The Bare Truth: Confessions of a Personal Trainer by Dave Smith - HTML preview

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Q: I don’t know if I can give up some of the foods on the “off limits” list. Is it okay if I reduce them, not completely cut them out?

A: Keep in mind that you have a “cheat day” each week, so you can still eat your favourite foods once per week. It is however very important that you stick to only those foods included in the program’s eating guide for the remaining days of the week.


Q: I’m a horrible cook! What am I going to do?

A: Don’t worry – You don’t have to be a good cook to make this work. The key is to find a small collection of go-to meals that you enjoy and that fit within the guidelines laid out in this book.

You will find a few examples in Appendix C to help get you started.


Q: What about condiments, dressings, and spices?

A: Spices are fair game – Many are actually quite beneficial (bring on the turmeric!) so use them however you like. Salad dressings count as a fat (i.e. 1tbsp = 1 “thumb”), and like condiments, they just have to follow our “off limits” list. No pre-packaged foods, no sugar.


Q: I’m a vegetarian/vegan – How can I get my “palms” of protein?

A: Just be sure to find some sort of protein source that you can eat at each meal (e.g. tofu, tempeh, a supplement, etc.).

Beans and lentils are also high in protein but do come with a much higher calorie and carbohydrate count, so it’s not recommended that they be your go-to protein source for most meals. You will be fine using them as your protein source for 1 meal per day at most.


Q: I am going out to a restaurant – What do I do?

A: Use your “cheat day” wisely! You can also check out the restaurant menu ahead of time and choose a meal that meets our guidelines.


Q: I’m allergic/sensitive to certain foods – What should I do?

A: Don’t include them in your plan! There are thousands of meal options you can easily create with the wide range of foods included in this program. It will just take a little bit of planning to get started.


Q: Where can I find meals that will fit with this program?

A: Ah, the beauty of the Internet! While I do not endorse all of the principles of the Paleo Diet, I do find it offers a good starting place since it is rooted in whole food eating. Try searching for “Paleo meals” and you will find loads of great resources. Here’s one to start with: Mark’s Daily Apple.


Q: Is all dairy really off limits?

A: Yes…almost. One serving of all-natural (no sugars or sweeteners) Greek yogurt is allowed per day (measure it as you would a protein). The bacteria culture in yogurt aids in digestion, and Greek yogurt is high in protein, which is helpful in planning breakfast meals.


Q. I love dried fruit – Can I still eat it?

A: YES…but at a reduced serving size. Since it has no water content, dried fruit is much higher in sugar and calories than fresh fruit, therefore we count dried fruit as double (i.e. 1 “palm” of dried fruit = 2 “palms” of fresh fruit)


Q: What about coffee?

A: Coffee is allowed as long as it follows our eating guidelines – No dairy, no sugar. As a milk or cream replacement, you can try unsweetened almond milk.


Q: Where does almond milk fit in the pyramid?

Look at the nutritional label for unsweetened almond milk and you’ll see that it’s very low in calories. Feel free to have a serving or two each day (e.g. for making smoothies) without counting it towards any of the servings from the pyramid.


Q: Is my cheat day/fast 1 day of the week or any 24-hour period?

A: Your cheat/fast day are 24-hour periods. So, if you start your cheat day at 6pm on Thursday, it will continue until 6pm on Friday. Then your fast will immediately start on Friday at 6pm and continue until Saturday at 6pm.


Q: Speaking of fasts – Aren’t they bad for you?

A: No way! We fast all the time and just don’t label it as such. Think about eating dinner at 6pm and then skipping breakfast the next morning. You might be doing an 18-hour fast without knowing it. 


Q: I’ve heard the ____ diet is great. Should I try it?

A: There is no diet plan that will work perfectly for everyone. We are all different and therefore require different quantities and combinations of food. Will a certain diet work for you? Maybe. But, instead of looking at “diets”, I would recommend just planning your meals to include the most nutritious food that makes your body feel good and function well.

Sounds familiar? Yeah, that’s what we’re doing in this program!


Q: I have another question about food – How do I get an answer?

A: Visit and you will find my contact information. I would be happy to help.


Q: I am injured – How should I exercise?

A: Please check with your doctor to find a safe way to get your exercise done. The key is to get moving each day – There are always ways to accomplish that.


Q: 6 days of weekly exercise is too much for me. What should I do?

A: Examine your meaning of the word “exercise”. Instead of meaning “lifting weights” or “running on a treadmill”, try to think of it as moving your body. How can you intentionally move your body every day? The simplest is walking – I think you can walk 6 days per week!


Q: I’m nursing my baby – Should I really fast for a whole day?

A: Fasting for a day is much less taxing on your body than you might think, but should be done carefully by breast-feeding moms. If you find it to be too much for your body then you can eat as per our normal eating guidelines.

Do keep in mind that the fast is helpful in cleansing after our “cheat day” so it would be wise to avoid over-indulging on “cheat day” if you decide not to follow it with a fast.


Q: What if I mess up?

A: Nobody lives perfectly “healthy” life all day, every day. Either during the next 4 weeks or afterwards you will “mess up” – We all do. The most important thing is to acknowledge that it happened and figure out what you could do next time to stay on track.


Q: Isn’t 4 weeks too short-term to be “healthy”?

A: Our goal it to begin building good habits. Even if a few of them stick beyond the 4-week program then you are moving in the right direction for the long-term.


Q: I still have another question – What can I do?  

A: Visit and you will find my contact information. I would be happy to help.