The Low-Fat Way to Health and Longer Life by Nicolelocky - HTML preview

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rats. There is the incontrovertible fact that countless millions of

human beings in Asia, Africa, South America and elsewhere do

not consume fat in their diet. And yet they live to a health-normal

or beyond-normal life span; their physical or nutritional

development is not infrequently far superior to the people on a

high-fat or average American fat dietary intake.

Most certainly it is known now that these same people on a low-

fat or fat-free diet are virtually free from heart attacks and

strokes, which are so common among people on a fat diet.

Many have wondered whether the Eskimos have a high rate of

heart attacks and strokes as a result of their high fat diet. First it

should be remembered that the Eskimo days of existing




on blubber and whale alone are mostly over. Several years ago

physicians working with the National Geographic Society found

that the Eskimos who lived in the more modern settlements and

ate and lived like other Canadians or Americans in country vil -

lages, were subject to the same degree of atherosclerosis, high

blood pressure, and heart conditions.

On the other hand, in those Eskimo cases where fish and whale

fats constituted the basis of the diet, blood tests revealed that

cholesterol and fats in the blood were very low. This surprising

fact was later found to be due to the high concentrations of un-

saturated fatty acids in the large amount of fish and whale oils

consumed by these Eskimos. As will be shown later, these un-

saturated fatty acids have the unique power to lower the blood

levels of cholesterol and other fats, thus protecting the Eskimos

from the complications of atherosclerosis in the heart, brain,

kidneys, and other organs.

What is fat? First let us look at food in general. As long as

we are alive, breathing, with our hearts pumping, our bodies

are at work burning up energy—which is supplied by food.

Food or foodstuffs consist of six groups, all of which are basic

necessities essential for normal health. These are proteins,

carbohydrates, fats (which are also manufactured by the body),

vitamins, minerals, and water.

Protein is the keystone of human nutrition. It is es-

sential for every form of life for growth, pregnancy, formation

of blood, bone, and every vital tissue. It is essential for the heal-

ing of wounds, the warding off of infection, the maintenance of

body weight, and the conduct of vital organs and glands in the


Meat is the greatest source of animal protein for human

consumption and man can live in good health on virtually an

exclusive fresh meat diet. Animal sources of proteins are meat,

fish, poultry, milk, eggs and cheese. These foods contain high

sources of protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats. Vegetable

sources of protein are wheat, beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, nuts,



corn, rye and yeast, although these also contain elements of

carbohydrate and fat.

Normal adults and growing children require one gram of

protein for every 2.2 lbs. of body weight. This means that the

average man or woman weighing 125 to 175 lbs. needs from

60 to 80 grams of protein daily for normal nu trition. This

would be contained in the equivalent of 1/2 pound of steak,

one chicken, a pound of fish or a pound of cottage cheese. Each

gram of protein supplies four calories of energy, as shown in

Chapter 6.

Carbohydrates are a main source of energy. Carbohy-

drates include the two main classes: starches and sugars. They

are one of the primary sources of energy of our diet. One gram

of carbohydrate yields 4 calories of energy. The amount of

carbohydrates necessary in the daily diet is very variable and

also depends on the amount of it eaten with the protein in meals.

The average American adult consumes anywhere from 150 to

400 grams of carbohydrate daily. It takes about 500 grams to

make a pound. Usually more than half the calories in the diet

(from 50 to 70 per cent) are supplied by carbohydrate.

Unfortunately, these carbohydrates are usually refined to

excess, as in the case of flours and sugars. Essential vitamins and

proteins are lost in this way and certain nutritional deficiencies

may result. If excessive carbohydrate is eaten in the diet, many

individuals will experience symptoms of gassy distress, flat -

ulence, belching, or bloating. Bread, flour, milk, cereals,

potatoes, cornstarch, cakes, rice, and puddings are examples of

dietary starch as are moat vegetables, although these contain

lesser amounts of both carbohydrates and protein. Sugars are

represented by cane sugar, corn syrup, honey, maple sugar and

syrup, milk sugar, malt sugar, jams, jellies, and most fruits.

Two of the most common symptoms or sensations that humans

feel daily are dependent on carbohydrate metabolism: that is,

hunger and fatigue. Certain endocrine glands in the body con -

trol the level of blood sugar in the body and are linked to the



feelings of hunger, fatigue, and exhaustion. When the blood

sugar falls abnormally low, one feels headaches, nervousness,

dizziness, or weakness.

