Blessings of A Curse - 2012 USA Edition by Wayne Edward Clarke - HTML preview

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That’s good to know. Thank you all for your efforts, and keep up the good work.”

It’s our honor and pleasure to participate in this great and unique project.” Keetom said with a happy little headshake. “For the first time, all the races of The Just Alliance co-operate in a construction. The blending of our skills is a revolution in such endeavors. For instance, we of Survey Team Three accomplish this task with greater speed and quality than has been previously achieved, due to the vast array of surveying techniques we have available.”

Well, those are certainly benefits I never expected!” Mark chuckled. “Tell me, do you know what usage is planned for this cavern?”

Why, it will be the grand hall of your residence! Your throne room, as they would say in Finitra.”

Oh. Thank you. Well I’ll leave you to it then. Good day.”

Meanwhile Talia and Hilsith were talking to one of the injured. As Mark moved to join them, a quick series of bright flashes in the side of his vision signaled the arrival of a gnome, a female dwarf, a chestnut unicorn, a copper dragon, a dark tropical human woman, and an old gray giant who supported himself with crutches. All bore the Marking of the vow of justice.

“You sent for Healers?” asked the dwarf as she bustled hurriedly over.

“Yes, and thank you for coming. You’ll be working with Hilsith here.” Mark said, indicating her as she hurried to meet the newcomers.

“We will Link now. There is no time to lose.” the dragon rumbled.

Mark felt the stirring of powerful psionics as the dragon drew all the Healers into a Link.

“We are in time, though not by much.” the gnome declared in a piping voice a minute later. With a wave of his tiny hand, the nearest of the brain-injured humans and the bed he lay on floated over and settled in the center of the circle of Healers, and they began casting subtle spells upon him. They continued that for almost eight minutes, then floated his bed back, and the other human wizard was Moved to the healing circle. Four minutes later he was replaced by one of the fallen elven wizards.

Seeing that they’d be busy with that for a few more minutes, Mark and Talia returned to meeting and visiting those who’d been injured by the bolt’s proximity. The elven Volunteers were all fully healed from their minor injuries, and the human ranch staff were already sitting up in bed, looking about in wonder.

Mark was informed when Joseth Narr regained consciousness, and hurried to the foreman’s bedside with Talia.

“What happened?” the weathered human groggily asked. “And where are we?”

“Talia and I were struck by a magic bolt, cast from high above, and you were caught in the blast.” Mark explained as he kneeled at the bedside. “It was an assassination attempt by the insidious conspiracy. You’re going to be fine, though you’ll be recovering for two weeks. The rest of your people are well, and will be fully fit in a few days. We’re in a cavern below our cottage on the distant island of Hilia.”

“You... You were both uninjured?”

“I was uninjured. Talia was Healed, though it was a close thing. No one was killed, and the wizards who shielded us are being treated by the best Healers in The Just Alliance.”

“I see.” The horseman’s expression grew grim and determined. “This offends me. I tell you, it offends me a lot! Is there anything I can do to help bring the assassins to justice? If there is, you can count on me, and on all of us from Winghoof!”

“Perhaps not directly. But I’m thinking of a way you might contribute to the cause. Winghoof raises fine horses, and now it’s a guest ranch as well. I’m wondering if it might also be a cavalry base.”

“I don’t see why not! We have ample room for barracks and coursing runs and the rest of what’s needed, and we have grazing for over a thousand more steeds! I cut my teeth in the cavalry and served sixteen years, and I haven’t forgotten the skills!”

“I imagine your grazing could support many more horses, if the turf was treated by elven horticultural wizards.” Talia mused.

“That’s likely true!” Joseth chuckled.

“So, given ample resources with which to act, you’d have no trouble managing the enterprise for all three purposes?” Mark inquired with a smile.

“As you say, given the resources it’d be no trouble at all, and damn glad to do it besides!” Narr grinned.

