drastically. Just eat the same foods you are accustomed to but just eat them in smaller amounts. Switching to clean, healthy, wholesome food is a daunting task and takes time to get used to. Ditching the pizzas and wings for lean chicken breast and broccoli is enough to make most men weep.

A better way to do it will be to eat 3 slices of pizza instead of the usual 5 slices you’re used to. With time as you gain better self-control over your eating habits, you may switch the foods for healthier options. Take it slow.

Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, it is hard.

What You Need To Know Before Getting Started

You will need a few things before you start running.

Good running shoes

The most important thing you will need are good running shoes. There are many brands on the market with a range of prices. You may be tempted to go for the cheapest pair but bear in mind that this is the only investment you will be making.

It is best to get running shoes that provide good support. Most running injuries are caused by wearing old shoes or ill-fitting shoes that are on the verge of falling apart. There is a lot of impact in running and this impact needs to be cushioned by shoes that were designed for running.

The best thing you can do is to visit a running speciality store where the staff can evaluate what type of shoes are best suited for you. Different types of feet will require different types of support. For example, someone who is flat footed may require a higher arch. Get shoes that work for you and that’s half the battle won.

A good practice would be to note down the day you buy your running shoes. You will need to replace your shoes after about 400 miles or about 640km. Do not judge the condition of a shoe by its outer appearance. Sometimes the shoe may still look good but the inner cushioning may be all worn out.

A sign of poor cushioning would be pain in your knees, muscle fatigue, shin splints, etc. If you’re feeling a nagging pain that has appeared out of the blue, chances are it’s time to get a new pair.

If your budget allows for it, get 2 pairs and alternate them. The shoes will last longer since the cushioning has more time to dry and decompress. In the long run, you’ll actually save money on shoes by using this method.

About halfway through the life of your running shoes, you might want to buy another pair of running shoes to rotate into your runs. Your shoes will last longer when you allow them to decompress and dry out between workouts. Also, having a fresh pair of shoes as a reference will help you notice when your old ones are ready to be replaced.

Although you should replace your shoes every 300 to 400 miles, there are ways to make sure they last until the higher end of that range. Follow these tips for making your running shoes last longer. Once you've bought a new pair of running shoes, you can donate your old ones to one of these organizations that collect used running shoes.

Comfortable Running Attire

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. This is true with running attire.

There are all kinds of attire being sold for running. Some people like tight fitting sportswear, others like loose fitting t-shirts and some men don’t even like wearing a shirt when they run. Your best bet is to wear what you are comfortable in and run

That being said, women will need to get a good sports bra. Both sexes will have to get socks that are made for sports. These are usually a synthetic blend of materials because 100% cotton socks tend to cause blisters.

As you become a more avid runner you may decide to invest in clothing specifically designed for running. These clothing often have unique features such as removing moisture from your skin fast so that you feel cooler and they also do not chafe your skin, especially during long runs.

Stopwatch Heart Rate Monitor GPS

Having a stopwatch is essential to tracking your progress. You will want to reduce your timings and strive for improvement. You can only do that if you’re keeping track of your runs. Most digital watches including the inexpensive ones come with a stopwatch feature. Get one and use it. Record your distance and timings in a journal religiously.

Recommend this Heart Rate Monitor wrist measured with GPS from Garmin. It records all your data so you can view it online or from your mobile device.

Water Bottle

This is not essential if you hydrate well prior to your run. However, some people may feel breathless and thirsty while running if they are not used to it. If you get thirsty easily, get a water bottle. The only issue is that you will have to carry it with you and run or you could leave it on a bench nearby and get to it whenever you need to.

If you’re getting water bottles, it’s best to get a BPA water bottle that is made out of hard plastic. It is safer for you.

Anti-Chafe Balm

Some people may experience chafing since they run often. You may get an anti-chafe.

Other than the items mentioned above, runners may prefer other items such as headphones to blast their favourite music, running armbands to slot in their smart phones, heart rate monitors, sunglasses, running tape, headbands, head lights, etc.

Quite frankly, all these are luxuries and totally up to you. If buying these motivates you to run, then by all means get them and run. If you don’t have the budget, you don’t need them and it doesn’t make you uncool. What really matters is how good a runner you are

What else do I need to know?

Besides getting equipment, there are 2 essential things you need to do.

1. Stretching

2. Hydrating

Always stretch after your body is warmed up a little. Do not stretch cold. You can warm up by doing jumping jacks for a minute. Other exercises that are good would be skipping, mountain climbers and burpees.