Many of my patients combat these tendencies to hypoglycemia

or low-blood sugar in the following simple ways: in between

meals take fresh fruits, preferably bananas or apples, or canned

fruit juices or fruits; English "tea" with whole wheat cookies or

crackers, graham crackers, arrowroot cookies and if needed,

some lean meat or fish in sandwich form; skim milk thickened

and fortified with generous servings of skimmed milk powder;

bread and jam; fat-free sherbet or ices; dietetic or low-fat ice

cream; fruit jellos are refreshing; hard candies or chocolate bars

are often very handy but not as desirable as the natural, health -

ful in-between meal "snacks," suggested above, as they often

damage the teeth and may have too short-lived action on the

blood sugar. Not infrequently sugar itself will cause a "re -

bound" reaction resulting in an even lower blood sugar fall one-

half to one hour after the sugar has been eaten.

Countless business people and factory workers find their ef -

ficiency and capacity for work greatly increased by following

the above dietary aids. It is not necessary to wait until the

symptoms of low-blood sugar already signal the breakdown of

bodily health.

The habit of drinking coffee alone at the coffee-break is like

whipping the tired old horse harder to get it to climb up the hill.

The artificial stimulant, caffeine, can never possibly substitute

its artificial stimulant drug action for the flow of energy that

comes from healthful, natural foods.

Vitamins and minerals are discussed later, in Chapter 5.

The necessity of water for the maintenance of life is known to

all. This brings us to fats.

FatsWhat they are and what they do to you. The out-

standing fats eaten daily in the United States and Europe are

butter, eggs, whole milk, cream, meat, fish and poultry fats, and

cheese in various combinations. These fats, at 9 calories per



gram, contain more than twice the amount of calories than

protein or carbohydrate does at four calories each per gram.

As we have noted and shall describe in later chapters, excessive

intake of fats leads to the shortening of life, premature death by

heart attacks and strokes, obesity, and numerous crippling ill-


Fats (or lipids) contain the elements of carbon, hydrogen, and

oxygen in various combinations of animal and vegetable fats.

Examples of animal fats are butter, lard, cream, milk, eggs,

and the fat in meats. Vegetable f ats are soyabean oil, olive

oil, cottonseed and corn oils, and peanut oils; these are found

in nuts, coconuts, avocados, margarines and other vegetable fats

used in cooking.

Fats do not dissolve in water, and when pure they are odor -

less and tasteless. They are found in most bodily tissues, parti-

cularly in combination with other elements, proteins, or minerals.

Fats or lipids act as vehicles for the absorption of the natural

fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, and E.

In order for fats to be utilized by the body, they must first

be digested and broken down into constituent parts before being

absorbed. They are absorbed in the following manner: After

the food is masticated and enters the stomach, the digestive sys-

tem supplies its first fat enzyme called lipase, to begin the diges-

tion of the fat. Enzymes or ferments are unique chemical com-

pounds manufactured by the cells of the tissues. In the digestive

tract they are vital for the chemical breakdown of all foods

before they can be absorbed.

How are fats digested? The fat enzyme of the stomach,

lipase, begins its job on the fats eaten. However, it is a rather

weak enzyme, leaving most of its work to be carried out by

steapsin, the fat enzyme manufactured by the pancreas, and by

bile manufactured by the liver. In the bile are found bile acids

and salts which, together with steapsin, split the fats ingested

into the smallest molecules and particles possible. These can

then be absorbed through the lining of the small intestine and



pass either into the liver or directly into the blood stream as

chyle, a milky or creamy serum.

How fats are absorbed. When the fat particles are brought

to the liver, they undergo further chemical breakdown and me-

tabolic changes before they enter the blood stream in the form

of cholesterol, phospholipids, fatty acids, neutral fats (which are

neither acid nor alkaline), lecithin, and other fat derivatives.

Much of the fat is broken down by the liver cells into cholesterol,

which is excreted into the bile and goes back again into the

intestine in various chemical forms. Once in the intestine, some

of the cholesterol is reabsorbed again along with other fats

and some is excreted from the body in the bowel movement. If

the proportion of the cholesterol in the bile becomes too high,

then it precipitates out of the bile and forms gallstones, which

can produce attacks of pain and indigestion, and so often keep

the surgeon busy.

