This way of life calls for great choices. If you're willing to stick to this course you'll discover tremendous achievements. I promise you that. This freedom provides a boundless joy that can't be attained by strains in the external world.
Delight is your natural does of goodness. It is your hallowed birthright. Everyone should be happy. We all deserve to be, and what better way than to start making these great life decisions?
Astonishing things happen when you start to align with your Self and associate your life with higher purposes in hopes of becoming a better person. You will discover so much support.
The universe has a way of affirming you and giving you what you need. Individuals and chances will start to show up everyplace. Synchronies and miracles start to occur as you begin to cut away from your toxic relationships and begin to fully give yourself to good health.
You'll know you've reached this place once feelings of serenity, harmony, and contentment are with you. Weight and food will no longer be a problem that plagues you.
You'll be gleefully engaged in the dance of life. When you're amply alive with the fierce glow of sublime contentment, you will know that you've come home to yourself.
You'll be filled wonder; the wonder that’s always been inside of you, that has been waiting to shine through.
And now it most definitely can. Because now you’re a whole lot healthier, confident and fit as a fiddle.
You are your own person, and you deserve better. Congratulations storm trooper! You’ve made it to the finish line!