Once your heart is pumping and your blood is circulating, then you should engage in a series of stretches. Ideally, you should aim for a total body stretch. Focus on the knees, calves, ankles, waist and hamstrings. You should also rotate your head and shoulders. Just get limber and mobile.

The whole stretching session could be about 3 to 5 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a drawn out yoga stretch that lasts 45 minutes. In fact, you do not want to stretch too long.

Insert youtube of adrien running yoga stretches.

Your body will warm up during the run. This initial stretch is just to prep you up for the run.

As for hydration, make sure you are consuming the recommended amounts of water daily. Since you’re a runner now, you will need to consume as much water as required. Constant sips throughout the day is ideal. Don’t overdo the water consumption but don’t neglect it either.

11 Common Running Mistakes

Before you start running, you need to be aware of the common mistakes that most people make when they run. Once you avoid these potential pitfalls, you will get the best results for your efforts and also reduce your chances of injury.

1. Do not do static stretching before a run. Many beginner runners stretch while

their body is still cold. This is not safe and can cause injury. Research has also shown that muscle strength decreases after stretching. This means that you will not be able to run at your full strength.

Your best bet will be to do some dynamic warm up such as a few minutes of skipping, mountain climbers, burpees, etc. Once your heart rate is up, then you may do some mild stretching.

2. Do not wear old, worn out shoes. Period.

3. Do not have unrealistic expectations. This often leads to beginner runners trying

to do too much too soon. It takes time to lose weight, get fit, run faster and get healthier. It takes time! Many people want results overnight.

They think that if they do more they’ll lose the weight faster and run better. This is totally wrong. All that happens is that they raise their chances of getting injured. Furthermore, it makes running become tortuous since they are pushing themselves way past the point of comfort. After some time they quit because nobody wants to endure suffering if they can help it.

Slow and steady wins the race. Aim to improve little by little and you will shed the weight steadily and reach your goals.

4. No change in running tempo. Steady state cardio has its benefits but you should

always have interval cardio in your training regimen. That means sprints, uphill runs, etc. This will constantly challenge you and high intensity training not only increases your strength and endurance but will also keep you in fat burning mode for hours.

5. Not eating enough healthy foods. Active bodies need various sources of nutrients to recover faster. Learn to pay attention to your body. A headache could mean a shortage of minerals or vitamins.

6. Over striding when running is another common mistake. Over striding is when

your heel lands way past your body’s center of gravity. People make this mistake falsely assuming that they are running faster. They are just wasting energy and may get shin splints due to this.

Always strive to land with your food directly beneath your upper body. Your strides should be quick, not overly wide. This is proper running technique.

7. Poor upper body form is another mistake. You may people running with their

arms flailing or flapping around. If you’ve been running long enough, you would have encountered all kinds of runners with strange upper body form.

The correct technique will be to keep your arms at a 90 degree angle and at waist level close to your hip. Keep your chest out, your posture straight and when you swing your arms by your sides when you run. The arms should not cross your body but always be at the sides.

8. Not resting enough. This is such a common mistake and one of the biggest

causes of injury. Beginners need to give their bodies time to heal and rest. Music is the space between the notes. If you run daily without any rest days, your body will not be able to restore its glycogen stores.

Furthermore, the undue stress will cause your body to release the stress hormone, cortisol. You really do not want this to happen because cortisol indirectly leads to weight gain. Let your muscles and cardiovascular system heal. In this way, you will become a better and stronger runner. There is no rush.

9. Failure to train with other methods is another mistake. Yes, running is an

excellent exercise but it does have its limitations. So, while you may be a runner, go ahead and incorporate a few sessions of weight training, swimming, rowing, etc. in your training regimen. This is excellent for all round body development. It also keeps things interesting.

10. Running stiff is extremely common among beginner runners. The only way to be

a good runner is to relax and breathe properly as you run. Drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw and watch what state your body is in when you run. Consciously make an effort to relax your body while you are running. You want to be in a zone. Relaxed, focused and still efficient.

11. Failing to drink enough water results in dehydration, exhaustion and may even

result in heat stroke. Drink lots of water and the occasional isotonic drink will be beneficial too.

7 Fat Blasting Running Techniques & Tips

Running is a very natural activity. Unlike weight training which has many nuances in form and methods, running is a basic activity and as long as you maintain good posture and follow what was mentioned earlier, you will definitely become a good runner.

The most important point to remember is that the only way to lose weight with running is to actually go out and run. Reading this book will not make you lose weight. You absolutely MUST take action. Once you put in the sweat equity, your body will drop the pounds.

Now let’s look at certain issues that are highly debated among runners and fitness professionals.