“Excellent. You rest and recover, Jo. Right now we have a lot of irons in the fire, but by the time you’re back on your feet, we should be able to give you everything you need. Along with being foreman and manager, you’ll be Commander of the base and a commissioned officer in the Hilian military. Your quarters and your salary will reflect that, I assure you.

“There’s a lot more facing us than just this one assassination attempt. But we will bring them all to justice, sooner or later.”

“That we will, and thank you, both of you.” Joseth nodded. He closed his eyes with a slight smile, and was soon asleep.

Mark and Talia rose as the circle of Healers began treating the last of the injured elven wizards.

When that one’s treatment was finished and his bed returned to its place, Hilsith turned to the old giant with the crutches. “Now let’s see about your legs.” she said with a smile.

“My condition is entirely owing to my being old, and a giant.” he smiled. “There’s not much to be done about it. And I am an expert in such matters.”

“That’s what I thought about our ten patients before you arrived.” Hilsith patiently pointed out. “But this circle of Healers is unprecedented. All of us have knowledge and skills the others lack. For example, my own skills in dealing with geriatric infirmities are far more advanced than what I knew of the Healings we just completed. It would be foolish to not let us try, at least.”

“All right.” the giant decided as he moved to the center of the circle.

The gnome Levitated him, and guided him with a gentle touch to lay on his back in midair.

Two minutes later the giant Healer sat up, astonishment plain on his face. “Now that was skillfully done! Miraculous, almost!”

“We did some work on your back as well.” The dwarf pointed out.

“And your shoulders.” the gnome nodded as the dragon helped the giant to his feet.

“Thank you all for your efforts here today.” Talia smiled as she stepped forward. “You prove yet again how much we all have to learn from each other. You can be sure that The Hilian University of The Just Alliance that we are building here will have a strong faculty of Healing. We would appreciate it if you would spread the word to your colleagues that Healers of every race will be welcome to share knowledge and research here.

“And you’re all welcome to stay for a meal. I’m sure it’s ready to be served by now.”

“Thank you for both of those.” the copper dragon rumbled with a bow. “We will accept, with the exception of myself as regards the meal, for I will not hunger for another week. There are many matters of our calling that we should discuss.”

“All our patients should enjoy a complete recovery within three weeks at most.” Hilsith reported with a grin. “We’ll see them settled in Latrel, and join you upstairs in a few minutes.”

“Any that are well enough to stay for dinner are welcome to, and their families and friends as well.” Talia called.

She and Mark led the way upstairs and outside, where dinner was indeed ready to be served, and waiting upon their arrival. All of the Volunteers and almost all of the Atoning were gathered on the lawns.

Mark announced that the injured wizards would recover fully, which was met by a relieved cheer. Then Talia bade everyone to eat, and had the patio cleared for those who were still below. The dragon alone would fill most of it, even sitting up. After they arrived by Translocation and were served, creating quite a stir among the elves, Hilsith reported the cavern cleared of all but the surveying crew. The Healers spent the meal engaging in specialized conversation, most of it completely unintelligible to the rest. The giant ate standing up, delighted with being able to do so unassisted, his stance and step confident and strong.

As conversation tapered off during the entree, Mark Linked with Talia, then the two of them Linked with Sheramiv. The elven administrator showed no sign of the contact beyond a slight smile, recognizing that it was private. Mark carefully passed her those memories of his conversations, observations, and thoughts from that day that related to her work, and that she’d not yet been privy to. After Talia did the same, Mark asked permission to take a Reading of Sheramiv’s relevant memories of the day. Upon receiving her leave, he and Talia carefully Read all that he’d asked for and no more, taking only three seconds to do so. They paid special attention to the evaluation of their properties and possessions for military utility, particularly the magic items.

That was masterfully and comfortably done!” Sheramiv marveled. “Your psionic skill grows by leaps and bounds!”

Thank you. We’ll speak again later about further plans and instructions.” Talia smiled, and she and Mark politely closed the Link to Sheramiv, while continuing to discuss psionicly between them as they ate.

When most everyone was finished eating, Mark stood and cast Battalion Command. It was a far more complex spell than he needed to make himself heard in this instance, but he considered it good practice.

