Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Paranormal Journal Entry 12- Followed

Dear Journal,

I am now an adult and I’m married with my own kids and now my gift is full blown and stronger than ever. I finally feel free of whatever it was that was ailing my life and family, or so I thought. It wasn’t long before I realized that whatever was at our house last had followed me to our new house. I recollect one day moving boxes into my new house and my hubby and son and run back to our old house to bring back more boxes. I was sitting on my kitchen unpacking boxes and suddenly I get a really bad headache and I begin feeling sick. At that time, I didn’t feel anything around but something was definitely affecting me. Whatever it was hadn’t made itself known yet and once again I felt like it was keeping itself hidden from me or maybe I couldn’t see it yet. About two weeks of living in our house this entity began affecting my moods I became moodier and meaner it affects me, my husband and my kids. There is a time where it is affecting just my kids. I remember a time even before moving into our new house that my husband had been affected. One night while giving my kids a bath it wasn’t long after dinner I was in the bathroom and my husband was in the kitchen doing dishes when all of sudden, we hear the loudest bang making us all jump. My husband who was the first to alarmed to the sound asked if it was me who made the noise, I told him no. At that moment I knew what it was and this would a long road of torment and torture from the entity. It all started on the first night of living in our house and I remember lying in bed trying to sleep when in my room I hear creaking on the floor, we lived in an old house and the floors creaked when we walked on them but this was different. I could feel something in the room, my senses went crazy, I could feel it in my gut. Normally I’m not afraid of spirits, or ghosts, but evil entities such as demons, I was bit afraid. I scared to move I hear the creaking of footsteps coming closer to the bed. I only hear creaking on the floor and couldn’t see anything. This happened while everyone was sleeping in my house except me. I hear a voice call out “hi” it sounded just like my son’s voice, now this was concerning to me seeing that he was downstairs asleep and I knew it couldn’t have been him. I didn’t know what I was hearing was a ghost, spirit, or demon all I know is that I was scared. To hear a voice sounding a lot like my son was creepy and that’s when I knew it was the start of demon attacks. I was being attacked in every way. I remember one day being in the basement doing laundry and I was home alone and I had just put the laundry in the washer and I go to turn the knob to start it then all of sudden a ungodly screech comes out nowhere scaring me to my very core and the next thing I hear is flapping noises and I see something black with wings and a long a tail. This the first time in my life since seeing the devil himself seeing something demonic. I was terrified. I immediately cast it out and it was gone. It wouldn’t be the last time I see this thing and it back and it would have a friend. It was a scary moment for me as I walk up the basement steps to go back upstairs, I feel something push me hard, so hard I tripped up the stairs and hit a chair. I looked around and could see nothing but I felt something and it made me think of the entity in the attic that pushed and I began to realize something those incidents I experienced were all connected and that same unseen force that pushed out that tree when I was a child, pushed in the attic, and again now as an adult. Thing entity had been following my family and now it’s following me. This thing would try something again. Not long after that this entity was very active it stomps up and down the basement stairs, it stomps up and down upstairs and back down again. I began to notice devices in my house that would get possessed. There was a time when the first of the two demons came to visit me it was at night when everyone was sleeping and I began to fill strange I knew something was around it was causing me some serious issues, I could envision two demons with wings and they hanging around outside my window and they wanted in, then I remember my phone going off and I pick up and I see on my phone a possessed teddy bear. After I snap myself out my vision, I remember feeling dizzy and disoriented. I’ll never forget what happened, and night after night I experienced bad nightmares. It wouldn’t stop there, the next day I went to go vacuum my room upstairs and there is a window closest to the steps that lead downstairs, I was vacuuming and I remember clearly watching the blinds violently shake. I just want to say when this happened it was around spring or winter when it was too cold to open the windows. I knew something was up there with me, and I knew that the vacuum could make the blinds shake they were they being shaken. I tried to debunk that and it wasn’t the same, the air from vacuum only made the blinds shake a little bit what I saw was much more vigorous and rougher. Other things in my house became possessed as well, I had a one of those tablets from Barnes And Nobles and I was playing on it and my daughter who little at the time was home with me and that day the entity had been particularly active, my nook began to act strangely it flip out then I heard a guttural growl come out of it. I near threw the nook across the room. I said a little prayer, and then I cast out whatever was in the house that day. This thing would be back, and some day soon it would reveal itself to me. This next experience happened when my kids were older and both were in school. I was home alone and was tired because I haven’t sleeping well and I had this dream and I knew this entity had been screwing with me there been times where demons will haunt me with horrific nightmares, I don’t think this was a dream I this was a vision and what was to come. I