Should you run on an empty stomach?

This question has been debated so much its critics and defenders have written books about it.

If you want to lose weight, you should definitely run on an empty stomach, preferably upon waking. The reason for this is that your glycogen stores are low. So, your body will burn fat for fuel instead of the muscle stores.

There are 2 conditions which you absolutely must follow.

• The duration should be between 20 to 30 minutes. No longer.

• You should run at a steady pace. A good way to measure this is to ask yourself whether you could hold a steady conversation during your run. You must be able to. If you can’t because you’re panting, then you’re going too fast.

Running on an empty stomach is a tool you can use every now and then to burn stubborn fat stores. Alternate it between days of high intensity runs.

Go barefoot or wear shoes?

Shoes. Always wear shoes. There are proponents of barefoot running who believe that wearing shoes hinders their natural stride. So, they choose to run barefoot.

Since the aim here is to lose weight by running, let’s just keep things simple and run with shoes. You do not want to spend time looking for a safe place to run without shoes. If you’re using a treadmill at home, you may wish to give it a try and see if it works for you.

However, it really is best to stick with shoes because running is a high impact activity. Having shoes that cushion your feet is definitely a good idea.

Treadmills or Tracks?

This is up to you. There are pros and cons to both. With treadmills, things can get boring and the scenery never changes. The speed is pretty much fixed and you will have to adjust it if you want to go higher or slower. If you’re on the tracks, you can speed up or slow down as you wish.

However, if the place you live in is facing inclement weather, going out to run may not be an option. Or if you only have time to run at night, safety may be a concern. In cases like this, a treadmill in the privacy of your own home will be better. In the end, both are effective. It’s just a matter of preference and budget.

Recommend having one with an incline HRM like this one.

How Do I Calculate MHR or Maximum Heart Rate?

You can get your MHR by deducting your age from 220. For example, if you’re 35 years old...

220 – 35 = 185 (your max heart rate)

To easily keep track of your heart rate, it would be a great idea to get a heart rate monitor. They are pretty affordable and you’ll always be able to track your heart rate and see if you are in the zone ideal for you.

Take note that the MHR can be affected by factors such as hydration, heat, heart size, etc. So, if you feel discomfort while exercising in the MHR zone, drop your intensity a notch or two. Don’t push past beyond the point of discomfort.

How should I breathe while running?

There are a few pointers to take note of about breathing while running. Correct breathing will result in you running faster and experiencing less fatigue.

• Breathe with your belly, not your chest. You should see your belly expanding and contracting.

• Breathe deeply.

• Measure your breaths to your steps. If it’s a leisurely run, inhale once for every 3 or 4 steps and exhale once for the same amount of steps. If it’s a fast run, breathe in for every one or two steps.

• Keep your mouth slightly open so air can go in through both your nose and mouth.

The key point to note is that breathing just like running is a natural activity. Don’t worry too much about it. The more you run, the better your lung function will be and breathing will be easier and natural. Run consistently. That’s the key to improvement.

Pick an event race to help stay focused and committed?

Racing is one the easiest ways to motivate yourself to push yourself to accomplish new goals. It’s recommended if you run a race never pick a marathon as your first event. Do a simple 5k road race to find out all the aspects of running without as much suffering. If you are a seasoned runner and want to challenge a marathon, it is not necessary to run long miles in your training. Running on pavement over the years can break down your body. You can train effectively with your longest training run of 9 miles only!

How do I lose weight by running?

Ah ha! Finally the question that you’ve been waiting for. The answer has been broken down below. Follow it closely and the fat will melt off your body.

• Always make sure your daily caloric intake is at a deficit as mentioned earlier in this book. Weight loss will only occur when your calorie intake is less than the amount you expend.

• You must alternate your running tempo over the week.

o Monday, Wednesday – High intensity interval cardio

o Tuesday, Friday, Sunday – Low or moderate intensity (running on an

empty stomach for 30 minutes)

o Thursday, Saturday – rest days

The above is just an example. Change the days to suit your schedule. As your fitness improves, you may choose to do high intensity for 3 or 4 days a week.

• A high intensity workout should look like this.

Week 1 – Sprint 30 seconds, walk 30 seconds (Do 15 repetitions)

Week 2 – Sprint 45 seconds, walk 45 seconds (Do 13 repetitions)

Week 3 – Sprint 60 seconds, walk 60 seconds (Do 10 repetitions)

The point to note here is that you may not be able to do the full number of repetitions. That’s ok. What you need to do is try your best and be panting and perspiring like crazy. You want a hard workout that leaves you breathless.