Talia stood when he did, and took his hand with a smile.

“Talia and I would like to tell you all how much we appreciate the efforts and sacrifices that were made on our behalf today.” he announced, pleased that the spell worked as intended, carrying his voice to the most distant listener. “You’ve accomplished far more today than we could have hoped, and most of the day was quite enjoyable.”

He allowed a chuckle to go around before he continued. “To all of you, we offer Hilian citizenship. Ours is a new and tiny nation, but I think we will stand proudly on the stage of world events. Your citizenship will be dual, and will not affect your citizenship in your present homelands.

“Let those of you who accept this now stand and be recognized.”

Every elf among them proudly stood.

“So it is recorded.” Sheramiv announced as she surveyed the gathering. “All have accepted.”

“Then I now proudly proclaim you citizens of The Principality of Hilia!” Mark called with a grin, which triggered a bright flash of elven power, and waited through a mighty cheer and a minute of mutual congratulation among the new Hilians.

“It happened again.” Talia laughed, looking behind Mark.

He turned and noticed that the Healers, the staff of Winghoof, and their friends and families were all standing.

“They all stood to be recognized with us when you asked.” Balen giggled. “Does that make them Hilian citizens?”

“It does if they want it to.” Mark grinned.

“That is indeed what I intended, and I thank you.” the dwarf woman said with a smile and a bow.

“Hilian citizenship is indeed something I will take pride in, since Hilia will stand as the spine of The Just Alliance, I think.” the dragon nodded. “And why not, since it will not affect our present citizenship.”

“Thank you. It’s the least we can do for all of you who’ve served or suffered today. “ Mark told them, and gave them his best bow before turning back to the main of the gathering, who were resuming their seats.

“I have one more announcement. In lieu of a detailed report on all of your activities today, I have taken a Reading from Sheramiv. You are all very capable and versatile, and have all been remarkably self-organizing, yet it seems obvious that Sheramiv holds a well-earned position of leadership among you, due to her administrative ability and her courteous assertiveness.

“With today’s events, Hilia is a nation with a proud people, and we have diplomatic relations with many other great nations. Soon we will have a city, and we will host important international institutions. Therefore, we must have a more extensive form of government than Talia and I can provide without assistance.

“Sheramiv, please stand.”

She did so with a proud smile. She hadn’t been informed of this in their Link earlier, but she was more than astute enough to have a strong idea of what was happening.

“Sheramiv, before all these gathered witnesses, we name you First Minister of Hilia, and we fully empower you to act on our behalf, and on behalf of the Principality of Hilia, in all matters of commerce and government.”

“Thank you, your Majesties.” Sheramiv smiled and bowed gracefully from the waist.

“Sheramiv, as First Minister, you will be required to consult with us for our approval on major decisions and matters of policy, unless circumstance should necessitate such haste that consulting us is impractical. Beyond that, we will leave the day-to-day governance of Hilia in your capable hands. As it becomes necessary, you may create new positions in the government and diplomatic services of Hilia, and appoint personnel to those positions, and draw upon the treasury as needed.”

“I shall always endeavor to serve in a manner worthy of your trust.” Sheramiv declared with great pride.

“How about a cheer for our new First Minister?!” Mark called, and the gathering responded with a great burst of enthusiastic approval and applause.

“We want you to know how very proud we are of every one of you.” Talia called when things had quieted down, cleverly co-opting Mark’s Field Command spell to be heard by all. “And again, we do thank you for all of your help and friendship today. In the days and years ahead, we very much look forward to getting to know every one of you as friends and comrades.

“For now, please excuse us, as we still have several matters that we must attend to today.”

“One more thing.” Mark added, casting an Illusory map of the island. “Here, on the north shore of the island, is a tiny lagoon with a small beach and a narrow strip of jungle, surrounded on three sides by nearly unclimbable cliffs. The waves and rocks at the mouth of the lagoon make it inaccessible to boats or swimmers. It can only be reached by Flight or Translocation. I claim it as a place of privacy and solitude for Talia and myself, for those who have our personal invitation, and no others. Perhaps in a century or two we may not need such a private retreat, but for now we’re still young. Our love is still in its infancy, and we must help it grow amidst a seemingly unending whirlwind of events, and in trying times.”