Now that the fats or lipids have entered the blood stream, they

circulate and are deposited in the various bodily tissues and in

the great body storehouses called fat depots. These are located

in the abdomen, on the hips, the chest, around muscles, under

the skin, in the liver, and elsewhere. The fats consumed in the

diet are called exogenous fats. The liver and other tissues,

however, manufacture equally important quantities of fats or

lipids normally found in the blood stream. These are called

endogenous lipids.

These lipids are manufactured from proteins and carbohy-

drates through certain remarkable processes inherent in vital

bodily tissues and glands such as the liver or the adrenal glands.

Energy and vital cellular constituents for the body result from

these lipids. When present to excess, their effects become dev-

astating to humans, as shown in the chapters on overweight and

atherosclerosis. (See Chapters 7 and 3.)

We now come to the fats circulating freely in the blood stream.

Let's see how they get into the artery walls to actually damage

or destroy the artery with atherosclerosis.


Fig. 1. Cross Section, Coronary Artery.

This diagram shows the three coats of the coronary artery and the

channel through which the blood flows to nourish the heart muscles.


Fig. 2. Cross Section of Coronary Artery in

Coronary Thrombosis.



How fats damage or destroy your arteries. Extensive

research in experimental animals has been able to demonstrate

how these lipids can leave the bloodstream and enter the artery

wall within 24 hours. The atherosclerosis produced in these

animals becomes indistinguishable from the atherosclerosis

seen in human arteries. However, the exact details of the

mechanism whereby fats actually enter into the wall of the

artery are not yet known. What is known and what is important

is that there is a definite ratio or relation between the amount

of fats in the blood stream and in the artery wall, and this is

surprisingly predictable in most cases. Also, the relationship

of the fats in the artery wall itself is very close to that in the

bloodstream. This direct relationship between the two seems

to be in fairly constant balance.

As described in the first chapter, the artery wall consists of

three different layers. If the reader can picture a garden hose

as representing the artery, it presents an innermost layer called

the intima, a middle layer called the media, and an outer layer

called the serosa. (See Fig. 1).

The fats circulating in the blood stream are of course closest

to the innermost layer of the artery, with which they are in direct

contact. When conditions are right for atherosclerosis, the fats

attach themselves and enter the inner or intima layer of the

artery. A kind of wart or excrescence on the artery is then

formed, called a plaque of lat. When the plaque grows larger,

it encroaches upon the passageway of the artery. As it grows

larger and larger, it may finally block or obstruct it partly or

completely. When this clogging or obstruction of the artery

takes place in the vital coronary arteries of the heart, then a

coronary thrombosis or heart attack assails the victim. If the

blockage from these fatty or atheromatous plaques occurs in

the brain, then a stroke strikes down the victim. (See Figure 2.)

However, if the artery is only partly blocked by this accumula-

tion of fatty plaques, then the vital organs supplied by the

arteries suffer from a lack of the necessary amount of blood and



nutriments contained in it to sustain normal function and health.

Along with the fatty deposits of cholesterol, fatty acids,

neutral fats, etc., which make up these atheromatous plaques,

calcium and other minerals are also deposited. These make the

artery feel hard, giving rise to the term commonly in use—

"hardening of the arteries." Actually we see a softening of the

arteries which takes place first because of these fatty deposits.

It is often noticed in many individuals that this free fat will

be floating in the blood stream for hours after a meal containing

fat has been eaten. The blood is then called lipemic, which

means loaded with fats. When these fats are easily visible to

the naked eye, scientists speak of such neutral fats as chylo-

microns. These fats in the blood are regarded by many scientists

to be as dangerous as is cholesterol, in entering the artery wall.

A great proportion of these fats in the blood is combined with

proteins, called lipoproteins, which also have been the subject

of research by many investigators. Scientists have only recently

discovered by new tools of investigation that in these lipoproteins

two separate portions can be measured: the alpha and the beta

lipoproteins. The first have been shown to be protective against

the development of atherosclerosis. They are found predominat-

ing in infants, children, and young women who have no evidence

of atherosclerosis.