Train as hard as you can but be sensible. Over time your stamina will improve and you will be able to sprint for longer periods. These hard sprints are extremely effective for weight loss.

Have you seen the sprinters’ bodies at the Olympics? Hard, toned and muscular like they were chiseled from stone. That’s the power of sprinting.

High intensity training will take its toll on your body’s nervous system. It is a very taxing form of exercise. That is why you alternate it with slow cardio. On the slow cardio days, just a 30 minute jog on an empty stomach will do. It has to be at a comfortable pace. That’s it.

Follow this method, eat right and you will lose weight.

As you improve, you may find hills to run up and down to make things more challenging. You could run uphill with all your might and then walk down. Repeat till you are exhausted. Wow! What a workout.

Always bear in mind that with time all things are possible. You will get faster. You will get stronger. You will lose weight as long as you keep at it.

There will be times when you eat too much. There will be times when you are emotionally troubled and may not be able to give your best during your workout. There will be occasions where you have been losing weight for a while and suddenly the weight loss stops, or you gain a pound instead.

All this is extremely normal. Success is not linear! It’s ok to slip up. We are all human... but what you should never ever do is give up just because you slipped once. If you eat too much on one day, don’t automatically assume that it’s all over and go back to poor eating habits and forget about exercise.

No! No! Tell yourself it's ok. You slipped up once but you will work out harder the next day and keep moving. The key is to keep moving. Don’t let small setbacks throw you off the track.

Keep on keeping on. Success will be yours.

Dealing with Injuries

There are a few injuries that are pretty common among runners. Almost all can be avoided with proper care.

There is a plethora of information available online regarding any injury you may sustain while running.

In any case, while information online can be helpful, it is always best to consult your doctor.

The key to avoiding unnecessary health issues is to respect your body and leave your ego at the door when you go running. Pace yourself, do not push through pain and rest if you’re so breathless it causes discomfort.

Take your time with the process. The whole fun is in the journey. If you enjoy the journey, the destination will be that much sweeter.

Run at your own pace. Let your body burn fat at the pace it wants to. As long as you are steadily losing some weight every week, you’re on the right track. Just keep at it. Aim for small improvements but don’t push your luck.

You don’t want to end up with a stress fracture.

Be sensible and careful.

Try this if you are having back of hip issues.

Finding Motivation

“I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always takes me where I want to go.”

― Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

Anything done consistently for 21 days becomes a habit. For running, to become a habit, you will have to do it for about 4 weeks in a row... the extra days to account for your rest days.

However, no matter how often you run, and how long you do it, there will come a day when you just do not feel like running.

It happens to all of us. You’re supposed to do something but you really don’t feel like it. Your brain will start making all kinds of excuses and they will all seem perfectly justifiable and reasonable. Yet, deep down you will know that you need to go for that run. You’re feeling guilty.

This is most important time not to give in and skip your training. If you let it slide this time, there will be a next time and from there it’s just a matter of time before you lose this excellent habit.

Some things in life need to be done consistently. Bathing, motivation, reading, sleeping... and running. If you have a garden and stop pulling out the weeds, it’s just a matter of time before the weeds take the garden.

The same thing with running. If you stop, you will slowly lose the stamina you worked so hard to build. Your metabolic rate will start to drop gradually and you will find the pounds creeping back on to your body.

That’s tough but that’s the way it is.

So how do you stay motivated?

Get a virtual running coach from Lumo!

• Change routes and see new things.

• Change the time of your run. Maybe run on a cool evening instead of first thing in the morning.

• Find a running partner.

• Run with music. Change up the music every time you start getting bored.

• Always try to beat your personal best

• Challenge yourself by using weights, interval training, etc.

• Do whatever it takes to add variety to your running sessions

Another way to motivate yourself is to subscribe to a running magazine. Running Times is an excellent magazine that has been in publication since the 1970s. It has thousands of subscribers.

You can get a subscription for Running Times at

In it you will find tips, tricks and articles that will keep you motivated and proud to be a runner.

Running is a sport and one of the best there is. You should be proud that you are a runner and if you have the stamina and strength, that’s an achievement. This pride in yourself will keep you going.

This chapter started with a quote and this book will end with one. It will pretty much sum up the power running will have on your life.

“As long as my heart's still in it, I'll keep going. If the passion's there, why stop?...

There'll likely be a point of diminishing returns, a point where my strength will begin to wane. Until then, I'll just keep plodding onward, putting one foot in front of the other to the best of my ability. Smiling the entire time.”

― Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner

The End

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