“None shall intrude upon you there, save by Speaking, and then only when necessary.” Sheramiv declared.

“Thank you. We’ll go there now, and we’d be pleased if you would join us there for a few moments.”

“Of course.” she nodded.

“To the rest of you, we bid you good evening, or rather, good morning, for I imagine we’ll be adopting Hilian time for the foreseeable future.”

As the assembled chuckled, waving and calling farewells, Ria appeared hovering in her stiff stance over the crowd of elves. “Atoning, prepare to be evaluated for your military skills and aptitudes.” she declared. It only required a few seconds, and then she spent a minute psionicly handing out training assignments in rapid-fire succession. With no further ado, she faded from sight.

Talia Translocated the three of them to the isolated beach, where the black sand glistened faintly in the moonlight and starlight. It was dark, and very quiet, with only the gentle wash of the waves on the sand, and a few faint insect sounds coming from the narrow strip of jungle between the beach and the cliff.

“I’ll build a campfire, I think.” Mark smiled.

“We’ll fetch a few amenities.” Talia giggled.

She and Sheramiv Summoned heavy blankets, cushions, a lantern, a bottle of sparkling pink wine, and three crystal stemware glasses.

Meanwhile Mark used Movement spells to gather three logs from the jumble of driftwood at the east end of the beach, to dig a firepit in the sand, to place two logs in a V between the firepit and the edge of the jungle for sitting or leaning on, and to cut and split the third into firewood. He stacked split wood in the pit, and with a playful grin, a showy wave, and a snap of his fingers, he ignited the wood with a loud whoosh by casting Flame upon it with Talia’s power.

Sheramiv spread the blankets and pillows beside the logs, while Talia poured them each a glass of wine. As they took their ease, Mark reclined on the blankets and leaned back on a log, Talia sat with her legs folded beneath her and leaned against his side, while Sheramiv sat on the log opposite with her legs stretched toward the fire, her ankles crossed.

Sheramiv opened the discussion. “Relgemit and the rest of your security force feel terrible that they failed to protect you today. He’s kept them on alert, and I imagine at this moment they’re conducting a detailed reconnoiter of the island.

Mark took a moment to Speak to Relgemit and receive his report. “Actually, at this moment some of them are doing that, but most of them are establishing positions about two hundred feet up the slope from the top of these cliffs. They can’t see us or hear us from there, but they can see all approaches to this beach by land, sea and air. Despite the many layers of mighty Wards around this entire island, he has some three hundred wizards of the Atoning casting a Battle Shield from the top of the cliffs out and down to the mouth of the cove. For practice, he says.

“At any rate, I want you to proceed with all the proposed facilities here with equal priority; the library, the university, especially the faculty of Healers, the resort, and the military academy. Borrow if you have to. You can generate some extra income by letting out the master suites at our various locations but here until further notice. And have our personal effects brought here from First Valley, then let out every suite in The Living Palace as well. Bring our stored items here as soon as there’s storage for them.

“Let every nation build an embassy here, if they wish. Better yet, just build one big complex, a Consulate of The Just Alliance, and assign space in it to the various delegations. And arrange a formal function with the Hidden Nation, where we may acknowledge their generosity.

“After all that, we’ll work on the cavalry base at Winghoof. I’d like it to serve as the faculty of cavalry of our military academy, as well as housing and supporting a garrison of fully-trained and qualified professional horse soldiers, and at least a squad of attached battle wizards who must also be qualified cavalry.

“We’ll know about using the north face of the Xervian volcano for the academy’s firing range within the hour.

“Once all of that’s paid for, we want to start building housing for those of meager financial worth. Nice housing.”

