True Yoga is Simple: 13 Steps to Deepen Your Home Practice by Olga Yumasheva - HTML preview

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The student was waiting in the bushes. After a

while, he saw his Master leaving the bar drunk

and with the traces of lipstick on his face.

In the morning the student came up to the

teacher and said, ‘You don’t have to go all

alone at night. It’s dark, scary, and you’re old,

you’re getting tired fast. I will wait for you in

town, and carry you back to the ashram on my


When the night came, the Master went to the

bar again. Lots of drinks, drugs, dancing, and

prostitutes… He was enjoying his time while

his student was patiently waiting in the



Lord Shiva saw the sincerity and loyalty of the

disciple and appeared in front of him.

‘What are you doing here? Don’t you see that

your Master is fake? I am Shiva. It’s me you

were looking for. Let’s go from here.


I saw your truthfulness; I saw you prayed to

me every day. You wanted to enter into the

Kingdom of Truth; I will take you there.’


And, the disciple replied, ‘Yes, I wanted to

reach the Truth, but I can’t go anywhere

without my Master.’