On the other hand, the beta-lipoproteins have been found

universally in excessive amounts in most cases of active athero-

sclerosis and so are called atherosclerosis producers or "ather -

ogenic." The protective alpha-lipoproteins are spoken of as


The problem of preventing atherosclerosis and its human

ravages is the search for ways of increasing the protective alpha-

lipoproteins. Chapter 5 discusses lecithin and other nutritional

supplements and shows how to use these protective substances

against the development of atherosclerosis.

One of the greatest factors influential in the current epidemic

of heart attacks has unquestionably been the startling increase

in fat intake. In the United States alone, the fat content of our



diet has just about doubled in recent times. Where fat formerly

constituted some 15 to 20 per cent of our meals 50 years ago,

it now has jumped to 30 and 40 per cent or more.

Fat may be your "poison". Many individuals have now

developed an intolerance to fat. Some of my patients can't seem

to handle any fat at all. As an example, one plump 40-year old

mother of three develops severe gas and bloating after eggs or

any other fatty food. Mrs. R. is often embarrassed to dine out

for fear of overflowing right out of her girdle if friends supply

her with a fatty food at their homes. At other times she has been

embarrassed by solicitious friends who have delightedly con-

gratulated her upon her "unexpected" and "surprise" pregnancy

after eating some fat food!

Other patients of mine develop actual attacks of gallstone

colic following a meal containing fat. Some 20 years ago, I

studied the causes and effects of gallstones in humans by passing

rubber tubes through the mouth and down into the digestive tract

and then draining off the bile or gall manufactured by the liver

and stored in the gall bladder. At that time I examined and

found the cholesterol and fat content of the bile abnormally high

in most patients who suffered from gallstones, liver, and gall

bladder diseases. A fat-free diet was able to eventually reduce

and restore the bile to its normal cholesterol and fat content,

not to mention the well established fact that most patients felt

vastly improved and often free of pain or distress.

Of especial interest to me is the case of a 46-year old auto-

mobile dealer, Mr. C, who used to have disabling and terrifying

attacks of pain over his heart. (We call such pain angina pec -

toris.) The pains began only after he had eaten breakfast and

was preparing to leave for his business. His breakfast was a

hearty one. It consisted of bacon and two scrambled eggs, fruit

juice, some delicious coffee cake with two pats of butter, plus

two cups of coffee containing generous portions of cream. He

was a husky, strapping ex-athlete and burned up a great deal of

energy in business activities.

When Mr. C. changed his breakfast habits and ate a good



breakfast on the low-fat diet (as explained and described in

later chapters) his anginal pain stopped as if by magic. Cl early

he was one of the many individuals whose circulation could not

tolerate fats.

This was again just recently shown in most convincing and

dramatic ways by Doctors Peter Kuo and H. Joyner of the

University of Pennsylvania Hospital and Medical School. These

investigators studied the effects of fat meals in a series of heart

cases and others afflicted with atherosclerosis over a several year

period. One group of their patients suffered severe heart attacks

every time a fat meal was administered to them. Studies of the

heart and the blood were made during actual heart attacks by

Electrocardiographs and other scientific instruments. It was

found that when the blood stream contained its peak load of fat

content, the heart attacks were most severe and threatene d the

very life of the patients. Such striking studies and findings were

also the experience of other research physicians.

How much fat are you stowing away? Look at the fol-

lowing sample daily menus for fat content that the average

American consumes, as taken from the front page of the New

York World Telegram.

Fat Content Calories


One-half grapefruit ..............................................................


Two eggs ........................................................... 12 grams


Two slices of bread ...............................................................


Two pats of butter .......................................... 12 grams


One cup of coffee with % tablespoonful of

cream and two teaspoons sugar ................ 3 grams



Boiled ham, 2 slices ......................................... 20 grams


Two slices of bread ..............................................................


Two pats of butter ........................................... 12 grams


Lettuce and tomato ..............................................................


Mayonnaise, 2 teaspoonsful ........................... 6 grams


Cup of coffee with cream and sugar ................ 3 grams


Danish bun, prune filled ................................. 8 grams





Melon slice ...........................................................................


Steak or beef with gravy, 4 ounces ................ 40 grams


Potato and peas, or salad.....................................................


Two pats of butter (or oil dressings) ............ 12 grams


Cup of coffee with cream and sugar ................ 3 grams