Think, Act., Love, Lose Weight by Shane Jeremy James - HTML preview

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Exercise For Life

We have all heard it many times over. Exercise offers many health benefits -- better sleep, reduced stress, less depression, higher self-esteem, improved strength and muscle tone and of course, weight loss. Regular exercise

is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and many of us do not realize how important

exercise is until something bad happens to us. Your exercise life has to become a number one priority over everything else in your life.

Why circuit training is so important

Circuit training is an excellent way to simultaneously improve mobility, strength, stamina and lose weight. It provides excellent all round fitness, helps tone the body, builds your strength and is known to be one of the best ways to get maximum results in the shortest period of time.

Circuit training places a unique type of stress on the body, compared to conventional weight training and aerobics. The fast pace and constant change shocks the body to create better results. I, myself, have tried just about every type of

exercise routine and hands down, circuit training is one of the best to condition your entire body and mind.

Higher intensity exercise or lower intensity


When you work at a higher tempo your body uses less fat-fueled energy and it burns more carbohydrate-fueled energy. Many people get this wrong and say if you workout at a higher intensity, you will stop burning fat and only burn carbs. When you work out at a lower intensity you burn fewer calories. When you work at a higher intensity you burn more calories.



The real reason why you are exercising To build lean muscle, strengthen your heart, reduce stress, burn fat, decrease your waist size, fight off disease, and the most important, to create healthy cells. Remember you’re only as healthy as your cells are.

How to be happy

To release the pleasure centers in the brain, we must exercise to release the endorphins which in return will give you a sense of happiness and control, and in return, this will help you to eat less. It will also help you decrease depression and give you a more positive outlook on life.


Visualization is probably one of the most underutilized success tools that you possess. Used correctly, visualiza-tion can take you to the next level in your weight and your life’s goals.

1. Visualization is like a key to the subconscious mind. It activates the creative powers.

2. Visualization focuses your brain by programming its reticular activating system (RAS) to notice available resources that were always there but were previously unnoticed.

3. Visualization sends out the energy forces you need to attract the people, resources, and opportunities you need to achieve your goals.

Harvard University researchers found that students who visualized in advance performed tasks with nearly 100% accuracy, whereas students, who didn’t visualize, achieved only 55% accuracy.

Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight


Your creative subconscious doesn’t think in words; it can only think in pictures. When you give your brain specific, colorful, and vividly compelling pictures to manifest, it will seek out and capture all the information necessary to bring that picture into reality for you. If you give your mind an overweight problem, it will come up with a get-fit solution.

If you give your mind a broke problem, it will come up with a make money solution. By contrast, if you are constantly feeding it negative, fearful and anxious pictures, it will give you exactly that.

Most people are visualizing what they don’t want so that’s exactly what they get. When your visualizing yourself as being overweight that’s exactly what you get – you will be overweight. Start visualizing the weight you want to be at.

You’re confident, healthy and feeling great about yourself.

That’s exactly what you will get. It’s the law of attraction.

Making Visualization work

Decide what you want, visualize it, go into the feeling of having it. Make the images as clear and as bright as possible. If your objective is to be at your ideal healthy weight, then close your eyes and see yourself being the exact person you would like to be.

Circuit one starts with a 30-second cardio warm up of jumping jacks, hand-to-knee taps or skipping.

Mental Repetition

Two minutes of mental repetition. Have the picture of the body you want in front of you. Look at the picture and then close your eyes for two minutes and visualize yourself having that body. How does it feel? What is your energy level? What do people say to you? How do you feel about yourself? See yourself walking around with that new amazing body.

Keep the picture in front of you during your workout.