Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Paranormal Journal Entry 21-Visit From Grandpop

Dear Journal,

I’m deeply saddened by this entry; my grandfather had been ill and he suffered from Alzheimer’s and it wasn’t going to be long before I knew he’d pass. I hadn’t seen him in years due to my mother and her control issues and because it we lost touch over the years. It made me feel like a bad granddaughter. It was around fall time and it was around bedtime and I had this feeling like something bad was about to happen it was like I knew something but it wasn’t confirmed yet. When I feel something in my gut, I follow it because my gut is always right. The oddest feeling is knowing something before it happens and it’s strange but also nice in a way if know something you won’t have an issue dealing with it. I was about experience my first encounter with my family coming to me. It was at night and I was lying awake trying to fall asleep when I get a vision and in this is my grandfather and we’re together and we’re sitting on a park bench together and we’re talking. Now mind at this I wasn’t having a relationship with my family other than my father, due to family issues. My grandfather says this, “Make things right with your family and forgive them, after all you have one, and know that I love you and I’m here to say goodbye.” We sat just sat there together for the longest time before I watched him leave. I came out my vision and I knew that my grandfather had passed and he was coming to me to say goodbye I felt so blessed and so sad. I was happy my grandfather came to me, it’s like he knew I had a gift. That next day my aunt called me and told me my grandfather had passed, every now and again he still comes to me, he came to me recently as did my grandmother. He wanted to let me know that she was passing soon and my Grams died recently.