True Yoga is Simple: 13 Steps to Deepen Your Home Practice by Olga Yumasheva - HTML preview

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Each person we meet, each situation we

encounter has something for us. But most of

the time, we are too much in a rush to see it.


Before I get into the story, I’d like to thank a

few people who have really shaped me and the

way I see things.


Of course, it’s the talented yoga teachers I met

on my way: Surinder Singh, Asish Sharma,

Suryans Thakur, Diana Schopplein, Sergei

Mikhailov. I was lucky to see yoga from

different perspectives.


Much gratitude to Spiritual Masters I happened

to come across live or through the web: Om

Baba, Lisa Cairns, Adya Shanti, Roger Castello,

Samdarshi, Tigmonk, Mooji and many others.

It’s great that you share wisdom with all of us

and give inspiration to walk our path



I doubt, my teachers will ever read through

these lines. Yet, I believe it’s worth mentioning

their names. Who knows, maybe there’s

something out there for you, and this book is

just a bridge to get you to something bigger.