Sheramiv nodded. “Will you reserve one quarter of the suites in The Living Palace for gifting, as we’ve done at your other facilities? And how will you decide which of the needy shall be given vacations at the suites you’ve reserved for that purpose?”

“Yes on the first, and I’m not sure on the second.” Mark admitted.

“However they are chosen, we must provide them with nice clothes and things.” Talia said, thinking out loud. “The rest of our guests will be wealthy, and it won’t help the needy if they are made to feel out of place on their vacation.”

“There are many who’ve suffered from misfortune who would benefit from a nice vacation.” Sheramiv mused. “Far too many to host at the quarter of your suites you’ve allocated to the purpose. You could narrow the field to those who are both most in need of such therapeutic temporary relief from their cares, and who are also most deserving. Those who are needy and overburdened, but who have none-the-less made selfless contributions to the well-being of others.”

“You have a method for finding such stalwart persons?” Mark asked.

“I do.” Sheramiv nodded and smiled. “It would not be difficult to see to it, if I may?”

“You may, and thank you.” Mark chuckled. “Though such humble heroes may be reluctant to accept our vacations, if they have binding responsibilities or commitments. So I suppose, in order to do them any benefit, we should not only give them a vacation, but see that while they are vacationing, their jobs are still done if necessary, their dependents cared for if they don’t go along, their pets are fed and their plants are watered and anything else that needs to be done to allow our beneficiaries to truly put their minds at ease for a while. For two weeks, let’s say. So let’s do all that, if we can.”

“We can.” Sheramiv smiled, and finished her glass of wine.

“Excellent.” Mark grinned.

“Mark and I will Speak with our gold Xervian neighbor in a few minutes.” Talia revealed. “We will invite her to visit us here, and our people should be prepared for the possibility that she will come. She may invite us to Xervia, in which case we’ll let you know before we go. And of course, we would require no other accompaniment on that trip. Our hostess and the Wards of Xervia would provide ample protection. We’ll let you know what we learn.

“After that, we’ll need privacy, either here or at the cottage, until we sleep. That will probably be in about eight hours, which will be about two hours after noon here. We’ll sleep late, taking extra-long days and nights until our sleep cycle matches with the local time.”

“I’ll take my leave, then.” Sheramiv stated as she rose. “There’s much to do, and I’m eager to return to it. Let me know when you awaken, which would be about midnight, here. I’ll update you on developments and progress.”

“Thank you, First Minister Sheramiv.” Mark grinned, as he felt her gathering power.

“Thank you, my Prince and Princess.” Sheramiv smiled, bowed, and was gone in a silent flash.

“Ahhh. Alone at last.” Mark smiled; touching his wineglass to Talia’s with a tink, and giving her a gentle hug with his other arm.

“Yes. It’s wonderful, and not a moment too soon.” Talia sighed as she snuggled into his embrace. “It feels like the end of a long and difficult day, yet our day is barely half over. It seems so weird that it’s almost dawn, when my time sense still insists that it’s three hours before dusk, as it is in First Valley right now.”

“Between the curse, the attack, and everything else, a difficult day is an understatement.” Mark agreed.

“Right now, I could use a little therapy, my husband. Would you be so kind as to assist me?” she murmured.

“In anything, my beautiful, magic wife.” he chuckled.

Talia set her glass down and turned in his arms, so she could gaze into his eyes from a few inches. “Thank you. For I intend that you will relax.” She gave him a gentle, lingering kiss that fired his ardor.

“Your wish is my command, my love.” he chuckled as she began kissing her way down his jawline to his ear. “And what will you be doing, while I am relaxing?”

“I will make love to you, my Prince. Very, gently, and, affectionately, and, lovingly, for that is the therapy I need.” she murmured, giving him a little kiss between each word. Then she softly giggled, and whispered directly into his ear.

“I’m sure the world won’t begrudge us a few minutes for love. A half hour, at least.”

“Or an hour.” he eagerly agreed.



As it happened, it was ninety minutes later before they were finished with making love and swimming in the cove after, and prepared for the call. Dawn had broken forty minutes earlier, but the sheltered beach still lay deep in shadow.

