Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Paranormal Journal Entry 2– First Visit

First, welcome to my very first journal entry, I have been keeping a journal and documenting all my experiences. Now mind you I just want to say I was way too young when this happened to me and it was very traumatic experience for me. Dear journal, hi it’s Miriam, I was only five or six years old when I had my first paranormal experience, and at first, I didn’t even know what was going on, I was so scared and confused. In my opinion to have a gift at such a young age was so scary and I didn’t know how to deal with it or what I saw was real or if I was imagining it. I was playing in the woods like a did every day and I was in my favorite playhouse just minding my own business, sweeping the dirt; it was a quiet afternoon in the woods. I saw something out of the corner of my eye and it an apparition or real form of something and I really couldn’t tell what it was because it was far away, so I move in closer, being very cautious. I knew better than to go near whatever it was that had appeared before me, but curiosity got the best of me and I had to go investigate. I moved in closer walking closer to the apparition. This ghost or spirit wasn’t threatening or anything, but it stood there staring at me with his dead cold eyes. When I walked closer, I saw what it was, it was a man and his wolf, he was tall he was wearing some type of cape with a hood and beside him was his wolf. Out nowhere the ghost begins chasing me, I let out a shriek and run as fast as I could hear the wolf growling and snarling behind me, I could hear the crunch of the twigs and branches. I kept running I slipped as I sprinted through small stream and fell. The wolf was gaining on me, I thought for sure he got me and just then it pounced out of where knocking the wind out of me. I hit the ground hard as the breath flew out of me, it hurt, and it was hard to breathe; the wolf felt heavy on top of me it was like a pound of bricks sitting on my chest. I could its breath on my neck, its saliva dripping down its fangs onto my neck. It growled and snarled and then it raised its head and howled. The howl sent a chill down my spine giving me the willies. Then the heavy footsteps of the man came and as he got closer, he began to look more familiar to me, and then I remembered I knew him from an urban legend that has been told in a city where I lived the man and his wolf. Apparently, a beggar had been wrongfully accused of a murder he didn’t commit and was sentenced to death and the woods where I played was his woods where he lived, and he had haunted. I had seen the famous man and his wolf. I thought for a minute how cool is that. The man came closer to be he raised his weapon as if he was going to strike me with it, I fought to get the wolf off me, I took my little legs and kicked it in its stomach and it yelped and backed away, I got up as quickly as I could and I ran, I ran as fast I could out of the woods, past my favorite tire swing, up a huge hill to the safety of my house looking behind the whole way. I hurried into my house running up my steps into the safety of my room and I hid in my closet of stuffed animals and never spoke of my experience, and that was the first and last day I saw the man and his wolf.