Ultimate Tennis Practice for 2 Players by Cosmin Miholca - HTML preview

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Both players (A and B) begin at the service line (opposite sides).

- The two players rally, gently, cross-court having both hit forehand

ground-strokes only (assuming they are right-handed); keep a controllable pace so that no winners or errors are made. (see graphic below)

- After about two minutes switch to backhands cross-court.

- After another 2 minute session one player hits only down-the- line, the other player only cross-court.

- Switch after another 2 minute having the previous cross-court player going down-the-line this time and the previous down-the- line player hitting only cross-court.

Work on footwork, hand-eye coordination and consistency.



Both players (A and B) are just inside the service line (opposite sides).

- Repeat the previous exercise (W-U1) but this time they volley or half-volley the balls coming to their side: volley forehand cross- court, volley backhand cross-court, cross-court vs. down-the-line and down-the-line vs. cross-court.

The pace of the ball should be cooperative so that long rallies and fewer errors should be encouraged.

Work on footwork, hand-eye coordination and consistency.



Both players begin the drill from no-man’s land (half way between service line and baseline). Once they put the ball in play (with a drop-and-hit) they will count each 3 ground-strokes they hit over the net. After the third shot, one of the players (A) advances toward the net proceeding to hit half-volleys and volleys until the rally is over. For the next rally, it will be player B’s turn to move up to the net after a 3 balls rally.

Hit the ball at medium pace emphasizing control and accuracy.

Do this for about 5 minutes.



For this drill, each player begins the rally having one ball ready to feed; both players at the baseline (opposite sides).

The two begin a rally from the baseline but after the first ball, player A will move up to the net. The rally continues as the players try to hit it back to each other working on consistency and control.

Once player A gets inside the service court, he practices volleys and half-volleys. When the first ball is out of the rally, the second ball is put in play while the baseline player (B) hits only lobs and the net player (A) practices overheads.

Next rally, finds both players having a ball ready and B moving up to the net.

Do this drill for about 7 - 10 minutes.



For the last piece of warm-up the two players should practice their serve and return of serve.

Have player A serve, from the deuce side, while B returns back to him. Switch roles after 2 minutes.

Then player A serves from the ad side while B returns back to him. Switch after about 2 minutes.