They Linked, then together Spoke the name. “Grakonexikaldoron.”

Greetings. I was glad to know that you survived the attack upon you in Debivin today. Glad as well that you Speak with me now.”

We are honored to Speak with you.” Talia returned. “Would you care to visit us here?”

“Yes, thank you.” the great gold dragon rumbled as she appeared with a flash and a moderate blast of air.

“Welcome to Hilia, and to our private beach.” Mark told her as he and Talia offered polite bows. “I hope you are well?”

“I am indeed, and I count it an honor to be here. I also hope that after my visit here, you would return with me to Xervia. Tithian prophesized that you would need the mountain you were given, and though there is speculation, we will not be sure why you will need it until you go there. The answer may well be very important.”

“That’s an investigation we’ll be glad to take part in.” Mark nodded, admiring the powerful and beautiful presence of the dragon. “And speaking of Tithian, she suggested you might be able to help me with a bit of a problem.”

“I would be glad to, if I can.”

Mark outlined the possible problems and advantages of his visual sensitivity to magic.

“I can help you.” the dragon nodded. “At least with the problem of your being blinded by the flash of spells, though duplicating your ability to see magic directly will require some extensive research. Povon informed me today that you can receive complex spells, including Draconian spells, and be able to use them a short time later. I will Link with you, and show you a Draconian spell called Optical Attenuator, roughly translated. It blocks unsafe levels of energy from reaching your eyes, while allowing enough to pass for useful observation. It is used for studying the sun, lightning, and explosions, from close range. But with a bit of experimenting you should be able to adapt it to your needs quite nicely.”

The process took only a second.

“You are indeed a marvel.” she stated when it was done, and chuckled with a deep throbbing sound. “I must confess, much of my motive for asking you to speak with me was simple curiosity. You are both completely unique in my experience in many ways, so I hoped to impose on our association as neighbors for a chance to know you.”

“We’re more than glad that you did, for there’s a couple of other things we’d like to ask you about.” Mark revealed.

“I am glad to answer as I can.”

“We’re wondering if we might get permission from The Grand Council of Xervia to use the north side of our volcano there as a firing range for artillery weapons and battle magic. It would be used by the instructors and students of our military academy, as well as by ourselves, and its purpose would include the testing of dangerous new magics. And we’re hoping it wouldn’t disturb you if we do so.”

“It would not disturb me, for the area is so full of volcanic activity that it’s never truly quiet there, and it’s often quite cacophonous.” the dragon laughed. “Thus my lair is deep beneath the stone, where only soothing vibrations reach. But you must be aware that the air there is at times noxious or poisonous to your kind, due to volcanic fumes and vapors. All who go there must be protected from that danger. As for the permission, I cannot imagine it being denied to you, but you should go through proper channels by asking Somonik to present the question to The Grand Council on your behalf.”

“I see. I’ll ask him now then, since we would like to know as soon as possible.” Mark said as he closed his eyes.

“So you spoke to Povon today?” Talia asked.

“I was instructing her and Kragorram in combat skills and battle magics, until we received the call to assemble with The Fast Response Force in Debivin, after you were attacked. They are a proud young pair, and I am the most senior dragon who has time available to teach them. Since we were released from the de-briefing after the mission, they have been practicing the exercises I have set them to, and will continue to do so for another sixty-seven minutes before they are finished for the day.”

“Ah. I’m glad for them, that they gained your instruction. I know that they hoped to train under you. Or under Somonik. And I imagine they somewhat expected that he would be too busy for them, since he now manages much of the communication of The Just Alliance, and I’m sure a great deal more as well.”

“We have the permission of Xervia to use our land there for anything we want.” Mark happily announced as he closed the Link with Somonik. “And we can bring anyone there that bears the Marking of Osbald’s oath, so long as we keep their activities on our own land. I’ve already informed Sheramiv.”

“Then shall we go there now?” the dragon asked. “I will ward you from noxious fumes with a spell that removes them from your close proximity.”